

I don’t know why I draw Min naked a lot but I think it’s because his definition of free is different than other who think differently than him. Nudity to him is something he isn’t embarrassed about cause it’s not his focus of what he wants in life. Idk I suck at explaining but I think you get the point.


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                                             Sit downandENJOY the show.
                                   Watch as all of my regrets forge me into steel.
                                           Watch as my heart goes up in smoke.
                   Watch as I step into the flames andemerge as a demon of hell fire.
                                Then REMEMBERyou’re the onewhotold me to burn.


                            I don’t know how to love the way you want me to.
                                                      I’m too greedy.
                                   I want everything you have and more.

                            I don’t know how to love the way I’m supposed to.
                                                        I’m too selfish.
                                      I want every last drop of your soul.

                              I don’t know how to love the way you need me to.
                                                        I’m too conceited.
                              I want your whole world to revolve around me.

                           I don’t know how to love the way I’m desperate to.
                                                        I’m too broken.
                                         I want you to survive our love.

                              I’m too weak to tear down my own walls.

                  I don’t know how to love any other way than to take it all. 
