

The aztecs had a genderfluid god and I will not shut up about it

My show at Art Bug Gallery opens in a few days!

In this exhibit you will be able to see my original painting of Ometeotl, which metaphorically represents the Mesoamerican creator divinity. Ometeotl, Dual Lord and Lady, are everything that exists. They are creator and creation, painter and painting, mother/father and son/daughter. They are all which we understand as reality, placed in time and space.In this painting the main Teteo appear intertwined to represent that They are all but faces of Ometeotl, and to remind us that all life is connected through Their love and generosity.

Don’t miss the last day of my show in LA!

Closing and goodbye tomorrow at 4pm!

Ometeotl, Dual Divinity, is Lord and Lady of Existence. They are composed of Ometecuhtli, Dual Lord, and Omecihuatl, Dual Lady, and Their spirit dwells within all creatures. This is why everything that exists contains a feminine and a masculine part, cold and warm, nocturnal and diurnal, wet and dry. Ometeotl is an entity so complex that They can only be represented metaphorically in the shape of a turquoise board.

My original painting of Ometeotl is on display at the Art Bug Gallery. Saturday is the last day to visit my show!
