#op ur so right



what she says: i’m fine

what she means: when parker tells eliot, “i’m scared you’ll move on from all this and i can’t do this without you,” it’s a direct parallel to the, “can you hear me, alec? i need you” scene in the grave danger job ep of the og show. that parker can express this to eliot without the pressure of a life-or-death situation is an enormous testament to her growth over the past offscreen decade, and the line also thematically establishes eliot as a part of parker’s life who is just as important as her current romantic partner. we thought these three people had sorted their shit a decade ago, but what we’re actually watching unfold is the slow coalescing of this found family, as eliot realizes he doesn’t want to deprive himself of good things and parker realizes she feels upset and threatened by eliot’s relationship without understanding why. parker’s jealousy is ALSO new and seems to have taken her by surprise, which means that as eliot is realizing he’s been repressing his desires, parker herself is realizing she has wants and needs that she’s never quite quantified before. add to all this the absolute fucking hilarity of eliot’s Viscerally Disturbed reaction to being called parker’s brother, and you have two people who are transparently in love but not quite far enough in their character arcs to be able to acknowledge it. hardison’s absence has made both eliot and parker way crazier to both their benefit and detriment. he needs to come home but all three of them are in fucking love and every arc choice happening here is amazing holy god i can’t believe i get to watch this i’m losing my fucking mind


romance peaked when parker was stressed on the queen’s gambit job and hardison started humming for her


the fact that most of you guys don’t even know about misty quigley makes me want to fall to floor she’s literally every tumblr girl who says she wants to study boys like a bug and put them in a pringles can and shake it she thinks she’s in pretty little liars having a sexy student/teacher forbidden romance except he’s gay and just straight up does not like her. she’s the reason everyone in the group got high and tried to do human sacrifices and cannibalism and then when everyone got pissed at her for it she got everyone mad at jackie directly leading to her brutal death. she does not seem to feel even a little bit bad about any of those things except for when it affects her social standing. she’s a killer and a girlboss but far more than either of those things she is well and truly a pathetic loser with a pet bird and no friends. she snorted coke so natalie couldn’t relapse which she only knew was gonna happen because she installed hidden cameras in natalie’s house. she now thinks she’s in a f/f buddy cop comedy when she’s literally in a horror-mystery-thriller. she destroyed the group’s one chance at getting rescued just because she was useful at helping severe injuries and survival strategies and therefore became well-liked. she seems really really chill about the whole cannibalism thing but WILL judge you for smoking cigarettes. and she wears crocs. she is one of the greatest characters of all time


one thing i never get tired of in songs is when they include some sounds from the recording booth like a laugh at the end, a ‘was that good?’ or like, the sounds of the guitar being put down, a chair creaking. it’s nice how music can be used as an escape but also something that ties you right back down to earth. it will affect you so deeply & then ur like wow… you just played that. it’s grounding & magical & just one of my fave things ever!





“chancellor palpatine, sith lords are our speciality.” funniest fucking line in star wars history. obi-wan, who has never killed a sith and knows he has never killed a sith, talking about himself and a guy who is going to become a sith lord within half a week, and speaking directly to the sith lord who is going to make that guy a sith lord, with FULL fucking confidence: “sith lords are our speciality.” he says this to palpatine’s face. to his face. to darth sidious’ face. in the most condescending fucking voice. completely unaware that he is speaking directly to the sith lord, to THE sith lord, who before the week is out is going to directly fuck over his entire life’s work and everything he loves and believes in: “sith lords are our speciality.” could you be any more cringefail. actually palpatine deserved his whole victory for not bursting into laughter then and there

i cannot emphasise enough that there is exactly sixty secondsbetween him saying this and him getting knocked fully unconscious. by a sith lord.
