#oracle art


“The Breath of Life” from the Spirit Child Collection

↑ Meditation, Rest, Peace, Inner Harmony, Mindfulness
❂ Obatala, The Hermit, Temperance
↓  Chaos, Stress, Tension, Isolation, Withdrawal

The Breath of Life travels through dreamscapes and peacefully guides our inner voice to a place of calm and rest. They use their fans as conduits of inhaling, exhaling, filtering, and literally giving yourself life. The Breath of Life beckons us to pause and invite moments of ease through an act as natural as breathing.

Explore and shop this piece and more from The Spirit Child Collection

“The Opening” from The Spirit Child Collection

↑ Acceptance, Shadow Work, Clarity

❂ Eleggua, Eshu, Ekwensu, The Devil (from the RSW Tarot)

↓ Winding Roads, Triggers, Fear

The Opening is an avatar of the inner child coexisting amongst darkness. Despite our traumas and deeply routed wounds, we have the power to sit on top of the winding roads of chaos. We hold the key to the gateways, even when the contents behind that door are filled with terror and fear. The Opening beckons us to confront our fears and our shadows, and to remember that the darkness is where we go to rest and where we start to grow like seeds. In spite of all of this, peace and contentment can still stabilize and have dominion over these scary places.

Explore and shop this piece and more from The Spirit Child Collection

The Spirit Child is the avatar of new beginnings. They are relentless in their need to explore, imagine, and play.  I am keeping that same energy as I start this new chapter of Oracle & Tarot inspired paintings! The first collection is live on www.odera.net where we have prints, postcards, and originals available!! Thanks so much for the support y’all

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