#wiccan community


Being a solitary Wiccan (in study!) can be really difficult sometimes, but today I realized that celebrating holidays alone is maybe the hardest part, especially since my religion is secret to almost everyone I know, especially my family.

No holiday meals together, no harvest parties and celebrations, no coven meetings or special celebrations; just me. But I do what I can to make the holiday special, I prepared a nice Lughnasadh dinner and left offerings for the Horned Hod, and told him I hoped it would give him strength before his death in the upcoming months.

Nothing fancy, just developing my relationship with deity; do what you can!


Monday, August 3, 15:59 UT - Full Moon, 11:46 Aquarius

Wednesday, August 5, 03:32 UT - transiting Mercury enters Leo

Friday, August 7, 01:07 UT - Leo Cross-Quarter Day

Friday, August 7, 14:06 UT - Disseminating Moon, 0:31 Aries

Friday, August 6, 15:21 UT - transiting Venus enters Cancer

Tuesday, August 11, 11:14 UT - transiting Vesta enters Leo

Tuesday, August 11, 16:45 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 19:28 Taurus

Thursday, August 13, 01:00 UT - Venus’ greatest western elongation, 5:03 Cancer

Saturday, August 15, 14:25 UT - transiting Uranus stations retrograde, 10:41 Taurus

Saturday, August 15, 14:47 UT - Balsamic Moon, 8:13 Cancer

Wednesday, August 19, 02:42 UT - New Moon, 26:35 Leo

Thursday, August 20, 01:30 UT - transiting Mercury enters Virgo

Saturday, August 22, 09:12 UT - Crescent Moon, 14:44 Libra

Saturday, August 22, 15:45 UT - transiting Sun enters Virgo

Monday, August 24, 10:00 UT - transiting Juno exits retrograde zone, 21:39 Libra

Tuesday, August 25, 17:58 UT - First Quarter Moon, 2:59 Sagittarius

Saturday, August 29, 08:46 UT - Gibbous Moon, 21:28 Capricorn

Much to my surprise, the longest void of course Moon lasts “only” 12 hours or so. Small favors.

August is the month during which Mars makes most of its initial squares to retrograde Capricorn placements (Jupiter, Pluto, Saturn), as well as its initial conjunction to Eris Rx/Aries. Stress levels will be high. Find a way to physically work off the tension, in a safe and healthy manner. (Ms M’s standby is cleaning the bathroom.)

Compounding that (at least to a Gemini) is that there’ll be no air planets, except for Juno/Libra and occasionally the Moon, between August 7 and September 5. Almost always those translate as “stagnation.”

Update on the snails! Ovid and Euripides are doing pretty well… I switched up their enclosure a bit because I figured they were getting bored and needed a more engaging atmosphere.

So far I’ve figured out that their favorite foods are romaine lettuce, green beans, and spinach. They really don’t seem to be big fans of fruit though ‍♀️ I tried giving them tomato and strawberries and they didn’t touch them.

Hello everyone! Today I will be offering free one-card tarot readings for anyone interested :) All you have to do is message me with your question, but please read the points below before you do so!

I WILL NOT read for any of the following subjects:

  • Health questions
  • Legal questions
  • Contacting spirits, deities, ancestors, etc.
  • Twin flame/soul mate readings


  1. Please be patience when waiting for your reading! I get A LOT of requests, to the extent that sometimes I can’t even answer them all. I will respond to requests in the order I receive them. If I don’t get to your reading, don’t yell at me! I try my best to get to everyone but sometimes it’s just not possible.
  2. I will only be doing free readings today (7/29/2020). If you message me after that date, your request will be ignored; I don’t have the time to do free work 24/7!
  3. I am ONLY doing one-card readings; therefore, they may not be super in-depth. Please don’t message me continuously asking for more details or complaining that the reading wasn’t in-depth enough. If you want a full reading, please message me about how you can pay for one!
  4. PLEASE do not send your message in the private chat thingy… I am absolutely horrible about checking that thing and I might forget about you if you message me there!

