#outerbanks fic


mother’s day (stepdad!rafe imagine)

read other stepdad!rafe here

this was officially your 4th mother’s day now and your first mother’s day not alone (besides jake). 

you hadn’t expected to wake up hearing jake’s giggles echo through the house. normally, you always joke up before jake as you had your alarm set. 

you looked at the clock and saw it was nearly 10 am, way past when you usually got up at 7. there was a note beside you in bed where rafe normally was, on it was scribbled ’to mommy

it said, ‘we turned off your alarm. come downstairs for breakfast when you’re ready. we love you. happy mother’s day! love, rafey and jakey’ you teared up and folded the note how it had been, taking it with you as you got up to put it with your sentimental things. 

after you brushed your teeth and put on a comfy robe, you made your way downstairs where rafe and jake were in the kitchen. “mommy’s here!” jake announced proudly, “did you like our note?”

you walked over and lifted him up to hold him, “i loved it baby. you and daddy did great.” you smiled at rafe, your heart content, “did you make me breakfast as a present?”

“we made cimmamon rolls, got you your fancy ice coffee and scramby eggs! also there’s presents but you aren’t supposed to open them till later.” jake grinned and snuggled into your neck. 

you looked at rafe, tears welled in your eyes, “you didn’t have to do presents.”

“why wouldn’t i? you’re the best mama i know.” rafe said, leaning over to give you a soft kiss. “besides you deserve it more than anyone.”

your hand went to his cheek and you smiled, “you deserve the world, rafe cameron.”

after eating breakfast, it was present time according to jake. he was very excited as he had helped pick some of the items.

you opened the presents first which you could not believe some of the items. there were things from a new purse, new perfume to a brand new phone. 

rafe just shrugged and said, “gotta treat ya right mama. you treat us good. isn’t that right kiddo?”

jake grinned, “duh, mommy’s the coolest so she gets the coolest presents. now card time!!”

jake proudly handed you his card where he had scribbled mommy on it, the only word he knew how to write besides his name and inside was a picture of the three of you. rafe had also had written a translation of all the lines of scribbles, ‘to mommy, you’re the best mommy. i love you. love, jakey

you kissed jake’s forehead, “thank you sweetheart.” then you looked at rafe who handed you his card. 

when you opened it your heart fluttered, there was a whole paragraph of love, but at the end it said, ‘thank you for letting me love jake and you. my life wouldn’t be complete without either of you. i can’t wait to have more babies and give jake some pals so he doesn’t have to keep slummin it with me all the time.’

you jumped out of your seat and hugged him, kissing him all over which earned a few ‘ews’ from jake. “i want another baby.” you whispered. 

rafe chuckled, “oh i’ll give ya one darlin, but let’s wait till kiddo is in bed.” rafe grinned and pulled you in his lap to hold you tight. “i love you, angel.”

“i love you rafe. thank you for giving me the best mother’s day.”

drunk texts part 2 | rafe cameron


your mind had not stopped even a little bit once you had made it to the chateau and EVERYONE noticed. sarah the most.

there was a reason you liked rafe. and that was because you had always been at his house when you were little.

your mom worked for the family and she brought you because ward always insisted. so you grew up with sarah, always catching glimpses of her mysterious older brother here and there.

when you got older, he hung around a little longer, taking notice of you. he’d sometimes drive you and sarah somewhere when ward told him to and you treasured those days, always trying to think of somewhere else you needed to go.

if it was late and your mom had headed home, rafe would sometimes drive you home and he would tell you, “if you ever need anything sweetheart, i’m a call away.”

that’s why you didn’t understand why people thought of him the way they did. you knew him as kind and considerate.

even when you started dating blake, one of his friend’s, he never became hostile towards you. he just distanced himself, but every so often, that phrase would come up in your head.

and that phrase was obviously why you had texted him last night.

“yo, where’s your head at?” jj asked giving your shoulder a nudge, rocking you back to reality.

you shook your head, “worried about seeing blake tonight. i know he’ll be there with topper and those shit heads.”

“and we will beat the shit out of him if he pulls anything,” jj said while rolling his eyes, as if he was stating the obvious.

“besides, if anyones gonna pull shit, it’s gonna be rafe.” sarah said from around the corner, coming into the room.

you gave her a look so she continued, “shit’s been heated with him and blake. don’t know why. think rafe might kick the shit out of blake tonight.” she shrugged.

you wondered if it had anything to do with you or if blake was just being a shitty person. blake had a worse coke problem than rafe and he mixed that with his prescription pill addiction. he owed rafe a lot of money as rafe was always paying for their drugs and blake never matched. so you didn’t doubt that’s why he was pissed at him.

you made it through the rest of the day until it was time for the party. your stomach was in knots. you had put your hair up and put on a white tank top and a jean skirt.

when you walked out, everyone wolf whistled at you, “damn that boys gonna be sorry,” kie grinned as she spoke, “you’re smokin.”

you forced a smile, dread filled your stomach and you didn’t know which you were dreading more: seeing blake or facing rafe after that embarrassing text.


the first hour of the party was fine. none of the kook boys had showed so your anxiety was at bay for the moment.

you had been nursing your second drink, not wanting to get shitfaced and make a fool out of yourself again.

all your friends on the other hand were already plastered, except pope as he was in charge of getting everyone safely home.

you were distracted for a moment watching jj and john b’s shenanigans and when you looked up, your heart dropped. blake was staggering towards you.

you turned on your heel as quick as you could and plowed right into rafe, spilling your drink all over yourself, “shit shit shit.”

tears welled in your eyes as you were in a white tank top that was now covered in red jungle juice, rafe looked down, angry at first, but when he saw it was you, his expression softened, “c’mere sweetheart,” he said, ushering you away from the crowds to the side area and away from blake.

when you got there, you lost it. tears spilled from your eyes and rafe frowned, “hey? what’s up? it’s only a shirt. you can wear mine.”

he was already pulling off his to give you to wear, “it’s not just that.” you said through sniffles, “it’s everything. and blake is here and he was coming towards me and i don’t wanna deal with him after what he did.” it was also the texts you had sent him, but those clearly weren’t on his mind.

rafe walked closer to you, shirt in hand. confusion on his face, “what did he do to you? i know you guys broke up but he didn’t say why.”

you shook your head, “doesn’t matter.”

rafe rolled his eyes, “oh shut up. yes it does. if it’s hurting your feelings, it matters to me.”

