





Not all witches get along. 
Some witches, for reasons all their own, will attack other witches. 
Sometimes it’s for power play, sometimes it’s for self defense, and sometimes it’s just immaturity (though the latter is the least worrisome). 
For whatever reason it is started, it can become a problem. Fighting another witch isn’t something that’s normally taught anymore, but it’s a topic that needs to be discussed because it happens. 
When I first began, I couldn’t find any information about witch fights, other than petty gossip. I knew better than to think witches wouldn’t fight one another with magic.
Your technique will change depending if you’re on offense or defense, but I’ll give a basic layout of approaches. 
The first thing is to neutralize whatever the witch is attacking with. If it’s a spell, break it. If it’s a familiar or a spirit, trap it. You need to get rid of the problem, but try to be discreet about it. Don’t alert them to the fact that it’s broken. 
Then, you need some revved up wards. Spike it with red ochre (good substitute for blood, for the more squeamish). Use iron and silver. Hang mirror shards in a nearby tree. Hide charms that will break or return spells sent at you. Remember that some witches play very dirty. Keep wards on the things you love. Put protection on things you don’t want them touching. 
Set up spells that will trick and confuse them. Put a glamour on your front door so that it looks like an endless, winding tunnel. Enchant your whole property to be, for all intents and purposes, invisible to those who have ill intent towards you (try burying some compact mirrors). Make dolls of yourself that their attacks will find and be absorbed by. 
Maybe you want to retaliate, or maybe you’re the one starting the fight (or finishing it). If you’re attacking, you need to render the other witch vulnerable to your attacks. Throw away the whole ‘bind their magic’ crap, because if you’re dealing with a strong witch, it either won’t work or snap like cheap cord.
What do they work with? The dead? Perfect, send spells filled with garlic and angelica root. If they work with water, send fiery spells their way. If they’ve got all of their bases covered, you’ll need to find another method. Be creative. Maybe they aren’t very perceptive to the subtler things around them. Send your spirit out to infiltrate their space and plant spectral hexes. 
If you’re dealing the blows, make sure not to make yourself too vulnerable to your enemy. Don’t send your spirit out only to trip alarms and get yourself stuck. Be subtle about everything. Sometimes flashy is good, but only when you’re trying to spook someone. If you’re both skilled witches fighting one another, you need to be sneaky. 

As a general rule, I would advise you to stay away from witch fights. Don’t start magical fights if you don’t have to. You might send a hex to the wrong person and they could turn around and witch slap you to the ground. 

Don’t start fights for no reason, but here’s advice from someone who’s had way too much experience:

Target weaknesses, like my friend here has mentioned.
Don’t be afraid to play dirty. This is witchcraft, not sparring.
Scare them. Fear is the best thing to attack with. If you’re dealing with a fearless witch, scare people around them.
Emotions power spells real well.
Have a lot of small blasts spread out to conceal a huge one. Aka send small hexes and jinxes their way to make sure their alarms are tripped and their defenses are weakened, then cast huge heavy spell, then more small ones.
Your protections need to be T I G H T. No, tighter than what you’re thinking right now.
Layers are important.
Don’t rely on deities or spirits. Like don’t.
Learn everything you can about them and turn their allies against them.

All of this ^
And one more addition. 
If you’re up against a coven of witches, you need to turn them against one another. Send a hex to one of them, but make it look like a coven mate did it. Give them nightmares of each other. Give them visions. 

I too learned all of this from too much experience. 
Witch sparring can be fun. 
But witch fights, the real and dirty kind, are a mess for everyone involved. 

I’ve luckily never had to go up against an actual strong coven, but I’ve dealt with small groups of witches before and let me tell you. Turning them against each other and watching them going on a witch hunt is the funniest thing I’ve experienced.
I’m glad the whole aggresive streak on Tumblr’s gone down though. I remember when I first joined everyone was throwing curses at everyone (tarot drama omfg) but now most people seem to simply throw petty insults haha
