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Greenpurpleredblue doesn’t support incest guys please let this die I’m literally begging you

Yeah. They moved on from Eddsworld content, and they said it wasn’t because of recent events, but I’m afraid of when they just out right avoid Eddsworld because of the toxicity of the people they make their Eddsworld content for.

This happened with many fandoms I’ve been in, and nobody tried speaking about it like a normal human being.

Exactly. Everyone always assumes the worst in people. They don’t even take a moment to think “maybe I’m interpreting this wrong” or “maybe I should ask the op what they meant”. It immediately goes to “this person is horrible and should be banned”. This is why people leave; this is why people stop enjoying certain things. And, most of the time, they’re usually innocent.

Yeah. I can also see greenpurpleredblue’s perspective on this when they answred the asks. All my life I have only been told what is good and what is bad without reasoning, and that really leaves you in the dark. You don’t know what is bad or good until you truly know why.

They said they would change their mind.

You just gotta give em a chance and explain it to them.

And they never got a chance! As soon as they even questioned why incest without sexual relations is bad, people immediately started pointing figures, accusations flying out before anyone could even think.

And then people decided to play the association game where anyone that tries to defend GPRB is just as bad as them. No one can have civil discussions, and no one listens to opposing sides. It’s fucking chaos in the worst way possible, since someone almost always suffers.

I usually don’t talk about this stuff, cuz this blog is for myself to have fun and not drama or whatever, but I want to say that I’m appalled by the treatment Greenpurpleredblue has had to deal with. They don’t support incest. You know what they posted? They posted something, asking for people to explain to them why it was wrong, because they don’t understand. They were genuinely confused. They wanted an answer besides “it’s taboo”.

And you know what happened?

People said they supported incest, because they asked a question. And that’s fucked up!!! Especially as somebody (myself) who’s mental state isn’t the best, and I don’t see the world in black and white terms (which is normal for most people, but i mean that mine is kind of extreme). So I ask questions a lot, because I don’t always understand right from wrong. I want to learn, damn it. I don’t understand things that apparently are “common sense” to everybody else. And when I do ask, I get made fun of. Just for asking a question. And the same is happening here. Greenpurpleredblue just asked a damn question, a genuine fucking question, and everybody screamed “oh my god they support incest!!”

That’s terrible.

I’m not asking you to like them or their art, I’m not asking you to be the one to tell them (politely) why irl incest is bad, I’m not here to preach some message about fiction v. reality because honestly? I don’t care. You’re allowed to hold whatever opinion you want.

What I am asking, however, is that you be more understanding. At the very least, don’t spread lies or harass people. But if you can, try to understand somebody’s opinion from all angles. And in this case—recgonize it was a question, not a statement, and realize that every human has a different mental process and different upbringing or cultural influence that can greatly effect their opinion or outlook on life. Just be kind to each other, it’s 2020.
