#official spongeman


Attention officialverse and other roleplayers

There is a user who has been making antisemetic, racist remarks and trying to pass them as jokes for a while now. He is severely inappropriate and any amount of criticism towards what he is saying has not changed his ways. I recommend that you block and report @borat-/official (without the /) and I recommend that you don’t interact with him, as he has been harassing many members of our community despite the fact that they made it clear we do not want to interact with him. He has found out one of our members main blogs and harassed them on there as well. Remember, report, block, and move around the clock. Try not to interact with this fucking sicko

An idea

Ok so I have an idea to take down Zeus! I have this poisonous blowfish serum… if it’s mixed with something Zeus is allergic to, it could be enough to weaken him… any ideas what else we could put in it?

Hey have any of you seen this? I nees it to bring spongebob back. I have the rest!

Hey have any of you seen this? I nees it to bring spongebob back. I have the rest!

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