#overhaul fanfiction



me: why don’t my stories get more than 20 hits?

also me: writes stuff that only caters to two people and one of them is me

Same Difference Ch.17

A/N: Here is your reward for enduring last week lmao. This one is a bit long, but cutting it up just didn’t seem as gratifying so I hope you guys enjoy.

Also, thank you so much for all the kudos, comments and bookmarks on AO3 and FFN– you guys are too kind :’). I’ll try posting more regularly on Tumblr too if ppl wanna read it here. Let me know what y'all think~

There was darkness, then flickers of lights and the occasional overwhelming flow of noises before it ebbed to silence and darkness yet again. First, she felt she was on a hard surface like concrete, then cold metal, then something cushion-like… a bed? Her thoughts were incoherent, presenting more as disjointed words and feelings. Anger, regret, hurt, with a sprinkle of sadness on top. Her body was heavy, every limb feeling as though the blood had been replaced with lead. Her head lolled and she heard someone suddenly shift at her side, the bed dipping under the pressure of said someone leaning on it and over her but was too out of it to open her eyes. Acquiescing, she fell back into unconsciousness.

An indefinite amount of time passed while she was in the darkness before her senses began to return fully. She heard typing, now able to feel a presence nearby. She wanted to open her eyes, but the task seemed too daunting still, simply listening would have to be enough for now.

“I can stand watch for now, if you’d like.” One voice offered, softly.

“What I’d like is to be left alone.” The other replied curtly.

“I see. We’re going to leave in the next few hours, I’ll get everyone ready.”

“You do that.”

Well this guy sounds like a treat… Nanami thought, her sarcasm unsurprisingly returning before the rest of her senses and memories. There were footsteps and then a soft thud, like a door being carefully shut. A couple moments passed before she heard what sounded like a laptop being closed, then footsteps coming towards her, and then silence. She desperately wanted to wake up, but her body refused to cooperate, causing her eyes to flutter behind her eyelids as she struggled in vain to move. She could sense the presence hadn’t left and she felt anxious as to what might happen next before hearing a sigh. She felt a sheet being pulled up to cover her arms, where goosebumps had been forming from the draft in wherever she was.

“I’ll deal with you when I get back.” The voice said with a hint of annoyance, though it was betrayed by its gentle tone. Hearing footsteps growing fainter, a door opened and closed once more. The words themselves were threatening but the way they were spoken, she felt oddly comforted. Falling back into the darkness, she decided to cultivate her energy and try her luck at waking up again later.


Emerging from the darkness again, the pain began immediately. Her head throbbed and she reflexively tried to groan but found her mouth and throat painfully full. Instantly recognizing the feeling, panic set in, the only other thing she could perceive being the desperate need for it to stop. She grabbed the tube, disassembling and reassembling it outside her body. The large obstruction dropped unceremoniously to the floor and she coughed, glad to be rid of it.

“Don’t be so rough with the equipment.”

She rolled her head to the direction of the voice, a bright light hitting her eyes as she struggled to open them for the first time since… Damn. It all came rushing back to her at once, the voice no longer a mystery. Her vision focused and she found herself looking at Overhaul as he sat at her bedside. His mask was on as he stared at her blankly. She stared back for a beat, not knowing how to begin speaking about what brought them to this point. Deciding she should be fully awake and rested for that conversation, she mentally tabled it, opting for their usual banter instead.

“It’s still intact isn’t it?” She cleared her throat, massaging it as she continued, “How long was I out?”

“Three days.”

“THREE DAYS?” Her eyes shot wide, another coughing fit beginning as she raised her voice after not speaking for days.

“Yes, that’s what I said.” He grimaced, moving back a bit at her sudden outburst, “Cough in the other direction.”

“No surprise that your bedside manner could use some work.” She sighed as she adjusted to raise herself up, wincing as her sore muscles tried their best to comply. He promptly rose, putting a pillow behind her as she sat up, his expression blank yet attentive, “Thanks.”

He nodded as he took his seat again and the silence continued, painfully. It felt like their first meeting all over again, neither knowing how to broach the awkward topic. Looking back, Nanami was angry at how insufferably rude he could be but couldn’t ignore her own part in this. A pang of guilt sat heavily in her chest when she remembered how easily she let her emotions get the best of her; she hadn’t told someone off like that in ages. In her mind, it in no way absolved him, but to say it was all his fault would be a lie. In that moment of rage, she… What did I do anyway? She glanced down, now more confused than anything, her brows furrowing before looking at him.

“Let’s chat.”

He readjusted in his chair, leaning back as he crossed his legs and folded his arms across his chest, “Let’s.”

