#ollie yells into the void



Who let Speedy run around like that? The kid badly needed another ginger in his life to tell him that he chose the worst possible shades of both red and yellow, which are the worst possible colors for a redhead to wear to begin with.

And Wally doesn’t count, if anything, its Roy’s fault Wally dressed Like That.

Who let Speedy run around like that? The kid badly needed another ginger in his life to tell him that he chose the worst possible shades of both red and yellow, which are the worst possible colors for a redhead to wear to begin with.

I’m gonna go buy a new mug. “World’s best dad” is getting old

My sister and I have friendship labels that we made with her label maker. They say “the amy 2 ur rosa” and “the rosa 2 ur amy.”

You wish you were us.

I think that not enough people sing dumb songs at the top of they lungs on rollercoasters and that’s a shame

If I hear my mom say, “oh, I forgot to season this roast before I put it in the pot, so you might want to grab some salt,” ONE MORE TIME, she will lose kitchen privileges. I dont care that this is her house.

Jason Todd has Clint Barton energy and I’ll prove it

Y'all, since I first came out, I have identified as bi, ace, aro, pan, and nb. Aka some of the most sidelined labels in the queer community.

But I never actuallyfelt like an outsider until I started identifying as gender fluid. There is no gender fluid representation. None. Nor any anger for that lack of representation I have only been here just over a week and I already feel it. During Pride month, too.

I’m not writing this because I have a solution to propose. Besides “do better,” I got nothing. But remember your gender fluid friends, guys. See and accept them.
