#outlaw queen

That feeling was the closest I’ve ever been to h a p p yThat feeling was the closest I’ve ever been to h a p p yThat feeling was the closest I’ve ever been to h a p p yThat feeling was the closest I’ve ever been to h a p p yThat feeling was the closest I’ve ever been to h a p p yThat feeling was the closest I’ve ever been to h a p p y

That feeling was the closest I’ve ever been to h a p p y

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regina mills & robin hood lockscreenscredit to @slayscreenlocksplease appreciate my work and rebregina mills & robin hood lockscreenscredit to @slayscreenlocksplease appreciate my work and reb

regina mills & robin hood lockscreens

  • creditto @slayscreenlocks
  • please appreciate my work andreblog if you use
  • dontrepost

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Celebrating ten years of OUAT I wanted to make a psd about my favorite otp. I appreciate the support you give to the PSDs and stay tuned for new stuff coming soon, also for free.


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So we know that Regina will have to die to kill the Evil Queen. What if she does for a short period and they have a sort of after-life few episodes before she returns to the land of the living? During the time in the afterlife, she mets up with Robin and he talks her through things.

Grey’s Anatomy did this years ago. Meredith drowned and died. During that time she saw Danny and some of her patients that had died – as well as her mother who died at the same time.

It fits with what we know - He won’t be returning just for flashbacks however they’re not bringing him back to life.

 Описание к фанфику:Что такое Ад? У многих народов в корне разнятся представления об этом месте. Куд

Описание к фанфику:
Что такое Ад? У многих народов в корне разнятся представления об этом месте. Куда же попадут герои “Однажды в сказке”, отправившиеся вслед за своим лидером — Эммой Свон, вознамерившейся спасти из лап смерти своего возлюбленного — Киллиана Джонса? Что ждет их за гранью жизни? Какие чудовища встретятся на их пути? Удастся ли Эмме спасти Крюка? Альтернативная история приключений любимых героев в Преисподней.

Ссылка: https://ficbook.net/readfic/4098351

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