

This spell is to be done in a solitary setting but during synchronized times with magical practitioners and witches around the world. The intention of this spell is to offer protection, healing, and security in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. This is meant to be a simple candle spell ritual so that people of all traditions can feel comfortable performing this in a safe and private setting.

I would recommend reading and reviewing the following sources. 

Important Note

This spell is not meant to be a replacement for healthy lifestyle choices, impeccable hygienic practices, or professional medical attention. Follow trustworthy guidelines put forward by the CDC and the WHO. Currently, many people are practicing social distancing, which means they are staying home as much as possible and avoiding close interaction with large groups of people. Please be mindful to take care of yourself and your household. We are in difficult times and we need to look out for each other – this spell can help spiritually – but if you are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 please seek professional medical attention. Magic cannot make up for those not following the basic expectations of safety for yourself and others.

Synchronizing Timing Is Tricky

Finding a time that is inclusive the world-round can be a tricky thing to do. That in mind, I am going to suggest two times to do this to try this spell. If you can commit for one of these times, great. If you can commit to doing the ritual twice, for both of these times, fantastic. Or, if there is a different time best suited for you, then that’s fine too. The first time I suggest doing this is at the exact time of the upcoming Equinox where you are – simply begin your ritual at the time of the Equinox, which you can calculate at this site. This will be in the late evening on March 19th for folks in the US, the afternoon on March 20th for folks in Australia, and the wee hours of the morning on March 20th for folks in the UK. If this is too tricky a time to do a ritual, I would also recommend starting this on Sunday, 12pm UTC, when for many the sun is strong or rising.

Preparing for Ritual

Have a space that you can perform this in that is comfortable, clean, clear of clutter, and private. Prepare for your ritual as you would for any other – whether that’s with a purification bath or anointing oil, setting up an altar, burning incense, meditating, lighting candles, and/or creating a crystal grid: do what is appropriate for you to create a safe space to perform magic in. 

What You Will Need

You must have three candles and a piece – I recommend using spell candles if you have them. If you don’t have these exact items use modifications in their place: votive candles, homemade candles, birthday candles, etc.! The goal is to use what you have available.

  • 1 White Candle
  • 1 Blue Candle

  • 1 Green Candle

  • An anointing, blessing oil, or a blend you use for candle magic. For this spell I am using a blend of eucalyptus, rosemary, cedarwood, lavender, and frankincense – recipe to follow.

  • Candle holders for each candle

  • Something small to carve into the candles with (like a toothpick or safety pin – be careful!)

  • A piece of paper (letter size or larger) with a picture or drawing of Earth on it

  • A pen (I’d recommend using a gold ink, if you don’t have this use your favorite pen).

Opening the Ritual

Begin your ritual with the practices your tradition calls for, whether that is ringing a bell, taking deep breaths (very important right now), singing a song for protection and empowerment, calling your Ancestors, building a crystal grid to work within (I recommend jade, aventurine, larimar, green or blue calcite) , calling specific Gods and Goddesses you work with, calling the Watchtowers, and/or casting a circle. 

Part 1: Crafting Protection

In this part you are going to work with your white candle. Carve the word “PROTECT” into the candle or symbols that represent healing to you. Anoint the candle with your oil. You may also dress it with protective herbs. Hold the candle in your hands and breathe deeply and slowly, envisioning the candle glowing white. As you breathe in and out envision the light growing to encapsulate you, then your house, then your town, your country, and the planet. Hold in your mind’s eye the visual of a white light protective shield. Feel it creating a boundary between yourself and the virus. Open your eyes, light the candle, and say the following:

“I light this candle to protect those from harm. I see white light blocking Covid-19 from those I know, from those I love, from those I do not know, from those around the world. White light surrounds those who are vulnerable to illness, white light surrounds those who are concerned about becoming ill, and white light surrounds all of in need of protection from this virus! I am protected, together we are protected, so mote it be!”