His body language oozed condescension as though she was about to be scolded like a child and she hated it, “Why’d you attack me. Again.”

His eyes narrowed, displeased with how she was beginning their talk,” That was going to be my question to you. I thought we had a deal.”

“What are you talking about? We did—we do—I did not attack you.” she defended. Nanami knew they were both wrong for getting so worked up, but she wouldn’t stoop that low over an argument. “I was wrong, we both were for getting so heated, but I wouldn’t just start throwing hands like that. So again, why did you attack me? I thought… I thought we got passed all that.”

His brow furrowed at the implication, his jaw clenching uncomfortably at the hurt in her voice, “We are. We’re far passed all of that.” He intoned with a level of sincerity that seemed foreign to him. Having spent the past three days chastising himself for putting her in this position, wishing the exchange could be taken back, it was difficult to sound detached. He’d been angry, but harming her had been something he’d put out of his mind some time ago, “I didn’t attack you either…”

They both shared a moment of sincere confusion. Overhaul hadn’t come out unscathed either, having to heal his own head injury as well as a cracked vertebra from the impact once he came to. “Then what the hell happened?” Nanami asked, speaking the question they were both wrestling with. She looked around the room for her bag at the same time Overhaul reached for his laptop.

“We should run tests.” They said in unison. He handed her her notebook from the bag and a pen as they began noting exactly what happened leading up to the explosion.  As she recalled the events, there were a number of theories that came to mind, as well as ideas on how to safely perform reenactments of what transpired, but she also remembered the argument beforehand. He was somehow even more quiet than usual, and she could tell his gears were turning that morning, but the hostility seemed so out of the blue. Putting down her pen, he glanced up at her, noticing the sound of her writing had stopped and she was staring down thoughtfully.

“Did you think of something?”

“…Yeah. I did. Why’d you pick a fight with me that day?”

He looked back down at his keyboard and continued typing, “I don’t know what you mean. That little tiff was a joint effort.”

“No, no, no. It may have ended up that way, but you blew up at me after an entire week of solid teamwork. I expect the snide comments and the general air of grumpiness, but that was different… What happened?” He made the mistake of making eye contact with her. She didn’t look angry, just hurt.

Taken aback, all he could manage was “… I don’t know.” He wasn’t sure how to respond to that “emotion” nor did he have any plans to discuss feelings. If he was being honest, he wasn’t even sure why he did it himself. Perhaps it was self-sabotage and he was pushing her away, but to accept that would mean acknowledging they had gotten close; that he had, at some point, made the subconscious decision to stop viewing her as a pawn or even just a colleague, and to indulge the need for far more than their formal arrangement. He wasn’t ready to come to terms with the possible loss of his objectivity when it came to whatever went on between them, but he knew he’d have to confront the undercurrents of their relationship at some point. Right now, they had discovered a possible breakthrough in their research and there was no room for delay. With a ghost of a plan in mind for how to move forward with Nanami, he decided it would be more logical to smooth things over in the immediate moment with Dr. Watanabe; separating the two identities giving him the illusion of control. He continued” But I do know it won’t happen again. That was…unprofessional. How is your head?”

She bit her lip and exhaled, seeing the switch flick in his eyes knowing the wall had been put back up. “It’s… it’s fine. Just a little—no, really sore.” She confirmed with herself, rubbing her hand over the source of the pain to find stiches. Why wouldn’t he just overhaul this? “So, you decided to fix this the old-fashioned way, huh? The stitchwork is impeccable, but why go through the trouble? You could have just—”

“I didn’t want to touch you.”

“… Ouch.” She winced, glancing away as the abrupt response hurt a bit more than she expected.

Realizing it hadn’t been received how he planned, he clarified,” I meant I…didn’t want to use it on you. I was under the impression we had somehow attacked each other and assumed you might not find the prospect of me handling you in that way all that appealing.”

“…Oh. Well, thank you… I don’t mind if you touch me now” he rose a brow at this, “—I mean like to heal or—Oh you know what I mean.” She rolled her eyes before crossing her arms and continuing, “Just… just do it, please.”  The last word tacked on with a mumble.

Letting out an amused breath, he rose, motioning her to turn so her back faced him as he removed his gloves. She quickly brushed her hair to the side, missing a few strands. She tensed as he was much closer than she was prepared for, feeling the warmth of his hands against the nape of her neck as he gently gathered the stray hairs and handed them to her to gather in front. Smoothing down the part, he leisurely ran his hands through her hair, losing himself for a second before noticing the tops of her ears had reddened and her breath had quickened at his ministrations. Refocusing, he disassembled the stitches before immediately healing the wound knowing even a millisecond of delay would prove very painful. “Done.”

