

From Anon:

Hey girl! Would you mind doing another Jay Halstead pr maybe Jesse Lee Soffer imagine/one shot*? Maybe being the hidden girlfriend? Thanks hun!

Words: 2147
Warnings: Kidnapping, torture, canonical violence
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Officer!Reader
A/N: This ask has two viable one shots, actually. I did this one now, but I’ll probably pick up the JLS sometime in the future. Hope you like it, hun!

Deep down, both of you knew this day would come. The day when Voight barked out to bring a uniform up for an undercover stint, and the Intelligence member brought you up. 

Jay tries to interfere and go with Adam as he goes to get one of the officers down at the lobby, but Voight quickly shuts him down, remembering him that Adam knew the suspect’s type better than Jay. His jaw clenches and his hands close into fists as Adam goes down the stairs, already knowing you are going to be the one he brings up. 

The two of you have been dating for a few months, and Jay liked having you to himself. By hiding your relationship, not only are the two of you not in the public eye for dating each other - the last thing you need is someone calling you a badge bunny and saying you’re sleeping with Jay to climb the hierarchy - but you are also out of the line of immediate danger that comes with dating a law enforcement agent, inevitably becoming a target.

At first, Jay wasn’t very keen on the idea of you: a new cop with shiny eyes and hope in the world; he knew you would be shattered by the job, and he didn’t want to watch it. But then he started warming up to you. He couldn’t pin down what you had done exactly, if it was how you refused to drop your kindness with Platt, or how you could offer an input that he hadn’t seen, or how you would charge in, gun in hand with unwavering intent when someone’s life was at risk… it was probably how you didn’t try to take pity in him or treat him like a baby when you saw him having a particularly nasty flashback that made him freeze in the middle of the locker room. You had just grabbed his hands in yours and gently coaxed him out, giving him the visual help of the “Chicago Police Department” badge on your vest - you would never know how much it meant to him. 

He had seen your determination falter over the time, but he always tried to make you get back up on the positivity horse; secretly, it kept him going too, the idea that someone could see so much good in the world and still believe in the best possible outcome. It was something rare and precious, in your line of work. 

So, when Adam comes back to the bullpen with you in tow, Jay feels like punching him. He feels like going out on a solo manhunt and face the consequences of it, if it means that you won’t be brought into this case. But he watches you walk into Voight’s office and nod after the Sergeant explains what he called you up for. He knows that you would never refuse the opportunity to help other people - that’s why you had become an officer in the first place.

He sits in his chair, resigned, as he watches you and Voight leave the office. 

“So, officer (Y/L/N) will go undercover as an immigrant that needs help getting the rest of her family inside, no matter the cost.” Voight says, pointing at the board. The pictures of 7 women are pinned in, their faces stuck in an eery, eternal smile, unknowing of the atrocities that committed against them. All they wanted was to give their families a better life.

Jay meets you in the locker room after he makes sure that no one saw the two of you entering, and crosses his arms. 

“There’s no chance I’m talking you out of this, is there?” He asks, his voice small and defeated. You turn back, already wearing your civilian clothes, and give him a reassuring smile as you lay your hands atop his forearms. 

“I’m a good cop, and this will be over quickly.” You say, lightly rubbing his arms. “It has to be done, they can’t keep killing these women.”

“What if something happens?” He asks, his brows furrowed - you don’t quite grasp the seriousness and danger of this, and it worries him deeply. “It’s more dangerous than you think.”

“Jay… I’ve been a cop in Chicago for a while. A beat cop. I’m cussed at and thrown things at for existing. There, I’m going to be a girl that they’re going to underestimate. The only way this can go wrong is if they figure out I’m a cop, and that’s a risk every undercover takes, and that you have also taken several times.” You grab his face. “It’s going to be ok.”


Unintentionally, you had jinxed yourself in your conversation with Jay. Not in a thousand years would you have thought that the measly drug dealer you arrested a couple weeks ago would be involved with a human trafficking ring, and when he saw you, you knew it was over. He shouted to everyone how you were a “pig”, how you were there to arrest them all. You had stood your ground, unwavering, claiming you had never seen him before in your life and had no idea what he was blabbering about, but no one bought it. They ganged up on you and you knew that resistance was futile and would only hurt you further.

And now, 3 days later, here you are. Bruised, bloody, sweaty, laying on the cement floor of an abandoned warehouse somewhere by the river, in between torture sessions. The big boss doesn’t know who you work for - all he knows is that you’re with law enforcement. He’s too paranoid and knows that CPD isn’t the only one after him, and even though he knows you’re CPD, he has no idea if you’re working directly for them or if you’ve been “scouted” by a bigger agency. 

Your mind rarely leaves your memories of Jay, trying to isolate and disassociate yourself from the prodding metal and angry fists connecting with the several different parts of your body. A small part of you hangs on to hope that Jay and the rest of Intelligence are coming for you, but the bigger part tells you that they either won’t make it in time, or that they think you’re already dead. 

