#oh my gosh he’s so queute



Just so you know,

Lucy Pevensie is canonically gay.



She is not gentle. She is angry, she is rage, she is the storm itself.

But she is valiant standing alone, when people say her family is survived by her alone.

She is not gentle. She is screaming, she is crying, she is a mess.

But she wants justice and doesn’t feel as though losing her family is just.

She is not gentle. She is falling, she is sinking, she is alone.

But she is magnificent as she carries on and does her family proud.


Did you ever know, dear, how much you took away with you when you left? You have stripped me even of my past, even of the things we never shared.

C. S. Lewis, A Grief Observed


peter pevensie is not boring! his narrative arc, especially in the books, is ridiculously painful and complex, and covers some very poignant ground on identity loss/mythologisation! not only did c.s. lewis tend to avoid addressing material that was too mature or dark for his readers (thus leaving us with only vague sentiments about how peter “felt tired all over” or didn’t look like himself after committing violent acts), but peter himself doesn’t tend to share his thoughts until he’s ready to act (see: his bullet-point list about why the ruins in pc must be cair paravel); so he can superficially appear to fade into the background. it’s not obvious until you look a little closer - but you’re doing a disservice to your narnia experience in writing him off as boring!


i don’t think i’m ever getting over edmund’s arc in the vodt film. slapping “high king” onto edmund’s title and making him antagonistic towards caspian solely because he’s “tired of playing second fiddle” and believes he deserves his own chance to rule is such a shame and so unbelievably reductive to his character, particularly since his arc during the lion, the witch, and the wardrobe partially involved coming to the realisation that his worth - particularly within the context of the pevensies’ reign - does not necessitate being exactly like/‘better’ than peter. 

i also have similar issues with lucy telling gael that when she grows up, “you should be just like you” in an attempt to signify that she’s at the end of her jealousy arc concerning susan - and then not ten minutes later, she picks up susan’s bow and arrows. i don’t hate the fact that they inserted a battle scene into the climax of the movie, but i do wish the film had adhered itself more loyally to the idea that lucy and edmund carry their own assets with them into narnia; assets that susan and peter did not necessarily have, which is why they all needed to reign during the golden age.


can I just say I’m obsessed with the use of crossbows in prince caspian (2008) LIKE when his uncle and 20 other men all fire them at little ben barnes’ bed???? just assassinates my nephew by machinegunning his fucking bed with him in it. I am very intelligent. ALSO condolences to the bloke who gets a crossbow bolt snipe in the face as mythical once and future battle strategist Edmund Pevensie gallops past him at 40mph in the body of a 14 year old private school boy.


Fast studies from The Chronicles of Narnia. Like battle scenes!
