

I’m beyond honored to be interviewed on my favorite podcast, Ologies.

Ologies is the creation of science educator and sassy brain-queen, Alie Ward. If you’re not already a fan, you need to get this in your ears now! Just subscribe in your preferred podcast app! Or check out this LINK

I’m talking Penguinology, Plumology, Fearology and basically any other cool science subject you want to hear. Check out @ologies and @alieward

Podcasts are an incredible way to define your voice and own your creativity. Alie Ward shares her journey and how Ologies gives her a platform to share her unique voice.

Our full chat is available anywhere you get podcasts or bit.ly/LWYLep53!

Alie explains the difference between west coast and east coast podcasts, and where Ologies falls. Also sandwiches and farting.

Listen to our whole chat anywhere you get podcasts or bit.ly/LWYLep53!

I freaking love podcasts. I love them. I subscribe to way too many to keep up with, I’m always on the lookout for new ones, and in January 2020, I got back into podcasting myself after 10 years focusing on historical fiction. Did I mention I love podcasts?

Here’s the cool thing: this week’s guest hosts one of my very favorite podcasts!

Alie Ward is an Emmy Award-winning science communicator. She’s a writer, producer, and correspondent on too many dang shows to list (but I will, in the show notes!) But her passion project is her comedic science show Ologies, named one of Time Magazine’s top 50 podcasts!

It was so fun to geek out with Alie about podcasting. In this episode, we talk releasing perfectionism; west coast vs east coast podcasts; strategic Chardonnay at an Emmy Awards after party; why failure isn’t to be feared; finding your authentic voice; and so much more.

Listen anywhere you get podcasts, or https://bit.ly/LWYLep53

“Opposumology” and “underappreciated” combined! This little one is about to enjoy a jam-filled lemon

“Opposumology” and “underappreciated” combined! This little one is about to enjoy a jam-filled lemon poppy seed scone. (#ifyouknowyouknow)

Opposums are this strange mix of weird and cute, but they have reason to be appreciated as well! They are North America’s only marsupial, have prehensile tails and opposeable toe thumbs to help them climb. Opposums help keep tick populations down. They are immune to rabies, and also some snake bites because they eat snakes for breakfast! Valuable research for antivenoms is being done because of this.

Definitely just had fun on this one, while attempting to shift towards a different technique.

#gouache #illustration #paint #art #sketch #creation #nature #sciartober2021 #sciartober #drawlogies #drawlogies2021 #opposum #opposumology #scone #ologies #ologiesart #inktober #underappreciated #paint #marsupial

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