The footsteps in the hallway drag you out of your thoughts and you raise bloodshot eyes to glare at the grunt in front of you. He hastily pulls you up by one arm and drags you into another room, different from the one you had been beaten in. There’s a hook hanging from the ceiling, but there’s also a chair and some blades arranged neatly by the chair. The thing that jumps at you is the camera standing in the corner of the room, hooked to a computer, and aimed at the hook and chair. The grunt stands with you by the door as the boss walks into the room, walking with his usual swagger towards the camera.

“Since I don’t know who my little toy is working for, here’s what is going on: to whom it may concern, this bitch is at my mercy, and either her employer comes forward, or I’m going to kill her.” He says darkly as the grunt drags you into further inside, near the hook. 

You put on your best brave face as he hangs you in the hook by the bindings on your wrists. Your shoulders scream at you but you refuse to show pain. The boss sits on the chair next to you and the grunt leaves, making it just the two of you in the room. He grabs a small, yet sharp blade from the assortment and turns to you, smirking darkly. 

“So, I’ll ask you again. Who are you working for?" 

"Your mom.” You spit at him, biting your tongue to not cry out when the blade cuts across the skin in your stomach.


The mug in Jay’s hand hits the floor the second he sees the screen of his computer taken over by a video of a dark, grimy room, with you hanging from a hook and a slimy-looking guy in a suit passing around you with a large blade in hand. 

He knew to fear something bad when they stopped getting the daily debriefs from you, but part of him had been influenced by you into thinking it was the best-case scenario: maybe you had gone deep to the point of not being able to contact them, but were about to resurface with enough evidence to nail every single interferent in the trafficking ring. He feels his heart sink to his stomach and his legs threaten to give out as his gaze fixates on the screen. Your face is bloody and bruised, along with the rest of your body, but your expression is one of stubbornness; whatever the guy is asking of you, you’re not complying. 

“This would all be over much quicker if you told me who you’re working for.” The guy snarks, and your expression remains unchanging.

“We both know you’re going to kill me either way, just get it over with. Besides, I already told you I’m working for your mom.” His fist connects with your ribs and you give out a pained chuckle. Jay’s fists close up as anger begins to boil and cloud his head. “Or maybe for Brutus over there. Maybe you’re his Ceasar, and he’s waiting for the right chance to stab you in the back thirty times. Now seems like a good time, Brutus.”

Voight bolts out of his office, vest on one hand, and a post-it note on the other. 

“A contact of mine got me an address. Let’s role.” He barks out sternly. Jay bolts out behind him and the whole team gets in the armory, putting on their vests and grabbing their choice of weapon before getting into the cars and driving towards the address Voight’s contact had given him. 

Jay checks his three guns yet again: one Glock 19 in his hip holster, one Glock 17 in his thigh holster, and an AK-47 in his hand. He knows every moment from breach is going to count, and the longer they take to get to you, the worse the outcome can be. 

The car comes to a stop and he turns off the security in the AK, rolling his shoulders as he steps out of the car and stealths towards one of the entrances. He peeks through a window, seeing two grunts. He gestures what he saw towards the rest of the team and prepares for breach, kicking in the door when Voight says so. 

He feels the adrenaline coursing through his veins and doesn’t stop until he’s passed the guarded area. The hallways are silent and he strains his ears, trying to pick up something, anything that will guide him to you. 

In the room, you’re still dangling from the ceiling when the loud noises snap the guy from yet another monologue about how it would be easier for you to just give up and blah blah blah. Honestly, you had started to tune out the moment he opened his mouth, already knowing some variation of what was about to leave his lips.

“Go check out whatever that was!” He barks at the grunt, making you focus on the door as the other man exits through it. Before you realize what’s happening, a shot rings out and the grunt falls back into the room, making the boss jump in fright. You see Jay slowly stepping over the body, AK steadily trained on the suited guy standing by your legs. 

“If you move another inch, I’m blowing your brains out.” Jay growls out as the other man tries to reach for the gun on the chair. “My finger is feeling very, very trigger-happy, and I just need you to give me a reason to give it what it wants.”

You feel tears prickling at your eyes, both of joy and of pent up frustration and fear, flinching when you see the man moving towards his gun and Jay delivering a clean shot to his chest, dropping him to the floor instantly. 

The AK hits the floor with a clatter before Jay rushes to you, unhooking you and lowering you to the floor before wrapping you in a bear hug. You feel yourself starting to sob as you hide your face on his neck, relishing in the feeling of being wrapped by Jay and his scent surrounding you. 

“I would die happy if I died like this.” You mutter into his neck, feeling him chuckle as he pulls away.

“You’re not dying anytime soon, I’ll waltz in and save you every time.” Jay says, retrieving his AK and slinging it over his chest before he picks you up. “Let’s get you home, yeah?”

“Sounds good to me.”
