#orginal post


This is Layla she’s my new OC.

Her motto is “an eye for an eye plus a bit more”

She doesn’t take fuck ups lightly and revenge is what she lives for.

@aizawaondrugs @alehaynes @half-baked-biscuit @crwispy-chimken @uraraka-ochakos-blog @her-majesty-kiara @bluecookies02-main @bluecookies02 @blueshadow0716 @skyskyskyart @ineedbackgroundmusicinmylife @vixenpen @heyitswhiplash

Better design of Min’s his quirk Damon. If you noticed Mins eyes are a lava like color but when Damon is in control it’s black. Damon is Mins forever inner thought quirk, meaning Min is a two in one beaning, he carries both him and his quirk that has almost free will.

@aizawaondrugs @alehaynes @half-baked-biscuit @crwispy-chimken @uraraka-ochakos-blog @her-majesty-kiara @bluecookies02-main @bluecookies02 @blueshadow0716 @skyskyskyart @ineedbackgroundmusicinmylife @vixenpen @heyitswhiplash

Please don’t forget to like, follow, reblog, and comment what you think, it honestly helps small artists like me to be noticed more.

Okay so, this is my new but old Oc’s quirk/power. I’m still figuring out his redesign look

I don’t know why I draw Min naked a lot but I think it’s because his definition of free is different than other who think differently than him. Nudity to him is something he isn’t embarrassed about cause it’s not his focus of what he wants in life. Idk I suck at explaining but I think you get the point.


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