Cracking her neck and rolling her shoulders, she felt normal again and ready to get out of bed as her muscles had been unused for the better part of three days. Checking the time on her phone on the nightstand she saw it was only 6 am, “So, you wanna go for a run?”

“That’s not funny.”

“Fine, fine. But on a serious note, I think we should head to the lab. I know the deal was 2 weeks bu—”

“You don’t have to bargain. Get cleaned up, I’ll start preparations for testing tomorrow.”

She turned to him, brows raised in surprise, “Well okay then. I’ll see you back at the house.”

“See you there.” He said before exiting her room, shutting the door softly.


After a thorough scrubbing and stretching, she felt ready to get back to her remaining paperwork, putting on her favorite chunky turtleneck and sweatpants effectively pulling off the lazy-but-still-fashionable look. Brewing herself a cup of tea and pulling out her workbag, she thought it best to not dwell on all the Feels ™ that had continuously threatened to surface, which was undoubtedly exacerbated by their current living situation.

She was woman enough to admit she stared just a little too long, smiled just a bit too enthusiastically, and was way too excited by even the smallest bits of physical contact with him… But it’s just a crush. She lied to herself as though he hadn’t been the most intellectually stimulating person she’d had the pleasure of talking to. As though she’d ever felt silence more comfortable than their time in the lab or simply sharing meals together. As though— Girl if you don’t concentrate… She chastised herself before attempting to neatly compartmentalize her feelings, refusing to acknowledge just how much more difficult keeping them in check had become. It’s just because you’re all up under each other, it’ll pass.

Refocusing on the task at hand, she opened her laptop and pulled out a well-worn file folder, her gaze turning somber as her fingers traced the bend of it; evidence of the many nights she’d revisited it only to close it when the answers didn’t come. In the past month she’d taken on a patient who seemingly had nowhere to go. Many of her colleagues had turned him away, seemingly too jaded to go through the trouble of dealing with such a case. Nanami herself was puzzled when she reviewed his file, but she knew there was no other option; she had to at least try.

Kenta was a very jovial, large person with a personality to match. Built much like a strongman with tusks not unlike a walrus, he was hard to miss. Before he became her patient, she’d see him making small talk with the other patients, encouraging them though he himself was on the way to chemotherapy, his weight dwindling by the day. The previous doctors told him that he had osteosarcoma, a rare form of bone cancer. It was seemingly exacerbated by his quirk that gave him dense bones; they were perfect for diving, but apparently came at this very high price. The treatment had shown mild success, but her predecessors had decided his condition was becoming too advanced and an amputation was in order. After that visit, he attempted to keep his jovial nature, but his physical appearance continued to deteriorate, the medication and tests taking their toll. Full-hardy laughs were interrupted by coughing fits, round cheeks flexed into a habitual smile were replaced with gaunt hollows. Nanami couldn’t help but feel was cruel to be given such great power and still be unable to solve this problem.

She agonized, sincerely perplexed as to why someone as healthy and active as Kenta could have developed such an aggressive and rare form of cancer so quickly. It didn’t helped that after the first doctor’s diagnosis, the subsequent three doctors took little to no efforts to confirm said diagnosis, so she remained thoroughly unconvinced. She was a prodigy in her own right, but that alone couldn’t negate seniority. To go against the other doctors, she would need substantial proof of her theory—and also a theory to begin with.

Nanami was stirred from her thoughts by the sound of the silo being activated, as Overhaul stepped out. It had been hours since she had last gotten up as day turned into late night, too engrossed in her task. She glanced up for a moment, giving an absent-minded “hey” before returning to her work. It was unlike her to brush him off so quickly, and he assumed there were still hard feelings from earlier. Approaching her, he was about to speak before he caught a glimpse of her screen and notes, the file folder and its contents now haphazardly splayed on the coffee table, a few with drops of moisture on them.

“Didn’t I tell you no drinking in the living roo—” he stopped short, hearing a small sniffle escape her, before she attempted to cover it up by clearing her throat.

“Sorry, yeah, no drinking in the living room.” She laughed emptily, gathering the papers that were stained.

Seeing people cry was usually… uninspiring to him, to say the least; he couldn’t understand it, the need for such dramatic displays as an adult. But he found himself making exceptions more and more; she wasn’t one to throw herself on the floor in a tantrum—at least not seriously. Her tears were stifled, indignant, and his curiosity—yes, we’ll call it “curiosity”— got the better of him.