Birthday book haul! Over the weekend I headed over to Barnes and Noble to pick up some more witchcraft and Wiccan books, because my current collection needs some SERIOUS work! I ended up getting;

  • The Black Arts by Richard Cavendish; a theology book about the history and practices of the Occult, including witchcraft, numerology, Kabbala, etc.
  • The House Witch by Arin Murphy Hiscock; a book detailing the practices of hearthcraft, kitchen witchcraft, and cottage witchcraft, some of my favorite aspects of magical practices!
  • Besom, Stang, & Sword by Christopher Orapello & Tara-Love Maguire; a book about non-religious regional traditional witchcraft 

This tarotscope is a basic, single-card tarot reading based on your zodiac sign. Simply scroll down and find your sign, and the card with it will give you some advice for this week :) Don’t forget to reblog so others can receive their reading as well


The Hermit

After the stress of the past week, it’s time for all the Aquariuses out there to relax and take some time for themselves. Of course, this doesn’t mean to withdraw from the world completely; partake in your favorite hobbies this week and stimulate yourself; keep yourself feeling engaged and happy. Spend your alone time focusing on putting yourself first and making yourself happy.


The Empress

Pisces will have a much better week than last week, instead of feeling spread thin and worn out, you’ll actually find yourself feeling rejuvenated and blossoming into a stronger, more confident you. Anything you want this week will be yours; make sure to take the extra steps to go all the way, but don’t be afraid or ashamed in anyone helping you out along the way.


Queen of Cups

This week Arieses will find themselves to be a little emotionally vulnerable. You might receive harsh news, trust someone you shouldn’t have, or be disappointed in some way. Just remember that no matter what life throws at you, it’s up to you with what you do with it. You are always in control of your own psyche, even if it doesn’t feel like it. For extra support, confide in a close friend or family member for some wisdom.


The Sun

Tauruses will find themselves enjoying and atmosphere of positivity and refreshment. At some point in the week you’ll find yourself experiencing the beginnings of some new opportunity or adventure, and feeling as though you’ve gotten a fresh start in some aspect of your life. Relax and enjoy the ride, but be careful not to be too lackadaisical. 



Geminis should take extra precaution this week to practice restraint and moderation. You’ll be a beacon of wisdom and knowledge to others, but be careful not to allow your patience to spread too thin; helping others can be a good thing, but not when you are sacrificing things that are precious to you. Spend some time meditating and decluttering your mind.


Knight of Wands

It’s a week of action for Cancers! All of the goals and aspirations you’ve been thinking of starting recently are ready to take off and blossom. This week you’ll find yourself bursting with energy, creativity, and positivity. Be careful not to go too fast though, as you won’t want to suffer from a creative or psychic burnout.

This tarotscope is a basic, single-card tarot reading based on your zodiac sign. Simply scroll down and find your sign, and the card with it will give you some advice for this week :) Don’t forget to reblog so others can receive their reading as well


Knight of Pentacles

Patience, patience, patience; this is the #1 thing Leos will have to remember this week. It can be frustrating to just wait around for what you want or need to happen, but if you know that you’ve truly done everything you can to make things work, then sit back and let the universe do it’s thing, you can’t force something that isn’t ready to happen.


3 of Wands

It’s time for a change of scenery for Virgos; anything you’ve been thinking about changing in your life? This week is the time to implement those changes. Whether it’s as simple as reorganizing your bedroom furniture, or as big as switching careers, the time for change is now. If you’ve already been trying to implement change, be patient; it’s coming very soon.


4 of Wands

It’s time for Libras to celebrate and reconnect this week; it may seem as though nothing major has happened in your life, but maybe you haven’t been congratulating yourself enough, maybe you haven’t realized the entirety of what you’ve really accomplished, or are on the verge of accomplishing. Celebrate you this week, you’ve earned it!



