#opinion poll


Opinion poll: should I remove the AOS tag from my fics?

Since I’m already in the process of overhauling my ao3 works–

We all know my fics are written about the TOS characters/timeline/universe. I’ve long tried to maintain ambiguity (e.g. not mentioning Kirk’s hazel eyes) for AOS fans on several of my stories that I wanted to think/pretend could be read as either universe/cast, but… there are still details that differ between the 2 universes and will always distinguish them from one another whether I intend to make a distinction or not. I use “sickbay,” “synthesizers,” and “landing parties” instead of “medbay,” “replicators,” and “away teams.” I never refer to New Vulcan or a second Spock. I almost never have Kirk cursing, and he is Not Blond in my fics (I usually describe his hair as brown with auburn highlights because that occasional tendency of it to look almost red in certain scenes on the show has always been weirdly important/meaningful to me as a redhead ).

All that said, am I just part of the larger problem of incorrect tagging now? (i.e. trying to keep potential readership as wide as possible but thus refusing to acknowledge that dialogue alone is usually enough to make TOS irreconcilably different from AOS, among other things) Especially now that, to say nothing of the disparities between TOS and AOS, we also have Str@nge New Worlds and Disc0very involving their own actors and versions of Kirk, Spock, McCoy, et al (and their own new f*cking-around with canon, from what I hear not bashing or shaming, I’m just old and set in my ways), I’ve lately been feeling that perhaps I should just bite the bullet and admit to everybody who Might be a potential reader that no, my work really probably isn’t interchangeable with AOS (or any of the other new series) and is just TOS-specific.

As much as I don’t want to alienate folks who are okay with both timelines, I admit it would feel more honest and it would certainly look “cleaner” to have all my fics be uniform. And how many readers would I even be sacrificing anyway? Anyone who gets into anything I’ve written can likely very easily tell within the first few paragraphs that I’m biased toward TOS anyway, and if that’s not their cup of tea I assume they just turn back.

Any thoughts out there?