“What are you doing? Crying?”

“No!… Maybe.” She stubbornly corrected, further averting her gaze, hoping to use her hair as a curtain to obscure her face. Pausing for a beat, his attention turned to what he presumed was the source. He read over it as she attempted to fix her face. His brow furrowed, and Nanami turned back to see what he was doing. “Why do you care?”

“Osteosarcoma seems like an odd diagnosis for someone with his age and history.” He noted, choosing not to answer her question.

“That’s what I said!” she instinctually replied before remembering herself, “I mean quit snooping, this is patient-doctor information. It’s illegal to share.”

“Yet you brought it outside your office, to a yakuza base.” He deadpanned, pointing out the hypocrisy, taking a seat next to her on the couch. She pursed her lips, continuing to mull over theories, assuming he’d get bored and leave her be. “If not osteosarcoma, what do you think it could be?”

Knowing discretion was one of his strong suits, she decided to humor him. “I’m not sure. The tumor grew extremely fast and they began chemo almost immediately, so I didn’t get the benefit of a fresh diagnosis. He’d been perfectly healthy otherwise and his line of work kept him pretty active.”

“What’s his occupation?”

“He’s a commercial diver, it’s pretty fitting since his quirk gives him a lot of walrus-like qualities.”

“Sounds hazardous.”

“You’re one to talk. He’s practically made for it so drowning or being crushed under the pressure is near-impossible for him.”

“I was referring to all of the equipment. The fact that he’s kept all of his limbs up to this point is impressive.”

Slowly turning to him, a tired look on her face, she replied “… Your compliments are so very strange.”

Shrugging he continued, “It’s not that odd. The number of divers and sailors I’ve seen at port with mutilated legs is not small.”

Nanami was mid eye-roll when an epiphany struck her. Her eyes went wide, and she began frantically rummaging through the paperwork. “Shit– wait, online!” grabbing her laptop, she began typing in a frenzy as Overhaul watched calmly. Finding Kenta’s online records in the hospital database, she read a file from a month before his diagnosis stating he had been in a diving accident that severely fractured his leg where his tumor now was. She let out a shaky breath of excitement, “MO. It’s fucking Myositis Ossificans! This explains why the ‘tumor’ grew so quickly. It’s because it wasn’t even really a tumor, just his body’s response to a traumatic injury– This is amazing!" 

He felt the corner of his mouth tug upward, as she practically wiggled in genuine excitement. “That diagnosis sounds much more appropriate.”

Facing him on the couch, she reflexively grabbed him by his shoulders, lost in excitement, before realizing what she was doing. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to just grab you like that,” she hurriedly removed her hands before he waved it off. “It’s just… I’ve been poring over this since I got this case but hadn’t thought to make that connection since he never mentioned the injury.” Thinking back for a moment, it dawned on her, “… how did you know to ask?”

 “What do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb, it doesn’t suit you.”

Smiling, he rose, walking to the kitchen, “Would you like a cup?”

Very aware he was evading her question, she rolled her eyes smiling in kind “Sure. Of what?” She wrote down her final notes before putting away the files, tucking them and her laptop away as she waited for an answer.

Bringing over two cups of sake and the bottle, he sat next her with his own before sliding over her cup. She gave him a look and he sighed, “Consider it your reward for your work today. But don’t get used to it, my living room consumption rule still stands.”

She raised her hands in surrender, chuckling before taking a sip. “Oh! Let’s play a game.”

His brows furrowed as he continued to face forward still enjoying his drink,” Do I seem like a man who plays games?”

“Well, judging by the shogi board, I’d say yes.”

“… Just set the board.”

They sat in comfortable silence for a bit before starting the odd conversation, chatting and playing until they were on their fourth cup. Nanami was admittedly tipsy by this point and decided to ask something that had been on her mind for a while now with the aid of her liquid courage. If ever there was an opportunity, it was now, “Hey, why didn’t you ever become a doctor?” The question caught him off guard as he stopped drinking and peered off into the distance thoughtfully. His lips parting for a moment to speak before closing again to consider his answer.

“It would be difficult to treat people you can’t touch.”

“Hm… sounds like a copout. I wear gloves on the job at least 80% of the time and a lot of the non-surgical work that requires touching could easily be done by a nurse. So, what’s the real reason?”

“Well, you’re awfully bold tonight.”

“Eh, it’s your fault anyway,” she reminded him, toying with the sake glass. “So, are you gonna tell me or not?”

He considered her for a second before answering, “Win this game and I’ll tell you.”

“Easy.” She shot back before considering another outcome, “and what if I lose?”