“he cheated on me with avery. and called me in the car with her. then tried to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal. he was super coked out.” you looked away, embarrassed of everything that had transpired, that was only half of it, too.

rafe didn’t say anything for a moment, he handed you his shirt and looked at you, “i want you to wait here until i come back. can you do that?”

you were lost for words, but when rafe put his hand on your cheek, everything faded away. you nodded, “will you be mad if i don’t?”

“i could never be mad at you, doll, but please. just stay.” you nodded and rafe brushed his thumb over your lip before walking back towards the crowd.

part 3 coming soon!

(and tags)

drunk texts | rafe cameron


your head was pounding as you rolled over right into sarah. you opened your eyes and looked at your surroundings, you were at the chateau currently sandwiched in between sarah and kie.

what the fuck had happened last night?

the last you had remembered was taking pulls from the tequila bottle with jj and then chugging before grabbing your phone to do something.

after that, nothing.

you looked around the bedroom, john b sprawled out on the floor, but no sight of your phone. you frowned.

you carefully pushed yourself up and got out of bed, trying to let the others sleep. jj and pope were asleep in the living room, yet your phone wasn’t there either.

you decided to walk outside, figuring you might have gone out there to do whatever nonsense you were up to. you knew you did stupid shit when you were drunk. that’s why one of them were always in charge of your phone, but SOMEONE had given it back to you.

you didn’t know who but depending on the damage you’d done, you’d chew them out about not keeping it from you better even tho it was entirely your fault.

you shuffled around outside, looking for it to no aid. it wasn’t by the hot tub or by the fire pit, so you walked to the dock.

sure enough, there it was, right on the edge. you sighed to yourself and sat down, not wanting to face anyone before you figured out what you did.

if you had run all the way out here it had to be bad.

you clicked your phone on and saw a text from rafe. your stomach flipped. you must have had some BALLS last night to text rafe as you were so nervous around that man.

you didn’t want to open it, but you did anyway. it said, ‘oh yeah? who would’ve thought pretty miss sweetheart had those words in her vocabulary. i’ll see you at the party tomorrow night and we can see what we can do about that. stay safe tonight.

you gasped, you hadn’t even seen what you texted yet. when you did, you were mortified. how would you be able to look sarah in the eyes again after saying those things to her brother?

you couldn’t stop staring at the conversation.

y/n-heyyyyy rafey, can i tell u somethbg

rafe-y/n, are you drunk? where are you? but yes of course.

y/n-i’m w/ sarah n evryone. ofc i’m safe u don’t hav to wrry ab me silly boy

rafe-what did you want to tell me, sweetheart?

y/n-i wish u were here so u could properly fuck me ljke tbag shithead never could

rafe-oh yeah? who would’ve thought pretty miss sweetheart had those words in her vocabulary. i’ll see you at the party tomorrow night and we can see what we can do about that. stay safe tonight.

you locked your phone. you wanted to throw it in the ocean. what the fuck was wrong with you? you had recently been cheated on by your ex blake, who happened to be rafe’s friend.

you didn’t even know if rafe knew blake cheated on you. this whole thing was fucked and now you’d have to see both of them tonight and sarah was going as she was your best friend. along with your whole group of friends.

the night hadn’t even begun and it was already a disaster.

part 2 coming soon

easter | stepdad!rafe imagine

authors note: i know easter is almost over but HERE

masterlist for more stepdad!rafe

growing up, you didn’t get any of the fancy things for holidays and barely even celebrated them some years. so when you had jake you were determined to give him everything.

that became increasingly easier when rafe joined your family. if someone had thought you went over the top, you had no idea what they would think of what rafe did for jake.

he had organized an egg hunt around the island, making use of the pogues since they were your friends.

he was even making, forcing, jj into an easter bunny suit.

the basket that he had bought for jake was bigger than jake himself. and that was just the beginning of what he had planned, you really didn’t know.

you walked into the bedroom where rafe and jake were getting ready. your heart swelled as you saw them wearing matching button downs and khakis. you smiled widely, “look at my two handsome boys.”

you took a turn and kissed them each on their cheeks. jake was only 4 now.

“thanks mama. i got you somethin to wear too.” rafe said, grabbing a dress out of the closet. it had the same matching print as the boys’ button down.

“oh it’s perfect.” you grinned and kissed rafe on the lips. “what do you think, jakey? can i join the club and match you and daddy?”

jake nodded eagerly, already hyper off too much candy, “yeah! daddy said we’re gonna take a picture with the easter bunny and a real bunny!!”

you looked at rafe and he threw his hands up. you leaned down and kissed your son’s head, “go play. i’ll come get you when it’s time so see the bunnies.”

he ran out and you looked at rafe, “thank you. for making this special for him.”

“you don’t have to thank me darlin,” rafe pulled you into his arms, “just the standard with me, wait till you see what i do for christmas.”

you snorted when he said this and leaned up to kiss him, “i can’t fuckin imagine.”