The Strength card is a reminder to Scorpios to actually be gentle this week; you may be used to being fiery, intense, and passionate, but just know that to a lot of others, your words and actions will sting, even if you had good intentions. Focus on softening yourself and showing restraint, others will appreciate your efforts.



The Death card is a very welcome sign this week for a Sagittarius; it means that everything you’ve been wanting to end or banish in your life will finally happen! Those endings will bring relief and some much-needed peace into your life, while also allow new, and more positive things to grow.


5 of Cups

Capricorns, beware of being used this week! You may have spent a lot of time and energy on people or things that are important this week, but things may not always be what they seem. Be particularly mindful of friends, family, or coworkers using you for emotional support while they never take into account your own thoughts of feelings. Even if it may be hard, do your best to speak up for yourself, and don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ if something makes you uncomfortable.


- Horns of Honor: Regaining the Spirit of the Pagan Horned God by Fredrick Elworthy

Since yesterday was my birthday, I wanted to do something I hadn’t done in awhile, and give myself a tarot reading. I’ve spent so much time giving other people readings the past couple of months, I had never given myself any time to do it for myself. I know there are A LOT of different spreads out there, but I wanted to make my own, so here’s what I came up with! Let me know if any of ya’ll use it and if you find it to be helpful!

P.S: This is the Halloween Tarot by Kipling West, and the illustrations are a little different than traditional RWS, though heavily inspired by it. Just for reference, in this deck; Pumpkins=Pentacles, Bats=Swords, Imps=Wands, and Ghosts=Cups.


1: A lesson you learned this past year
2: Something to let go of from this past year
3: Goals for this year
4: Upcoming challenges this year
5: A message from your guide
6: A message from your future self
7: Over-all message

1: A lesson you’ve learned this past year

Adulting is way, way harder than I could have ever expected. The past year has been a complete roller-coaster of events for me; getting fired from a managerial position at work, going to a new job, starting a second job, my sister/roommate moving out unexpectedly, and of course… Covid-19. I have not taken care of my mental health at all. The world turned out to be way harder and scarier than I expected, and I completely shut down.

2: Something to let go of from the past year

It’s time to for me to stop looking in the past; stop having regrets and think about all the things I should’ve done and all the mistakes I’ve made. They happened, there’s nothing I can do to change them now, and I will move on from them. I also need to stop being afraid to rely on others to help me; it’s okay to admit you need help.

3: Goals for this year

Not to sound cliche, but I think that this year of my life is the time that I’m going to make all my dreams come true; I’m ready to turn my goals into accomplishments. Even though the past year of my life was rough and stressful and scary, The Chariot is going to help drive me the exact opposite direction; towards everything I’ve ever wanted to accomplish.

4: Challenges for this year

Even though I’m going to accomplish all my goals this year, it of course won’t be without some hardships. Even though the 6 of Cups (ghosts, in this deck) is typically a very positive card, I have a feeling that it is signifying that I will struggle to be caught up in social and familial obligations. Stay loyal to myself, or to my family? Help out struggling friends, or turn away if it means putting my mental health first?

5: A message from your guides

The owl has always been my spirit guide/personal omen, and last night as I was driving home from work, I actually saw 3 owls (they’re somewhat common where I live, but certainly not “3 in one night” common). To me, this card (and the owls!) are a clear and obvious sign to trust the goddess, and have patience for all that she has in store for me, as I have been feeling extremely close to her recently. I feel like this is also a sign that I need to trust in myself more, and know that I hold the power within myself.

6: A message from your future self

If myself one year from now could tell me something, she would say this; you will have a feeling of abundance, security, and happiness in your life, but be aware of what’s going on behind the scenes; some people will just try to use you; be careful, and don’t get too comfortable.

7: Over-all message

Abundance, manifestation, energy, power; anything and everything is yours to take.