He smiled easily, her stomach flipping as a glint of mischief was evident in his eyes, “Just try your best to win.”

Nanami was determined, or at least she convinced herself she was, not wanting to confront her curiosity at what he would do if she lost … or what he would do to me… Ok, let me put down this sake before I get a life sentence to horny jail. Recomposing herself a bit, she observed the board, stifling a smirk when she saw her path to victory. It was a moderately long game, but the outcome was in her favor as she took his king. Raising the piece betwixt her fingers, she smirked, “Now spill the beans.”

He stared into the proverbial abyss, slightly peeved at the loss, priding himself as a more-than proficient player before tonight. “Give me a moment.” He said casually raising a finger as he cleared his throat. Taking a measured sip from his cup before locking eyes with her, “I have a duty.” Nanami shot him an unsatisfactory look before he clarified, continuing, “Pops took me in when I had nothing to offer. This,” he began as he leered at his hands, recalling the destruction they regularly wrought, “is what I was meant to become in order to repay him. Bringing the yakuza back to their former glory and carrying on his legacy are my primary objectives. My time is limited since he’s not as young as he used to be. The years of schooling it would take to reap the benefits he deserves would prove much too long. Indulging in a dream like that is not in my nature, even if I did have the time. That is why.”

Her smile dulled as she processed his response. She wasn’t self-righteous enough to impose her own ideals on him, but it seemed like such a waste. His leading questions tonight were just one of many examples of his expertise. Even without the formal schooling he had a level of mastery that could easily earn him a degree, and coupled with his research skills, he could do a world of good. But instead here he was, content with just the opportunity to pay his debts. For someone so arrogant, he thought surprisingly little of his own nature.  Maybe someday someone could convince him he didn’t have to carry around this weight all the time. Still very tipsy, she responded,” Well, if it’s a dream of yours to begin with, your nature can’t be all that bad now can it?” At this he knitted his brows, trying to accept the possibility. Seeing his hesitation, she continued, “You can do both, you know. Give yourself some more credit, bird brain.” She slurred the last insult, finishing her sake off with a gulp, not wanting to sound too soft. Feeling the consequences of her actions, she swayed sleepily in her seat before closing her eyes.

The next thing she knew, she felt herself being nudged awake, “Come on, get up. You need to get into bed.”

“But it’s sooo comfy here. Why are you being such a buzzkill, Kai?” she whined as he grasped her forearms, encouraging her to rise from her seat.

Stopping in his tracks, he asked a bit taken aback, “Where did you hear that name?”

“Your Poppy Pops told me” She almost sang, a grin plastered on her face.

“…Do not ever use the phrase ‘Poppy Pops’ again. Also, if couches were meant for sleeping, beds wouldn’t exist.” He responded irritated, though he handled her like porcelain, still remembering how unpleasant the last three days had been. Guiding Nanami to her room, he finally got her to lay down after tuning out a slew of other ridiculous nickname proposals, the drowsiness setting in as soon as her head hit the pillow. Knowing it would be too much work convincing a now drunk Nanami to get under the covers, he begrudgingly put a spare blanket over her. Before leaving, he looked back at her sleepy form. As much as they could grate each other’s nerves, no one had ever thought to encourage him or challenge his own thinking besides his father. He had never been a warm or sentimental person, having to try thrice as hard to grasp emotions that came so naturally to others, but she had planted a seed of doubt. Having always been so confident in his own lacking, he found a part of himself excited to be proven wrong for the first time. Before closing the door softly, he spoke “Thank you, Nanami.”

“You’ve done enough. Let me finish them.”

He’s not v good at hugs or words of encouragement but he’s trying his best (the jacket’s getting immediately dry cleaned anyways)

Same Difference Ch.16

Her back ached as she hunched over her keyboard, only moving to grab the odd paper and examine it. Straightening up for the first time in hours she glanced at the clock on the wall that read 10:45pm, realizing she’d neglected two out of three meals today. Once Overhaul had left, she decided to catch up on paperwork and hadn’t gotten up since, except to go to the bathroom and grab a glass of water. On her visit to the fridge, she was unsurprised to find nothing but water and condiments. Of all the ways to be a normal bachelor, he chooses this one… she bemoaned, trying to formulate a dinner strategy while on house arrest. After a beat, she made a couple calls,confident she’d found a loophole.

An hour or so later, the smell of lemon and herbs filled the kitchen as she checked between dishes. After going through her mental list of recipes, she decided chicken picatta with a side of rice would be easiest while also sating her growing hunger. Smelling the sauce, she grabbed a spoon to gauge if the seasoning was up to snuff. Closing her eyes, she considered the flavor.

