#october art challenge



Watercolor pencils and chalk pastels on paper

I’ve wanted to draw something like this for quite a few months! I’m not used to lighting like this,but I wanted to try it!!

I made a weekly October art challenge to force myself to draw, including it below:

There. I’d be honoured if anyone else joined in, even took one of the prompts as an idea for a drawing. Following the order is not important either,I just did it for myself.

I participated in 2 inktobers before, and enjoyed them thoroughly. It was hectic but I learned a lot about drawing with ink. Now that I’ve put inktober behind me, both because of what the creator did and because,wel, I’m too busy to draw daily,I wanted to participate in something else this year. There are many many good lists by different artists,but I felt it’d be wrong to use their hashtags if I don’t do too many,and worse,if I don’t even follow the prompts (even in inktober, I’d never follow the list, I’d just do whatever I wanted). So I made mine,and.. HOPEFULLY I’ll do 5 pieces this October!

P.s. the last one is Hex, but I guess it does look like Flex too, so use whichever you want if you join in