Today is my 22nd birthday! I’ve always been someone who enjoys birthdays and looks forward to every year of wisdom I get to experience. According to numerology, my year card for the 22nd year of my life is The Star! 

My 21st year card was The Chariot; and it was a rough one, to say the least. The Star is an incredibly good omen when it comes to inquiring about the future, as it represents clarity, peace, stability, happiness, and the ending of difficult times! I’m looking forward to what this year has to offer :)

If ya’ll would like to see a numerology+tarot post let me know, because I’d love to do one!





“Witchcraft is not safe. Witchcraft is not good and kind. Witchcraft is the domain of the trickster, the outcast, the wanderer, and the crooked. It belongs to those who know every light casts a shadow; who have looked into the depths of darkness in their soul and accepted what they’ve seen along with all that is good. Witchcraft requires cunning, manipulation, self-awareness, adaptable morals, and dash of madness.”

— Sarah Anne Lawless (via gardenofthequeen)

This speaks to the part of me that cringes and holds her tongue every time I see a post or an article that talks about witchcraft like it’s all flowy gestures and flower petals and peaceful hippie vibes. Like it’s supposed to be all safe and sanitized and suitably done up for aesthetic posts. Like the idea of shaking things up or acting with aggression or embracing fear or anger or pain or deceit as a part of the craft is anathema.

Me personally? I can’t do safe. I can’t do nice. I can’t do pastel or love-and-light. I can’t do the holy menstrual cycle. I can’t do peaceful forgiveness. I can’t do the dance of endlessly doubting and double-checking myself to make sure I’m truly Harming None.

My spells aren’t always kind. My wards aren’t friendly. My philosophies aren’t remotely pacifist. As a good friend once said, I walk this world with dirt in my nails and a brick in my hand. And that’s okay.

If your craft is all sunshine and happiness and that works for you, fantastic. But just remember where the roots of the tree are resting.

I found witchcraft because I was angry. Because I wanted to take back power in a world that made me believe being passive and demure was holding power. I don’t post a lot of my personal practice in Tumblr but I guarantee it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and uwu cuteness.

i refound it because i was grieving. 

this 100%. 

Hello everyone! Today I will be offering free one-card tarot readings for anyone interested :) All you have to do is message me with your question, but please read the points below before you do so!

I WILL NOT read for any of the following subjects:

  • Health questions
  • Legal questions
  • Contacting spirits, deities, ancestors, etc.
  • Twin flame/soul mate readings


  1. Please be patience when waiting for your reading! I get A LOT of requests, to the extent that sometimes I can’t even answer them all. I will respond to requests in the order I receive them. If I don’t get to your reading, don’t yell at me! I try my best to get to everyone but sometimes it’s just not possible.
  2. I will only be doing free readings today (7/22/2020). If you message me after that date, your request will be ignored; I don’t have the time to do free work 24/7!
  3. I am ONLY doing one-card readings; therefore, they may not be super in-depth. Please don’t message me continuously asking for more details or complaining that the reading wasn’t in-depth enough. If you want a full reading, please message me about how you can pay for one!

This tarotscope is a basic, single-card tarot reading based on your zodiac sign. Simply scroll down and find your sign, and the card with it will give you some advice for this week :) Don’t forget to reblog so others can receive their reading as well


5 of Mugs

The world will seem very overwhelming this week; at times it will feel like everything is falling on your shoulders, that you can’t turn to anyone for help, or that everything that goes wrong is your fault. Try to relax and remember that when you hyper-focus on your problems, it will always make things seem worse than they are. Even if you broke some mugs, there are still others available to you; look for resources and options you hadn’t considered before.


9 of Knives

Pisceses will be under severe mental and emotional stress this week; take extra care of your mental health, and be careful about who you surround yourself with, and the types of situations in your life that are leading to depression and stress. Talk with someone you trust about what’s going on in your life right now.