“What are you doing?”

“Aggh!” She clutched her chest, almost choking on the sauce. Catching her breath, she shot him a ghastly look before continuing, “I know this is your house and all, but could you please not use the ~hitman stealth~ walk while I’m here?”

“No. You should just be more alert. Now answer my question: what are you doing?”

“Ah, well I know by your sad fridge you may not be familiar with the concept, but this is called ‘cooking’.” She piped in her best kindergarten teacher voice.

“Do not start with me tonight.” He looked genuinely angry as he took a step forward, “Where did you get the ingredients? I specifically asked you not to leave and yo—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Chill out, Joe Goldberg, I stayed in the box. ”


“Ugh, if you watched TV like a normal person that would have been a great joke—anyway, what I’m saying is I didn’t leave.”


“Well it’s this show about a guy who traps a gi—”

“Dammit I mean about how you got the ingredients without leaving.”

“Oh yes, well I texted Kurono to call one of the guys who then called another dude who ordered it on Mostpates who then went back through the chain of communication until it was delivered to the door by one of your subordinates—with whom I had zero contact with—and now here I am. Still very much isolated from the outside world. Happy?”

He paused, his eyes narrowed in suspicion as he towered over her. She deadpanned back until he relented, rolling his eyes and sighing; irritated with her consistent sass, but relieved Nanami was safe. Relieved a valuable ally was uncompromised, he sternly corrected as though to convince himself. Try as he may, the frequency of his little “unprofessional slips” when it came to her kept increasing. He reasoned that introducing her to Pop—the Boss, was simply strategic and necessary as she became more involved in their organization. These faux pas where he’d praise her behind her back to the Boss during their weekly dinners or lapse into these fantasies, he wouldn’t dare speak aloud were merely obstacles he’d need to overcome. At some point. She’s just an ally. He lied to himself yet again, before addressing her, “Don’t do that without informing me first next time.”

“Yes s— I mean, you bet.” She said nervously clearing her throat before turning back to the stove. She would’ve continued indulging in her favorite pastime of getting on his nerves, but decided not to after getting a good look at him in the light. He looked tired and her sympathy won out over her need to continue poking the bear. Deciding it would be more sensible to make nice with her new roommate, she took a chance. “You know, I made a lot more than I was expecting if you wan—”

“I don’t need anything from you,” he reflexively shot back.

“Fine. Suit yourself.” she shrugged turning back to the stove. One step forward, fifteen steps back. What do I even expect?


Her head slowly swiveled to him; her brows raised. She took the sauce off the heat, drizzling the aromatic cream over the steaming rice and herb-crusted chicken. She confidently maintained eye contact for dramatic effect, though she was quite surprised she didn’t spill anything. A staring contest ensued, though they both knew the winner was the one who already possessed the literal chicken dinner. “Care to rethink your answer?”

“… If I get food poisoning it’ll be your end.” He acquiesced.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let’s just hurry before it gets cold.”

They sat down at the table across from each other, setting their places. Forgetting to get utensils, Nanami got back up and headed to the kitchen to retrieve them. “You can start without me, I forgot something,” she said with her back turned as she found the drawer she was looking for. Looking at the pans, she decided it would be much less of a pain to put them in the sink now instead of after her self-induced food coma. As she reached for the pan, she heard a faint rustling and a hushed “Thanks for the food” coming from the table. She went wide-eyed for a split second at the realization, Well, guess you can’t eat through a mask… gulping at the thought of finally seeing his face, she shooed the feelings away as mere curiosity, to no avail. Suddenly it felt too nerve-wracking to turn around as she continued to overthink, her utensils having been found long ago.

“If you leave your plate out any longer, I’m going to throw it away.”

“What? That makes zero sen—” she turned to reflexively bicker but stopped short. After seeing someone masked for so long it felt strangely intimate to see his face. He was still facing forward, calmly devouring the meal as she studied his profile, his features catching the warm light above the dining table. Nanami hadn’t known what she’d expected to see, but it wasn’t this. It might have been less surprising if he had some maniacal countenance or monstrous face, but he just looked… Normal… Normal…and really fucking cute. Shit. Her conflicted look of disgust with herself and fascination with him was promptly misinterpreted as he turned to see why she’d stopped grimaced back at her as she continued her appraisal, finding his full expressions, instead of just eyes, to still be a jarring sight.

“Do you have something to say?”

“N-No, just getting some eating sticks! I mean utensils. Eating. Utensils.” She cleared her throat, exuding awkwardness.


