#omaha au meme


Hey so I’ve been getting a lot of requests lately (which I love btw) and I just wanted to say that it will take me a while to do them because as much as I want to give speedy updates, I don’t want the quality to go down. So I promise I’ll get to everything!! It might just take a while because there are so many. AND if I haven’t answered your request. Just know that I saw it, read it, and added it to my to do list.
I read everything you guys send me. And I’m trying really hard to fulfill all of them.

AGAIN. Please don’t confuse a no response, for a not gonna happen. I’m going to get to it. I would actually like to start answering your request with a link so you’ll know exactly when I finish it

Thank ya! Xx

Newest addition to my Prismacolor pencil creation collection.
I just made a Twitter acNewest addition to my Prismacolor pencil creation collection.
I just made a Twitter ac

Newest addition to my Prismacolor pencil creation collection.
I just made a Twitter account if you lovely people wanna follow @imahjan 
Please give credit, I worked really hard on this.

Post link