Page of Mugs

There are some surprises in store for Arieses this week; you’ll finally receive some good news that you’ve been waiting for, be surprised with a gift, or find a way to turn a negative situation into a positive one. This week will be full of positivity and new possibilities this week. If you’ve been wanting to start a family, this week would be a good one to try and get pregnant. 


The Empress

This week you’ll find yourself taking on the role of a caretaker; offering advice to your friends, taking care of animals, helping out a coworker, whatever it may be, you’ll find this week that people are very appreciative of your hospitality and wisdom. Patience will lead to your greatest reward this week! Reconnect with family and friends you haven’t seen in awhile. 


Queen of Coins

Gemini will revel in the things they care about and enjoy most in life this week; by putting care and effort into the things you value most, you’ll soon see a big pay-off in result. Enjoy yourself this week and share with others the things you love most!



You’ll be picking up the pieces this week; whether it’s your own mess or someone else’s, this week will be all about tidying up literal and metaphorical messes in your life, and trying to put the pieces back together again. Even if it’s a dark time, remember that the ‘pieces’ in your life can be put back together in multiple ways to create something new, even if some of them are missing and damaged. 

This tarotscope is a basic, single-card tarot reading based on your zodiac sign. Simply scroll down and find your sign, and the card with it will give you some advice for this week :) Don’t forget to reblog so others can receive their reading as well


Queen of Knives

The queen of knives is a figure who embodies power, control, and comfort in their own skin, which is exactly the kind of influence Leos will have this week. Remember that you are in control of your own life, and no one else can make decisions for you and tell you how to live. Be a voice of wisdom and freedom this week, and take control of what you want.


The Chariot

Virgos are on the verge of a major breakthrough or victory this week, but it isn’t going to come without some serious effort. Even though if you can’t see the finish line in the distance right now, keep pushing through and remember that slow and steady wins the race; the work you put in now will reap serious rewards in the future, as long as you stick with it.  


6 of Mugs

Libras should spend the next week focusing on simplifying their lives, and cutting out the excess. There’s a good possibility that you’re currently taking up too many tasks and wearing yourself thin. Even if you are doing things like helping friends and doing volunteer work, try to cut back on your activities to only what is absolutely necessary until life gets a little calmer. This week is also the perfect time to declutter your home or personal space and get rid of anything you no longer need.


Page of Coins

This week Scorpios should anticipate exciting new opportunities in some aspect of their lives. Whether it’s receiving a promotion at work, taking a surprise vacation, or meeting a potential new partner, good things are happening for Scorpios. Don’t expect anything to just fall into your lap though; you’ll have to go looking for it!


Ace of Knives

The world is your oyster, Sagittarius! Spend this week cutting away the unnecessary details in your life, and using the sharpness of your mind to create fresh and innovative ideas. Get shit done this week, and be your own boss!


Ten of Mugs

Capricorns should spend the entire week enjoying all the benefits of what they’ve worked for; you’ve certainly earned it. This week you will experience a level of peace and happiness that you haven’t been on for awhile. If your life is currently in a slump, just know that everything is going to work out for the best in the end.

A lot of you guys have asked me for these spells so I’m finally posting them all! If you have any questions about them, feel free to message me so we can talk. I promise I’m going to be a lot more active nowadays so I’ll be available pretty often! 

  • Protection Spell: Circle of Salt

What You’ll Need:

- salt

- conncentration

- a full moon 

Spell Steps:

1. When you have your salt ready, go outside of your home preferably on a Full Moon, and start at your front door.

2. Move in a clockwise motion (we call this deosil), from your front door around your house, and slowly sprinkle salt around the perimeter of your home. Take care not to pour salt on any ornamental plants and avoid grass as much as possible.

3. While you are doing this, state out loud “pure salt protect this home and all who reside here. Keep out those who seek to harm, protect us from negativity, anger, and fear.” You’ll also want to actively visualize a circle of protection around your home as you do this.

