#the white witch

jackiedroujko:Narnia Reimagined! My newest portfolio project. You can check out my updated portfoliojackiedroujko:Narnia Reimagined! My newest portfolio project. You can check out my updated portfoliojackiedroujko:Narnia Reimagined! My newest portfolio project. You can check out my updated portfoliojackiedroujko:Narnia Reimagined! My newest portfolio project. You can check out my updated portfoliojackiedroujko:Narnia Reimagined! My newest portfolio project. You can check out my updated portfolio


Narnia Reimagined! My newest portfolio project. You can check out my updated portfolio on my website

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The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe Tibetan Cover, artist unknownArtwork found here.

The Lion The Witch And The Wardrobe Tibetan Cover, artist unknown

Artwork found here.

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You know, I think we get caught up in the enchanted Turkish delight thing a little too much when it comes to the movies not explicitly telling us the candy was enchanted. Yes, it would have added more to the story so that casual viewers could be more sympathetic to Edmund, but I personally like that it wasn’t stated it was an enchantment.

The White Witch manipulated a child to do her bidding. The entirety of that scene where she first meets Edmund, she’s trying to “take care of” him by wrapping him up in her coat, she’s giving him a warm drink and some sweets, she’s trying to show him that she’s “on his side” by saying that he deserves to be king and not his older brother. She’s doing everything to make him warm up to her and feel accepted by her while also trying to edge in him doing her bidding. If he does what she wants him to do, she’ll give him a kingdom, as many sweets as he wants, and a sense of superiority over his siblings. That’s Edmund being a kid. No matter what time period, any child would love that. Jadis knows what he wants and she’s going to give it to him for a price, but Edmund is a kid so he doesn’t really comprehend what the price actually would mean for him and his siblings — and the rest of Narnia tbh. At his age, kids are just barely understanding life and death, you can’t expect him to understand the consequences that would come from his actions (in this situation).

Anyways, point is: Edmund was a child and the White Witch was an adult (I mean, she’s ancient but we’re going to call her an adult for the sake of my explanation) and she manipulated him. It’s not about the enchantment, it’s not about sweets being rationed in England during WWII, etc etc. He’s a child and she’s an adult and she took advantage of how young he is and how little he still understands.
