#official egg event


An idea

Ok so I have an idea to take down Zeus! I have this poisonous blowfish serum… if it’s mixed with something Zeus is allergic to, it could be enough to weaken him… any ideas what else we could put in it?

Alright me and the boys are ready to search for survivors from the terrible thing my ex-father did… dropping that egg and making mortals sick, and gods lose their power… it’s disgusting. Anyways, is anyone else wanting to help? Does anyone need help?

Alright Zeusy, you wanna play dirty? We’ll play dirty… (he calls all of the other villains in the villain club)

so you’re probably all wondering what I’ve gathered you here for … well as you all know, my Beloved Brother has dropped an egg on all of the officialverse.. now mortals are getting sick and dropping like flies, and there’s no doubt in my mind one of his reasons for doing it is because of how angry he is at me having a serious relationship with a human.. so I believe it’s my duty to gather the villain club. We all need to start finding weapons right away and rally against him. My fire isn’t doing any damage to anyone now, and I’m pissed off about it, but I brought this gun and I WILL use it.

My suggestion is that we all work together (he makes a gagging sound) and find enough weapons to take this bitch down