4. Repeat this phrase and continue to circle the house in salt until you end up where you started - at the front door.

5. Next, say out loud “this house is protected from negative energies and forces. So mote it be.”

  • Love Spell: Herbal Bath of Love

What you’ll need:

- a quiet and undisturbed time
- Lavender and/or rose petals
- candle(s) and candle holder/plate
- relaxing music (helpful but not required)

Spell Steps: 

1. Set the mood by drawing a hot bath and adding a bit of the herbs of your choice directly to the bath or inside of a bath sachet. Light a candle and set in a safe place. Turn on relaxing music.

2. Enter the bathtub and lay back. Breathe deeply and slowly. Visualize all of your worries and cares melting off of you.

3. Let the music and the bath be the only two things that concern you in this moment.

4. When you’re ready, visualize a sphere of white light encircling you in the tub. This is your cast circle. At this point, you can also invite your goddess into the circle.

5. Next, visualize the type of love you are looking for in your life. Visualize yourself laughing and playing and flirting with your dream man or woman.

6. Once you’ve held the vision of your dream love in your head for a few minutes, say these words or similar: “I draw to me a pure and sweet love. One that will benefit me and my soul’s journey. To the benefit of all and to harm none.”

7. Repeat this phrase at least 3 times but up to thirteen times. When complete, state “so mote it be.”

8. You may stay in the bath as long as you’d like. Release the circle when you are ready by visualizing the sphere fading and the energy from within moving into space to perform the work that is required to draw love to you.

9. After your herbal bath of love, continue to intermittently visualize your dream love’s image and tell yourself and the universe “I am worthy and ready for a pure and true love in my life.”

  • Success Spell: Candle of Power

What You’ll Need:

- yellow votive candle

- candle holder or plate

- matches or lighter

- a knife or pin (for carving)

- New, Waxing, or Full Moon

Spell Steps:

1. Cast a circle (you can message me if you’re unsure how to do this, or see the herbal bath of love spell above - step #4).

2. Using your pin or knife, carefully carve a symbol of success onto the sides of your candle. This can be the money sign, a rune of your choice (research online ahead of time), or any type of symbol you feel represents success.

3. Light your candle.

4. Focus on the flame of the candle. Visualize yourself with success in whatever arena of life you desire. See yourself with your mind’s eye in this successful position. Believe it.

5. Watch the flame dance and flicker for as long as you’d like.

6. Release your circle, but allow the candle to continue burning until it has burned itself out (be sure to stay in the room with the candle so it doesn’t light anything on fire. Safety first!)

7. Once the candle is burned out and the wax has cooled, keep the wax in a bag or container of some kind in a safe place.After your spell and as often as you remember, tell yourself and the universe “I am successful. I am worthy. I am powerful.”

  • Health Spell: Healing Hands

What You’ll Need:

- an open heart and mind

- your hands

Spell Steps:

1. Clear your mind from worries and concerns. Ask that ONLY the highest beings of the universe aid you in this process.

2. Place both of your hands on your head, chest, stomach or wherever you feel called to place them.

3. Imagine the pure, loving energy of the Universe entering your crown chakra and flowing through your body and down through your arms and into your hands.

4. Then visualize the energy flowing freely from your hands and into your body where you need healing most.

5. Allow the energy to flow for as long as you feel is necessary.

  • Intuition Spell: Increase My Dreams Sachet

What You’ll Need:

- a small muslin or cotton bag with drawstring (you can create your own with a square piece of fabric and string/yarn if you don’t have a bag)

- loose-leaf dry herbs: mugwort, wormwood, lavender, and rosemary (if you only have access to one of these, use mugwort)

- a journal or notebook to write down your dreams

Spell Steps:

1.Cast your circle.

2. Open your small bag and place a pinch of mugwort into the bag. While doing this, state these words or some similar: “with these herbs, I increase my dreams and therefore my intuition. I open my third eye.”

