#original tarot spread


Since yesterday was my birthday, I wanted to do something I hadn’t done in awhile, and give myself a tarot reading. I’ve spent so much time giving other people readings the past couple of months, I had never given myself any time to do it for myself. I know there are A LOT of different spreads out there, but I wanted to make my own, so here’s what I came up with! Let me know if any of ya’ll use it and if you find it to be helpful!

P.S: This is the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West, and the illustrations are a little different than traditional RWS, though heavily inspired by it. Just for reference, in this deck; Pumpkins=Pentacles, Bats=Swords, Imps=Wands, and Ghosts=Cups.


1: A lesson you learned this past year
2: Something to let go of from this past year
3: Goals for this year
4: Upcoming challenges this year
5: A message from your guide
6: A message from your future self
7: Over-all message

1: A lesson you’ve learned this past year

Adulting is way, way harder than I could have ever expected. The past year has been a complete roller-coaster of events for me; getting fired from a managerial position at work, going to a new job, starting a second job, my sister/roommate moving out unexpectedly, and of course… Covid-19. I have not taken care of my mental health at all. The world turned out to be way harder and scarier than I expected, and I completely shut down.

2: Something to let go of from the past year

It’s time to for me to stop looking in the past; stop having regrets and think about all the things I should’ve done and all the mistakes I’ve made. They happened, there’s nothing I can do to change them now, and I will move on from them. I also need to stop being afraid to rely on others to help me; it’s okay to admit you need help.

3: Goals for this year

Not to sound cliche, but I think that this year of my life is the time that I’m going to make all my dreams come true; I’m ready to turn my goals into accomplishments. Even though the past year of my life was rough and stressful and scary, The Chariot is going to help drive me the exact opposite direction; towards everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish.

4: Challenges for this year

Even though I’m going to accomplish all my goals this year, it of course won’t be without some hardships. Even though the 6 of Cups (ghosts, in this deck) is typically a very positive card, I have a feeling that it is signifying that I will struggle to be caught up in social and familial obligations. Stay loyal to myself, or to my family? Help out struggling friends, or turn away if it means putting my mental health first?

5: A message from your guides

The owl has always been my spirit guide/personal omen, and last night as I was driving home from work, I actually saw 3 owls (they’re somewhat common where I live, but certainly not “3 in one night” common). To me, this card (and the owls!) are a clear and obvious sign to trust the goddess, and have patience for all that she has in store for me, as I have been feeling extremely close to her recently. I feel like this is also a sign that I need to trust in myself more, and know that I hold the power within myself.

6: A message from your future self

If myself one year from now could tell me something, she would say this; you will have a feeling of abundance, security, and happiness in your life, but be aware of what’s going on behind the scenes; some people will just try to use you; be careful, and don’t get too comfortable.

7: Over-all message

Abundance, manifestation, energy, power; anything and everything is yours to take.
