#orginal drawing


Cowgirl oc Cowgirl oc Cowgirl oc Cowgirl oc Cowgirl oc Cowgirl oc Cowgirl oc Cowgirl oc

Um anyways… yes another oc, though I don’t really have a story for her or any placement so she’s just gonna be my precious eye candy to practice more dynamic poses + cowboy outfits

Personality?? VERY COCKY‼️ but underneath that cocky persona she really is a caring person <3 she’s pretty straightforward and extroverted, though her boldness could probably scare some ppl away-

Smaller details: Shes blind from her left eye, along with that she has a little bit of a lazy eye. She has 6 freckles, 3 underneath both eyes. 5’6 and finally- A THICK SOUTHERN ACCENT <3

she’s also so very ✨

If you know what I mean

Michabo is my oc of a original native God. A Creator God. Below are my original sketches of him

@fullycakedup-brownie@half-baked-biscuit @ineedbackgroundmusicinmylife @aizawaondrugs @her-majesty-kiara @bluecookies02 @blueshadow0716 @uraraka-ochakos-blog @morelikebaku-no @vixenpen@skyskyskyart

Okay so, this is my new but old Oc’s quirk/power. I’m still figuring out his redesign look