3. Repeat step 2 for each herb you place into your dream bag.

4. Tie up the bag and hold it in the palms of your hands. Close your eyes and imagine your third eye opening.

5. When you feel it is time, state “so mote it be”.

6. Release your circle.

8. Place this dream sachet beneath your pillow, in your pillowcase, or under your mattress beneath where your head lays.When your dreams start coming freely, write them down in your journal. This helps in dream recall and will give you a reference to study later.

I found this and I though I’d share it with you all!! I put a star by all the ones I personally use and love if you’d like to give them a try! 

  1. Listening to your own intuition will always be useful. Learn to trust it. (This is extremely important and will help you in the long run) ☆
  2. Put almonds in your pockets for good luck.
  3. Lemongrass essential oil kills fruit flies.
  4. Use a charged crystal on top of your Wifi router, or anything that needs a boost. ☆
  5. Salt in a hula hoop for casting circles. 
  6. Evernote and Google docs are amazing for online Grimoires. ☆
  7. Snow-globes can be used in place of crystal balls. ☆
  8. Don’t leave any naturally coloured quartz (amethyst, rose) in the sun, it’ll fade. Unless you want it to fade.
  9. You can use crayons in place of candles. ☆
  10. Meditation! ☆
  11. Be careful of setting stuff on fire, move all flammable objects before lighting something.
  12. Clear quartz can absorb negativity. ☆
  13. Be specific when asking questions/doing spells. 
  14. You can turn songs into spells, it helps a lot when you’re just starting. ☆
  15. You can make cheap runes with a sharpie, clear nail polish, and rocks. ☆
  16. Thrift stores ARE YOUR FRIEND! ☆☆☆
  17. Rosemary can be used in place of any herb.
  18. Clear Quartz can be used in place of any stone.
  19. http://biddytarot.com is a good place to read in-depth Tarot meanings, really helps if you’re starting out. ☆
  20. Suck on a peppermint when you’re studying something you need to remember, then again when you need to remember the thing. ☆
  21. Incense ashes = black salt.
  22. Cleanse by moon, charge by sun. ☆
  23. Wear colours that correspond to your intent for that day, subtle and effective. ☆
  24. Got a needle and thread? You got a pendulum. ☆
  25. Just about any cards can be used for divination. Playing cards, pokemon cards, etc.
  26. You can find images of the Rider-Waite deck online and print them onto cardstock.
  27. Craft stores usually have REALLY CHEAP jars. ☆
  28. Music is magical, use that to your advantage. ☆☆
  29. LOCKETS!
  30. Just about any mirror/reflective surface can be used for scrying, don’t let Etsy fool you with those 50$ mirrors. ☆
  31. White candles can be used in place of any candle. ☆☆
  32. There are also candle apps!
  33. Birthday candles!
  34. CANDLES!
  35. If you bake, draw sigils in the batter/dough before baking.
  36. Stir liquids clockwise for a luck/health boost, and counter-clockwise for banishing and ridding of negativity.
  37. If you need to subtly cleanse, sage and saltwater in a spray bottle. Be mindful of plants and pets. ☆ 
  38. Sage can smell like weed sometimes, keep that in mind. ☆
  39. Peach and Avocado pits ward off negativity. ☆☆
  40. If you don’t like working with blood, Halloween blood and pomegranate/cherry juices are great.
  41. LIBRARIES!!!!!! ☆☆☆
  42. Keep a notebook with you constantly in case you need to write something down. ☆☆☆☆
  43. Write wishes on bay leaves, then burn them to make them come true. ☆
  44. Cleanse yourself in the wind. ☆
  45. To get candle wax out of a jar, pour some boiling water in it then leave it for a while, the wax should be floating on top. Be careful!
  46. Selenite and Amethyst are good for dreams. ☆
  47. Pressing flowers really is useful. ☆☆