Part 2: Crafting Healing

In this part you are going to work with your blue candle. Carve the word “HEAL” into the candle, or symbols that represent healing to you. Anoint the candle with your oil. You may also dress it with healing herbs. Hold the candle in your hands and breathe deeply and slowly, envisioning the candle glowing blue. As you breathe in and out envision the light growing to encapsulate you, then your house, then your town, your country, and the planet. Hold in your mind’s eye the visual of a blue light healing energy. Feel it creating a soothing and healing energy through your body. Open your eyes, light the candle, and say the following:

“I light this candle to heal those who are ill. I see blue light filling surround those who are sick, those who are battling Covid-19. Blue light surrounds those who are in need of healing energy. Blue light surrounds those who need to boost their immunity. Blue light surrounds all of those who desire peace of mind and a healthy body. And, blue light surrounds our planet Earth, which needs healing during these times as well. Blue light offers us soothing comfort and healing to prevail. I am healed, together we are healed, so mote it be!” 

Part 3: Crafting Security

In this part you are going to work with your green candle. Carve the word “SECURITY” into the candle, or symbols that represent security (financial, or otherwise) to you. Anoint the candle with oil. You may also dress it with herbs of prosperity and/or the element of earth. Hold the candle in your hands and breathe deeply and slowly, envisioning the candle glowing green. As you breathe in and out envision the light growing to encapsulate you, then your house, then your town, your country, and the planet. Hold in your mind’s eye the visual of a green security blanket. Feel it grounding you, rooting you into planet earth where you dwell in balance and harmony. Open your eyes, light the candle, and say the following: 

“I light this candle to offer security to communities who are in need during these troubled times. I see green light growing around those whose jobs were impacted and need financial support, around those who must continue to work in public, to those who are anxious about insurance coverage. Green light surrounds those who in the medical and service industries. Green light surrounds those who need financial prosperity. Green light surrounds all of those who need to feel comfort and security. I am secure, together we are secure, so mote it be!”

Part 4: Completing with a blessing

Take your piece of paper with Earth drawn on it. Using your pen, write well wishes, intentions for healing, personal needs, or expressions of gratitude to others. You can use the Immunity Sigil or enchant with others symbols that are important to you to protect against Covid-19, heal those suffering from Covid-19, and support those who are in need due to Covid-19. Or, you can write the words “Protected! Healed! Secured!” repeatedly. 

When you are done working with this paper, fold it trifold style (like a letter) twice. If you’d like to seal the paper it closed, pour a very small amount of wax on to the second-to-last fold. Fold the final flap over it. Tuck it somewhere important – whether it be on your altar, under healing crystals, or near your candles. If you are performing this outdoors by a bonfire or by your hearth you can cast it into the hearth.

Announce the following: “Even though there is distance between us I send you all blessings of protection, health, and security. Please accept this as a petition for global peace and healing. So mote it be!”


During your closing, take a moment to think about those you are grateful for. Look at your candles and thank those you are grateful for. Close your ritual as your tradition calls, whether this be with clapping, laughing, singing, meditation, deep breaths, opening the circle, bidding the Watchtowers/Gods/Goddesses/Ancestors farewell and thank you, or so on. Allow the candles to burn down on their own, ensuring they are in a safe space!

A special thank you:

Thank you to Tonya Brown, writer and editor of Witch Way Magazine, for reading this.

The photograph is creative commons, but from photographer David Boca

And, thank you to all of those who plan on doing this spell.

