#other fanart

INKTOBER DAY 31 - SLICE + The Snow QueenThe Snow Queen is a story by Hans Christian Andersen publish

INKTOBER DAY 31-SLICE + The Snow Queen

The Snow Queen is a story by Hans Christian Andersen published in 1844. The story begins with a troll/devil making a mirror that reflects only the bad and ugly in people and in the world. The troll and his pupils take the mirror up into the heavens to laugh at the angels but the mirror slips from their grasp and falls to the Earth breaking apart into many many tiny pieces that fall into people’s hearts and eyes, freezing them and making them see only the bad and ugly,

On Earth there lives a girl named Gerda and her best friend in the world, Kai. They’re best friend, growing up together since they were little and they like to play in their little garden between their houses. One day, however, a splinter of the troll mirror falls down into Kai’s eyes and slices through his heart, freezing it, and he no longer wants to be friends with Gerda and becomes an ugly and bad person. In winter, he’s taken away by the Snow Queen when he tries to hook his sled to her carriage. 

Everyone in the village says he most likely drowned but Gerda doesn’t want to believe it because she still loves him even though he became such a nasty person. She goes on a long long quest to find him and eventually finds him, melts the slices of the troll mirror in his eyes and heart with her love and tears and rescues him from the Snow Queen. They get home safe and well.

And inktober is finally and officially done!! I greatly enjoyed it this year even though it took me so long to actually finish it but unfortunately I have other stuff to do besides drawing too. Maybe I shouldn’t have done full illustrations like I did but I really enjoyed making them and also learned lots of new stuff, about origins of stories, read about some toher interesting stories I didn’t know before, about historical fashion other than the 18th century I usually go for with my drawings because it’s the stuff I know the best. Looking forward to the next year :3


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INKTOBER DAY 30 - JOLT + FrankensteinFor jolt I decided to draw Frankenstein and the Creature. Frank

INKTOBER DAY 30-JOLT + Frankenstein

For jolt I decided to draw Frankenstein and the Creature. Frankenstein is a novel written in 1818 by Mary Shelley. Originally I was thinking about drawing the movie version (which I watched for the first time like few weeks ago because I was planning to draw it) because jolt made me think of the electricity and storm he was awakened with, but I wasn’t feeling it because it’s kind of long way away from the original (for some reason they changed Victor’s name to Henry??). But then, in the original there’s no storm and electricity, so I decided to interpret the jolt in that he flinches away from the Creature and that the Creature ‘jolts’ awake.


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INKTOBER DAY 28 - GIFT + The Little MermaidThe Little Mermaid is a story written in 1837 by Hans Chr

INKTOBER DAY 28-GIFT + The Little Mermaid

The Little Mermaid is a story written in 1837 by Hans Christian Andersen. She’s the daughter of a Sea King who fell in love with the world above. One day The Little Mermaid saves a prince from drowning in the ocean and safely delivers him to the shores of a temple where a beautiful girl finds him and he never knows that it was the Little Mermaid who saved him. 

Because she’s in love with the prince and the world above, she decides to visit the Sea Witch and ask her if she can give her human legs and immortal soul. The Witch gives her a magical potion in exchange for her tongue and her beautiful voice, but says that every step she’ll take will feel like thousand knives stabbing her feet and if the prince marries someone else, she won’t gain an immortal soul and will turn to seafoam the morning after the prince is married. 

The Little Mermaid drinks the potion and is soon discovered by the prince who’s enchanted by her beauty and her dancing and she becomes his favourite person to be with. However, his parents want him to marry a princess from a neighbouring kingdom, and he agrees to that as soon as he finds out she’s the girl that found him in the temple and ‘saved’ him. The Little Mermaid sails with them on their wedding ship and it’s almost dawn when her sisters come with the gift of a dagger they got from the Sea Witch in exchange for their long hair, they say if she stabs the prince and his bride, she’ll be able to return to the sea again. The Little Mermaid can’t do it, however, and throws the dagger and herself off the ship into the sea and dissolves into seafoam. She doesn’t die, though, but is turned into an air nymph, she becomes the daughter of the air. She’ll earn her own immortal soul after doing good deeds for 300 years.


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WIP of Haruaki Fusaishi from Raging Loop + a small meme i madeIt’s genuinely one of the best games iWIP of Haruaki Fusaishi from Raging Loop + a small meme i madeIt’s genuinely one of the best games i

WIP of Haruaki Fusaishi from Raging Loop + a small meme i made

It’s genuinely one of the best games i’ve ever played–up there with my favs like PWAA, Yakuza and Nier… I loved 999 but imo this surpassed it and built off of the looping mechanic in a much more diverse way. The characters are all awesome and the writing is phenomenal. I just wanted to post this lil’ rant since I’ll likely be doing fanart for the next while ^.^ What a great experience~

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Hello ! We’re happy to announce you that the preorders of the BAT/DH charity zine are open ! We’re looking forward for your orders Preorders end the October 20th !! funkynight.bigcartel.com

Reblog is appreciated ✨

Hey guys! I’m in this BAT + DH themed zine and I was lucky enough to draw both groups!~ Please check it out if you’re interested or reblog to spread the word ^.^