Exhaling, she hurriedly made her way back to the table, trying to carry on normally. She began eating, her hunger taking her mind off the previous blunder. Looking up to grab the pitcher of water to refill her glass, she inadvertently caught his gaze. Certain this would be a rare occurrence, she decided if she wanted to gawk, it would have to be now. Today she’d gotten a face and a name, and suddenly he seemed a lot more… human.

“You have a staring problem, and I’m going to fix it in a very unpleasant way if you don’t stop.”

Nevermind. “Says the guy that’s blinked all of 3 times in the past 4 months.” She scoffed,“ I don’t have a 'staring problem,’ I was just… surprised to see your face is all.”

He paused before continuing eating, but she could tell he was still thinking, “… what’s surprising about it?”

Now able to fully evaluate his expressions, Nanami could tell he was a mixture of indignant, but curious. I can work with that. “Hm? Oh nothing, nothing at all… Except…” she leaned forward across the table, her eyes heavy-lidded as they travelled from his eyes to his mouth, committing the pleasant features to memory.

He was focused now. “Except?” the word came out softer than intended, as she was close enough for him to catch the scent of lavender, the t-shirt she wore forming an almost dangerously revealing dip as she leaned forward. His jaw clenched as he fought to maintain eye contact, trying not to blatantly appreciate her suggestive positioning. The walls of the room felt as though they were shifting closer together as he waited with bated breath for her answer, or action.

“Except…You have rice on it,” she tapped on her own face to show him where, grinning at his look of exasperation as she plopped back down to finish her last bite of food, missing how he briefly deflated. “So, how was it?”

“I don’t feel any early signs of food poisoning,” he began “but we’ll see how the rest of the night goes.”

Now feeling the sleepiness beginning to take over, she was too tired to give a quality retort. Sighing, she got up, grabbing her dish as she made her way back to the kitchen to clean up, the day finally catching up to her. She placed her dish in the sink and began searching for the gloves to start washing. Before she could locate them, she heard footsteps behind her.


“Really? I share my food and then you insult it—surprise, surprise—and now I can’t even clean up in peace” She began, but stopped as she turned to see him, his hands already clad in the yellow latex. His face was expressionless as he moved in her place and began tidying up. Taking it as her cue to leave, she dragged herself to her room to get ready for bed before he called back to her.

“Thank you for the food. It wasn’t bad at all.” He said, his back still turned as he continued cleaning.

She stopped, a half-smile appearing on her face as she could see he was trying to make nice, though he was obviously still not used to it, “…You’re welcome. Hey, Overhaul?”


“You should get some rest.”

“Don’t need it. Per our conversation earlier, I have unlimited stamina.”

“Sure, but you can’t overhaul your mind, now can you?”

“Ok, Dr. Phil.” He mocked and her eyes shot wide. Before she could respond he continued, “And no, I will not answer further questions about that reference or how I know it. Goodnight.”

Stifling a laugh, she turned to walk back to her room, “Goodnight.”

The next week went by without incident and they began to form a routine. At 5:30 they’d get up to get ready for their jog. Nanami could tell she was on schedule by the sound of footsteps and water running next door that mirrored her own. Once finished, they’d convene in the front room, put on their shoes and head outside to stretch. Very few words if any were spoken, but Nanami enjoyed the comfortable silence. At work it was always expected that she’d be overtly personable and chatty, but she knew he had no such expectations. She could zone out and just exist and that was alrigh—

“Ahem”, he cleared his throat as he waited expectantly for her to start their morning run. His hands bare for the first time in ages as one of his subordinates ordered the wrong brand, and he swore he’d break into hives if he used them. Both of them were sure they wouldn’t need to touch any public surfaces on their run so the rarity of the occasion was dismissed.

“Oops, coming.”

Without another word they began, Nanami putting her headphones in. After their third run, he was satisfied that he could handle an ambush as they gathered more intel about the Okamura, and she could indulge in her music while they ran. One of her favorite songs came on and she began stepping to the rhythm as her shoulders started to roll and her head bobbed to the beat, soon after she began mouthing the words.

Every time I comb my hair

Thoughts of you get in my eyes

You’re a sinner, I don’t care

I just want your creamy thighs”

All the while she didn’t realize her erratic movements and lip-syncing had caught Overhaul’s attention as he watched from the corner of his eye. A few months ago, he wouldn’t have been able to stomach the thought of sharing his home and free time with someone else without breaking out in hives, but now it felt… comfortable. It was comforting to come home to someone, to work with them and not be annoyed to the point of homicide (for him it was more rare than most), it was comforting knowing that someone was her.