Written by Kiki Dombrowski, March 17, 2020

discreet & fast ways to enchant things

don’t forget to do it with intention in mind

- lightly tapping with your fingertips (positive, overall warm intention)

- stroking lovingly and gently (calming, relaxing, putting to sleep. works good when enchanting things for my loved one)

- breath hot air on it (activating my crystals and sigils this way, as if breathing life into them)

- shake it in your fist (energizing, bravery&bravado, filling with strength and power)

- throw it like you hate it (not so discreet, but works fast for negative intention, cursing the item)

- hum to it (intention depends on the song/tune)

to cleanse off intention:

- gently breath cold air on it (cleansing my crystals this way, as if blowing dust off of them)

Burn Away the Sadness Spell

Burn Away the Sadness Spell

This is a quick little spell for releasing sadness. Witchcraft is of course not a replacement for medical professionals of any sort. Seek help if you need it.
I dreamed up this spell in as I was trying to fall asleep one night. For this spell you will need:

an envelope
something to write with
basic energy work skills
a match or lighter, and a safe space to have open flames…

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Visual Spells

Visual Spells: put your spell on display without anyone being any the wiser

This post was inspired by a comment from Kiki on a mutual witchy discord about using vision boards as spells.

Vision boards, for those of you unfamiliar, are generally a physical collection of items representing your goal, usually tacked onto a cork board (magnets on a whiteboard or anything similar would work as well). For example, if you were doing a vision board about getting your dream…

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Bead Dangle Spells

Happy New Year everyone! Here for a quick spell idea. This isn’t open to everyone as not everyone has these supplies lying around, but I think it is still worth sharing. For this kind of spell you will need some jewerly supplies:

HeadpinBeads of your choiceRound nose pliersWire cutters or strong scissorsJumpring

You can pick beads based on the correspondences of its material or color, or…

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Not all witches get along. 
Some witches, for reasons all their own, will attack other witches. 
Sometimes it’s for power play, sometimes it’s for self defense, and sometimes it’s just immaturity (though the latter is the least worrisome). 
For whatever reason it is started, it can become a problem. Fighting another witch isn’t something that’s normally taught anymore, but it’s a topic that needs to be discussed because it happens. 
When I first began, I couldn’t find any information about witch fights, other than petty gossip. I knew better than to think witches wouldn’t fight one another with magic.
Your technique will change depending if you’re on offense or defense, but I’ll give a basic layout of approaches. 
The first thing is to neutralize whatever the witch is attacking with. If it’s a spell, break it. If it’s a familiar or a spirit, trap it. You need to get rid of the problem, but try to be discreet about it. Don’t alert them to the fact that it’s broken. 
Then, you need some revved up wards. Spike it with red ochre (good substitute for blood, for the more squeamish). Use iron and silver. Hang mirror shards in a nearby tree. Hide charms that will break or return spells sent at you. Remember that some witches play very dirty. Keep wards on the things you love. Put protection on things you don’t want them touching. 
Set up spells that will trick and confuse them. Put a glamour on your front door so that it looks like an endless, winding tunnel. Enchant your whole property to be, for all intents and purposes, invisible to those who have ill intent towards you (try burying some compact mirrors). Make dolls of yourself that their attacks will find and be absorbed by. 
Maybe you want to retaliate, or maybe you’re the one starting the fight (or finishing it). If you’re attacking, you need to render the other witch vulnerable to your attacks. Throw away the whole ‘bind their magic’ crap, because if you’re dealing with a strong witch, it either won’t work or snap like cheap cord.
What do they work with? The dead? Perfect, send spells filled with garlic and angelica root. If they work with water, send fiery spells their way. If they’ve got all of their bases covered, you’ll need to find another method. Be creative. Maybe they aren’t very perceptive to the subtler things around them. Send your spirit out to infiltrate their space and plant spectral hexes. 
If you’re dealing the blows, make sure not to make yourself too vulnerable to your enemy. Don’t send your spirit out only to trip alarms and get yourself stuck. Be subtle about everything. Sometimes flashy is good, but only when you’re trying to spook someone. If you’re both skilled witches fighting one another, you need to be sneaky. 

As a general rule, I would advise you to stay away from witch fights. Don’t start magical fights if you don’t have to. You might send a hex to the wrong person and they could turn around and witch slap you to the ground. 

