#ofmd memes



i saw the blank version of this picture so i decided to add my own flair


saw this and IMMEDIATELY thought of them

My big 6 from our_stars_mean_death on IG

Oh my God, it’s me.


Fun OFMD rewatch activity: replacing the word ‘captain’ with any variation of 'dad’ or 'father’

idk idk i just wanted to draw this (based on the cosplay)

I made these memes to summarize ep4 “Discomfort in a Married State” of ofmd to my sister, thought they were worth sharing (Spoilers)

If you were wondering what it was like to be alive during the week between episode 8 and episode 9/10 airing, it was basically just this for 168 hours straight in a dissociative frenzied fog

the adhd arrogance of having pulled it all off at the very last second, when you have in reality fucked the entire thing up
