#older husband


Your good husbands don’t like leaving you alone, so when they have to travel for shows and such, they always make sure to train a new puppy to keep you company.

He use to be daddy when you were little but you moved away from that as you got older. You thought you didn’t need a daddy anymore. That changed once he discovered weightlifting. Now you have Daddy.

Part of being a good husband means that he trains your new puppy of a boy in everything he needs to know to please and pleasure you. Every detail is important, from the size of his pecs and biceps, to the color of his underwear on any given day. The good husband needs to instill in the puppy boy that he is there for your pleasure and if you’re not happy, then he needs to fix that. If that means taking off the underwear, then off they come.


Your Good Husband has hit more than 14.5K followers. As he wants to provide you all that you desire in terms of your good husbands, he wants to know what you want to see more of? differently? 

Longer stories?

More POC?

more explicit?

Different Kinks?

Thank you all for your support.

Your Good Husband 