Don’t start fights for no reason, but here’s advice from someone who’s had way too much experience:

Target weaknesses, like my friend here has mentioned.
Don’t be afraid to play dirty. This is witchcraft, not sparring.
Scare them. Fear is the best thing to attack with. If you’re dealing with a fearless witch, scare people around them.
Emotions power spells real well.
Have a lot of small blasts spread out to conceal a huge one. Aka send small hexes and jinxes their way to make sure their alarms are tripped and their defenses are weakened, then cast huge heavy spell, then more small ones.
Your protections need to be T I G H T. No, tighter than what you’re thinking right now.
Layers are important.
Don’t rely on deities or spirits. Like don’t.
Learn everything you can about them and turn their allies against them.

All of this ^
And one more addition. 
If you’re up against a coven of witches, you need to turn them against one another. Send a hex to one of them, but make it look like a coven mate did it. Give them nightmares of each other. Give them visions. 

I too learned all of this from too much experience. 
Witch sparring can be fun. 
But witch fights, the real and dirty kind, are a mess for everyone involved. 

I’ve luckily never had to go up against an actual strong coven, but I’ve dealt with small groups of witches before and let me tell you. Turning them against each other and watching them going on a witch hunt is the funniest thing I’ve experienced.
I’m glad the whole aggresive streak on Tumblr’s gone down though. I remember when I first joined everyone was throwing curses at everyone (tarot drama omfg) but now most people seem to simply throw petty insults haha

mariathearcane:Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane:Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane:Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/


Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For Protection
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

What are some simple things that you do that you think would help another witch?

My list of daily or easy practices requires little to no prep-work

•Use a protection plant ally like a witch’s burr, cloves, thorns, motherwort, black pepper, garlic, or onion. Close your eyes and place your plant ally in your hands. Ask the spirit of the plant if they will offer you protection to see you through the day. Carry it with you.

•Alternatively, you can also use crystals. My go to combo is black tourmaline and red jasper!

•Use a protection archetype tarot card like the Nine of Wands. Nine of Wands, for myself, symbolizes boundaries and protection when it comes to our growth/life path. Place it on your altar with intention since it is a portal to our intentions, our guides, and the liminal, or carry on your person.

•Smoke cleanse the thresholds in your home, yourself, and your loved ones. I personally like rosemary and lavender for this purpose.

•As you leave an offering for your guides/ancestors/deities during your daily conversation with them ask them for their help when it comes to protection.

•Write the word protection or a symbol of protection on a black candle with intention and light.

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Spells shouldn’t be stolen either

Lately I’ve been seeing a lot of spells that are posted that aren’t original, and aren’t credited. Just like artwork shouldn’t be stolen, spells are the product of time and energy put into something and we shouldn’t steal them and repost them under the guise of passing them off as original. Even if you found the spell on a site like SoM, you can always link the original page.

 Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/? Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/? Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For ProtectionSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?

Simple Everyday Things You Can Do For Protection
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en
I had to delete my old tumblr of the same name, give me an add if you were previously following me :]

What are some simple things that you do that you think would help another witch?

My list of daily or easy practices requires little to no prep-work

•Use a protection plant ally like a witch’s burr, cloves, thorns, motherwort, black pepper, garlic, or onion. Close your eyes and place your plant ally in your hands. Ask the spirit of the plant if they will offer you protection to see you through the day. Carry it with you.

•Alternatively, you can also use crystals. My go to combo is black tourmaline and red jasper!

•Use a protection archetype tarot card like the Nine of Wands. Nine of Wands, for myself, symbolizes boundaries and protection when it comes to our growth/life path. Place it on your altar with intention since it is a portal to our intentions, our guides, and the liminal, or carry on your person.

•Smoke cleanse the thresholds in your home, yourself, and your loved ones. I personally like rosemary and lavender for this purpose.

•As you leave an offering for your guides/ancestors/deities during your daily conversation with them ask them for their help when it comes to protection.