  48. You can make your own tea blends pretty easily, just be careful about knowing what is/isn’t edible.
  49. Set a sigil as your phone background, then plug it in to charge it.
  50. Write sigils with makeup while you’re doing it. ☆
  51. Warding will be your best friend. ☆
  52. Use common sense! ☆☆☆
  53. If you want to grow herbs out of cans be sure you poke holes in the bottom so excess water can run out.
  54. If you can’t throw salt everywhere, make a salt water spray instead.
  55. You can draw over sigils with glow in the dark paint to see charging effects.
  56. Use plastic ziploc bags in place of jars; cheaper! ☆
  57. Coffee filters can be used as herb bags. ☆
  58. If a spell calls for an ingredient that happens to be in a tea you own, cut open your own tea bags.
  59. You can make altar/shrine books.
  60. Colour correspondences for sigils. ☆
  61. You can do virtual altars via pinterest, video games, etc. ☆
  62. You can glue envelopes into your BOS to hold things like sigils, recipes, etc.
  63. Brick dust works the same as black salt.
  64. Make a google doc/keep a notepad with you for ideas throughout your day.
  65. Instead of burying jars in the ground, use non-bleached toilet paper tubes.
  66. You can buy one big pot and plant many herbs in it. ☆
  67. Chew mint gum during money spells. ☆
  68. Write sigils on your nails using nail polsh pens ☆
  69. Rice water is used for prosperity and success spells.
  70. If you have a computer, you can make your background your altar. ☆
  71. Have an altar by a window, so your items are always cleansed/charged.
  72. Uncooked spaghetti makes lighting candles a lot easier.
  73. Use oil diffusers if you can’t burn incense. ☆
  74. Wicca is NOT the only path! ☆☆☆
  75. Glass can be substituted for quartz.
  76. Dedicate a stuffed animal to your deity to bond with them. ☆
  77. A good blood substitute = crushed iron tablets.
  78. Attach crystals to the cork tops of your jars as an energy channel to charge jar spells.
  79. You do NOT have to do magick everyday, it shouldn’t be a chore or something you dread doing. ☆☆☆
  80. Brackish water (salt and fresh water) is good for cursing.
  81. Don’t eat things that aren’t edible, and don’t sniff things that aren’t sniffable. ☆
  82. When enchanting your car, draw sigils on the wheels so they charge when they turn.
  83. Don’t make offerings that degrade the environment! ☆☆
  84. More jar alternatives: bowls of ice, unbleached paper, bell peppers.
  85. Don’t bury jars, please.
  86. Just don’t do it.
  87. White sage is endangered in America, grow your own. ☆☆☆
  88. Breathe. ☆☆☆
  89. Compile a list of songs that have names corresponding to herbs and ingredients to put in a spell playlist.
  90. Do not substitute fantasy for fact. ☆☆☆
  91. Don’t do spells on someone that goes against their free will. ☆
  92. Empath tip: Carry blue goldstone.
  93. Salt cleanse yourself with any salty snack, crisps, pretzels, etc. ☆
  94. Frankincense is an insect repellent
  95. Put mint in shoes for luck (and an air freshener!) ☆
  96. Garage sales are amazing.
  97. Place a candle in the window to welcome sunlight.
  98. Bells can be used for cleansing, too. ☆☆
  99. Witch Hazel is a natural toner, good for your skin, and is used for protection!
  100. Rain washes away bad vibes, negativity, and cleanses. ☆☆

Whats In My Witch Garden, and What Each Plant Is Used For!!

  • Aloe // luck, protection
  • carnation // protection, strength
  • chamomile // passion, sleep
  • chrysanthemum // strength
  • clover // wealth, success
  • hibiscus // love, lust
  • holly // protection
  • honeysuckle // wealth, spirit
  • jasmine // love, wealth
  • lavender // peace, happiness
  • lilac // exorcism, love
  • lily // healing
  • marigold // protection
  • poppy // love, sleep
  • rose // healing, love