#one can dream



Also Raine and Eda coming to the same conclusion about the same time that no matter how much they want to. They can’t protect the people they want by keeping them out of it directly anyway.

Was a good writing choice


my ultimate fantasy is having a brain that lets me enjoy being alive


♡ may 2022 favorites

sorry this is late irl has been busy busy as usual - may felt so so long but also how is it already june i haven’t really had time to take a breath and deeply appreciate everything that’s been coming out but for sure my reading list has gotten so much longer and my eyes have been blessed with such beautiful art from all of the amazing recs and fests going on and i am just so grateful for this fandom !!

sendingextra ♡ to @phd-mama for her #may we life each other upseries,@thebooktopus for her May Flowers Rec Lists,@sitp-recs for their #hidden gems rec lists, @celila-reblogs and all the participants for all the amazing @lcdrarryworks coming out !! thank you thank you ♡


Talk Sense to a Fool, and He Calls you Foolishby@written-in-ash

Another Greek God AU, woohoo!
Written for @drarrymicrofic prompt: Fool

Microfic: Friendsby@drarrily-we-row-along

400 words written for the @drarrymicrofic prompt: friends.

Teeth (2020, Explicit, 5.9k) by @amelior8or

Potter’s been practically begging for it, for months, constantly staring until the air crackles with the intensity of it. Draco always stares back, until all it takes is a brush, a spark, before they go up like flash paper. The crash into each other is inevitable.

Draco’s heart has got teeth. And there is nothing he won’t do to keep up the fight with Harry fucking P

golden rim, slightly chippedby@rockingrobin69

Dear Anon, these are weird times, and your message meant so much to me that I somehow managed to delete it. I have no idea how to thank you other than reposting this - 700 words, extending on today’s domaystic drabble, very much for you. sorry love you sorry THANK YOU

Sweden | A Midsummer Night’s Dream (2020, E, 5.5k) by @drarrelie

With the war finally over, you’d think Harry would finally be granted that “normal life” he’s always dreamt about. Finally free from the Dursleys, from that nose-less megalomaniac, from Horcruxes, Hollows, Death Eaters, Dementors, Prophecies… you’d think that he, for the first time in his life, would be allowed to be just a normal teenager. You’d think he’d deserve that much, right?

But then you haven’t considered Luna Lovegood. Luna, who has the most whimsical ideas that no one ever takes seriously. Luna, who apparently has Swedish heritage and knows about some strange Summer Solstice ritual that she wants to perform. Luna, who’s so sweet and kind that you can’t help but humour her when she offers you some distraction from your post-war confus

Harry knows he should’ve known better, knows he shouldn’t have let her persuade him to go through with it. But he did.

And now, Harry’s life will probably never be normal again.

Scotland | I’m Terrified, But the Truth is This… (2020, T, 7.3k) by @jessica-doom

Okay, so…Draco Malfoy has a thing for Harry Potter. Honestly, how could he not?

When Harry invites him to be his “date” to his friends’ wedding, Draco goes all-in on a soul-bearing display of his real feelings for the man. Once it becomes obvious that he misinterpreted Harry’s intentions, Draco begins to feel like all hope has been lost on his Chosen One ever returning those feelings. Through the magic of the Summer Solstice (and perhaps a bit too much wine), he finally finds the courage to take his s

Decadent (E, 50 words) & Good (E, 350 words) by @tenthousandyearsx

Mirrored Dreams (2017, M, 4.5k) by @fleetofshippyships

Harry and Draco are back at Hogwarts for a reunion when they stumble across a very familiar mirror.

Day 260: Chainby@drarrily-we-row-along

The Slytherin Urn (2015, E, 4.6k) by @icmezzo

Nothing turns Harry on quite like redemption.

In Flight (2022, Gen, 4.8k) by Jen_814

“I could murder you,” Draco said conversationally, “I could willingly slit your throat about now, you know that right?”

“You’ve been threatening to murder me for years,” reflected Harry. “Bit of an all talk, no trousers kind of a situation, isn’t it?”

After some accidental magic (not completely Harry’s fault), Harry & Draco are stuck together, thirteen hours in the past.

The High Priestessby@onbeinganangel (part of their Tarot Card Drabbles)

content: draco/harry, first person pov, legilimency, love confessions, idiots to lovers

What’s New, Buenos Aires? (2013, E, 9.3k) by @kedavranox

Draco and Harry are in the Portkey business! Hijinks ensue, Draco has a few panic attacks, Harry is seriously fit, and somehow they’re stranded in Argentina.

There’s A Thunder Inside My Heart (It’s A Wonderful Pleasure) (2019, E, 9.8k) by @serenecalamity

Draco loves what he and Harry have.


Written for @drarrymicrofic with the prompt “fervour”.

Rated M for mention of sex.


memento moriby@swymsuyt

HP au where Draco starts to spend Christmas holidays at the Burrow and just loves Molly’s jumpers!by@oh-no-i-did-it

Harry Potter & Draco Malfoyby@arbutus-blossoms

Eighth year, maybe? What are they talking about? by@cuckooboo

drarry kissby@darylsleftboob

it’s a harry~~&Faster, Paddy!by@luendland


House Tour: YOUR SAVIOUR LIVES LIKE THIS?!?!by@pontah

Harry & Draco portraitsby@havdd-art

Muggle Date ✨by@snarkyships-drarryside commissioned by @kantanruru

Snow Smooch ❄️by@melcarrianna

the boys are shocked at their own daring (aaand it was probably an Excellent Kiss, let’s be real)by@skarhead

the golden trio.by@tae-rhr

suds fest videoby@bluebutter-art

p.s. happy pride !!!



Someone take his phone from him

had a casual identity crisis so this is my avatar/sona now, obsessed with their design (even though

had a casual identity crisis so this is my avatar/sona now, obsessed with their design (even though it took me like 10 hours to draw omg;;,)

(detail shots under the cut

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