•Write the word protection or a symbol of protection on a black candle with intention and light.

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 Full Moon Beauty WaterSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=enYou can either make t Full Moon Beauty WaterSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=enYou can either make t

Full Moon Beauty Water
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

You can either make this during the full moon and leave it out to catch some of the full moon rays or use the full moon water you have in your fridge on a Friday!

•A jar or bottle
•Tablespoon of dried red petals
•Tablespoon of dried jasmine
•Tablespoon of dried yarrow
•small pinch of catnip
•Small pinch of saffron
•Extra credit: A dried pink or white orchid flower
•Full moon water or water depending on when you make this

Add each ingredient with intention as you add it to your vessel. Envisioning or thinking about your inner beauty shining through to the surface.

Feel free to strain with a cheesecloth after 24-48 hours.

Add a little to shampoos, conditioners, body lotion, etc, and apply directly.

If you like to full moon bathe, apply some the next full moon bathe ritual to further enhance its properties and longevity when applied!

As always, this is how I personally do things, which may be different for you and that is a-okay! Everyone’s practice can and should be different!

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 How We Develop Magickal Plant CorrespondencesSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=

How We Develop Magickal Plant Correspondences
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

It is so easy to look up correspondences now in days and find keywords given from others, but where do they even come from? Do you find yourself using correspondences that you hardly understand or you just add spellwork ingredients willy nilly despite them not resonating with you in the slightest?

In order to connect with the materials you are using, I recommend looking them up before spellwork. Not just their keywords. It will help you understand the herb and connect with its unique spirit on a personal level.

Correspondences come from a few different things
•How they grow
•Historial aspects, magickally or otherwise
•How they involve your senses (taste, touch, smell, sound, and looks)
•How they have been used for healing, health, poison, etc
•Their color
•Most importantly, your experiences with the plant

Deck - Seed & Sickle - @liminal_11&@rosdottir

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 A Few Floral CorrespondencesSource | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=enWhat is your fa

A Few Floral Correspondences
Source | https://www.instagram.com/mariathearcane/?hl=en

What is your favorite flower to do spellwork with?

Spring is right around the corner so all sorts of flowers will be blooming soon, which means it will be a terrific time to add some floral inspiration to your spellwork! I thought I’d share a *few* of my favorite spellwork flowers and *some* of their magickal correspondences.

Blue cornflower - Divination & Creativity
Orchid - Beauty & Saucy Magick
Dahlias - Dignity & Innerself Revealer
Passionflower - Sweetness & Attraction
Babies breath - Communication & Familial Love
Wisteria - Antiblockage & Magick
Red roses - Protection to Thrive & Beauty
Honeysuckle - Happy Home & Sweetness
Dandelion Seed Flowers - Wishes & Expansion
Lavender - Calmness & Magick

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Group spell time!

Edit: make sure to put up qards cause theres always counter spells

my mom is an icu nurse and she has told me horror stories of people you didnt tell their doctors about their herbal uses, especially with ginger and they end up bleeding out during surgery. ALWAYS tell your doctors if you have used herbs in the past 2 weeks!

Child Protection Spell

This spell is meant to be a charm made by a guardian for a child but you can make it for whoever you want to be protecting


  • Sea salt
  • Ground egg shells
  • A tooth from the person you are trying to protect (ex. Baby teeth or wisdom teeth)
  • Black and white candle wax
  • A small bottle (preferably one that can be put on a necklace)

Mix the seasalt and eggshells together and fill the bottle up half way for protection and to ward off evil

Place the tooth on top for protection directed spefically at the owner of the tooth

Fill the rest of the bottle with white wax

Close the bottle and seal it with black wax for protection and to ward off evil

Meditate with the bottle in your hand to any divine you want to call help from or to attract energy if you dont follow a deity

Charge the bottle under a waning gibbous moon, one of the energies of this moon is of nurturing others

Have the target wear the necklace or just place the bottle in their room to bring protection to them
