#origin of everything


Here’s our collaboration with Origin of Everythingand12tone on the history of God Save the Queen and My Country Tis of Thee, what makes music sound anthemic, and what happens when you translate a song. Give it a look and check out their channels, too! ^_^

We’ve got a big week this week for the Ling Space! Today, we’ve got a collaboration episode we did with the fantastic history channel The Origin of Everything and the fascinating music theory channel 12tone. It’s on the history of God Save the Queen and My Country ‘Tis of Thee and anthems; we talk about song translations and how they work. We’re really excited to share it!

Then tomorrow, we’ll be posting our new video on the semantics of conditionals. If you’ve been wanting to understand how we deal with what-ifs, then this is the video for you! Tomorrow afternoon - we’re looking forward to it. ^_^
