#first kill netflix


A sapphic vampire show with angst and slowburn, created by V.E Schwab coming out during the fruity month??????

Elinor’s lips are dripping blood on Apollo’s throat. Her nails scrape against his arms. Against the spread of her ribs, he presses the tip of his stake.

She smiles.

Under the silvered tip, her skin burns. Under her kiss, he freezes.

“Are you going to kill me, sweet thing?” Her teeth fit themselves around the pulse of his throat, and with a squelch, the stake breaks skin. “Do you know how?”

A staked vampire bursts into flames and turns to ash in his bare hands. A moth dies by the same flame that pulls it, desperate for things it cannot touch. The sun sits low in the sky and in the spilling of her hair. It almost looks red, like this, dripping blood and sunlight.

He pulls on it, until she looks at him, smiling still, her lipstick smeared. Softly, he drives the stake in deeper. Elinor doesn’t flinch.

“I will find a way”, he says into her laughter. “If it takes all my life.”

She has dimples. Her eyes crinkle when she smiles. Her chest rises with every breath she takes. Her blood runs warm over his fingers. When she kisses him, her hands tremble.

“You have less time than I do”, she says. “Better move quickly, hunter.”

Isn’t it funny, says the Theseus that is still alive in Apollo’s mind, that you are Apollon, the hunter? Where is your Artemis, bare and unafraid? Haven’t you always been, truly, a twin-less brother, looking for your mirror?

He drives the stake deeper into Oliver’s twin. When he feels it hitting her spine, he twists it. Slowly, like he was taught.

Elinor laughs. She wraps her legs around his hips. Her heels clatter to the floor, one after the other, and her skirt rides up. Her hair gathers against the wall, and her neck is bare. Apollo doesn’t reach for her.

He doesn’t.

“It’s time enough for me, darling”, he says. “Decades, Elinor.”

Her hair is silk under his fingers, a soft, cool thing that drapes itself, carelessly, around his palms. When he kisses her, she sighs. Her lips move under his, and her teeth drag against his tongue. She drapes her trembling hands around his throat.

And Apollo pulls out the stake. She sags against the wall, gasping into his mouth, her claws curling, her teeth razor-edge sharp and – Apollo, hunter that he is, pushes the stake back in.

Elinor moans. Her blood floods the little bathroom until the cream carpet is soaked so full that it looks red. Soon, it will be brown, and hard. Apollo’s hand is dripping into the wound on her stomach, his muscles pulled taut against his bones. He doesn’t move it.

He cannot.

“Sweet thing”, says Elinor, staked. “What makes you think that will ever be enough?”, asks Elinor, bleeding. She doesn’t burn. She doesn’t scream.

Apollo kisses her. She tastes of iron, and of blood, and when her hands drop onto his shoulders, he holds her against the wall until she draws that last breath.

Until she draws the first, sun-kissed.

thismission: this show is fucking incrediblethismission: this show is fucking incrediblethismission: this show is fucking incrediblethismission: this show is fucking incrediblethismission: this show is fucking incredible


this show is fucking incredible

Post link

elinor from first kill and erica from my babysitters a vampire would have been best friends


Sums me up rn


“First Kill is bad” to YOU. It was actually made for ME personally though so shut up. Sorry you can’t appreciate a pining lesbian vampire with a gay best friend that’s ride or die, a lesbian monster hunter with a neon aesthetic and a relationship with her ex, milfs, a complete lack of homophobia, monster hunting, shitty cgi, and cliche romantic tropes queer people never get to enjoy, but me? Well I can because I have TASTE

im begging y'all plz tell me what has you cringing so hard at first kill i consider myself judgemental when it comes to the writing of tv and film but what am i missing that y'all think is worth trashing on our scarce sapphic rep

Genuinely shocked that y'all suddenly care so much about non-Marvel-grade special effects even tho the characters have chemistry, the acting is cute, and the writing isn’t awkward

ah yes it is a happy pride month indeed


I just finished the first episode and both of the girls are totally well written and three dimensional. I love the color scheme, there’s a ton of fun music, and they’ve been doing a great job of not over-introducing a ton of characters and making us guess if they are relevant or not.

It also includes the first non awkward singing in the car scene I’ve ever seen??? Like I didn’t know it could be done but it’s been done by this show

Please watch this show I literally think it’s so fun and cool

Yo where them Tess Franklin gifs at???

BIPEDAL WEREWOLVES. Sorry I just really love when werecreatures are bipedal. Now I want to see how Oliver and Carmen’s plan to wreak havoc goes. He managed to maneuver everything into his favor. Elinor’s stuck in prison so she can’t get in his way. His parents are stuck dealing with the Council so no matter what happens they can’t really do anything. And now he has Theo as a vamp on his side. Now he just needs to get Juliette on his side which shouldn’t be hard after what Elinor did.

Damn that angst. It really had those two end on an enemies note but because Salim Akil directed I saw it coming. Then momma Talia pulled the most mom move ever and I’m hype. Ngl I did not see Oliver coming, but he made the most sense. I’m sure the Fairmonts are being watched by the Guild and the town so they couldn’t be of any help anyway.

*Sees directed by Salim Akil*

Me: Ah shit here we go

I should’ve figured Jules was the one who turned him

Yo did the whole family just really throw Elinor under the bus to save their asses?! WOW

That was smooth Oliver!