She looked so carefree, so happy in the midst of everything while he felt the weight of the world had made permanent indentions on his shoulders. She didn’t fit in this world; she didn’t belong here. Or to anyone. The thought crossing his mind bitterly as his inner monologue took a familiar, pessimistic turn. Just looking at her brought that sickening warmth to his chest he coveted but didn’t recognize as something he was capable of… that is until a couple of months ago. Now he found it showing up more and more, clouding his judgment. It was distracting. He had an objective and she was an important variable in achieving said objective—nothing more. How dare she make him… feel or even question if he was able to. It was disgusting.

Now able to recognize the feeling of being silently judged by him, Nanami looked up to meet his gaze. “Weren’t you just lecturing me the other day about having a 'staring problem’?”

“I’m not staring, I’m just wondering why you’re carrying on like this in public.”

“Pssh, enjoying music—the great music of the illustrious Prince, nonetheless—is totally grounds for 'carrying on in public.’ Being carefree every now and again isn’t a sin, you know.”

“There are enough frivolous people in the world. Why should I have to indulge them?”

“You call it frivolous; I call it taking happy moments when they come. You should just let people enjoy things and stop being such a stick in the mud. You never know, maybe you’ll do something ~*wild*~ like enjoy yourself for once.”

“Not all of us have the luxury of being empty-headed and self-indulgent.”

At this she stopped running, the words sounding more like a personal attack than broad commentary. “What, so I’m a careless idiot just because I don’t brood about my self-induced problems all the time?”

Their similarities began to surface as he took her comment in like fashion, both of them now offended at scenarios they’d created in their own heads. “'Self-induced’? You know nothing about my perceived 'problems’ or how they came about. Nothing.” His irritation quickly morphed into anger the more he thought about the implication that he’d chosen this life.

“And you don’t know anything about my problems either. Just because I choose to be happy every blue moon and my issues usually don’t involve me snuffing people out on the regular doesn’t mean they aren’t also really shitty.”

“Oh, so you accidently blow up one kid and now it’s a trauma you get to use as a crutch?”

Upon saying this, her posture straightened, and she looked at him evenly, a cold rage emanating from her. “So, you think that’s all there is to me? I’m just some spoiled brat who’s always had her way and now that I’m exposed to your big, scary reality, my little traumas don’t compare? My tender little world is being shattered by the brutality and violence of your 'real’ one? If anything is self-indulgent it’s your narcissistic assumption that you’re sob story is somehow worse than everyone else’s” she said, venom dripping from her words.

He hadn’t seen her like this before. They say when telling a person’s age, that wrinkles and proportions are the best tells. In truth, there’s a certain “look” that begins to form over time, one’s experiences flash behind their eyes, an amalgamation of memories; they've seen things, their innocence eroding with every visage adding years to even the most verdant skin. As Nanami spoke, he saw an age in her eyes that didn’t match her face. There was a certainty in her gaze that only came from seeing the grotesque with one’s own eyes and deciding to keep looking. Her words were telling, but her stare was what filled the pages of the novel being written between them. Ever obsessed with purity, he assumed he’d be repulsed by the revelation, but it only made her seem closer. Her presumed naivety that he thought separated them was being chipped away. He wanted to know more, to become closer.

He was entranced as she seemingly riled herself up, “I’ve been through more than you could ev—” She stopped short, shaking her head as she bit her lip, looking off into the distance at something only she could see.

“What do you mean?” He coaxed her to finish her thought, now hopeful.

“No. I think I’ve told you enough. You’ve made your judgment and I’ll have to live with the fact that I made a mistake, as will you.”

“What? This conversation isn’t ov—”

“You don’t get to decide that,” she snapped. “I’m heading back, and I suggest you take the long way around.”

A grave look came across his face at being commanded, “That’s not how this works, and you will not cut me off again, or I’ll-”

“Or you’ll what?” She was back in his face, a familiar defiance in her eyes. If she was poking the bear before, this was an entire stabbing.

“You don’t want this.” He warned.

“You have no idea what I want.”

As things boiled over, they were much too close, a static in the air building between them, fingers pointed as they continued to argue. They were ultimately too close, for no more than a millisecond, but that small error was all it took for the reaction that followed. In that brief moment, they made contact, a blast followed that sent them both flying in opposite directions. Nanami hit one of the walls that lined the streets with a sickening thud. She slumped, unconscious, a stream of red dying her silver hair.

“I’ve tried as hard as I physically can– nothing. I just can’t replicate it.” Nanami let out, frustrated after hours of trying in vain. “Any progress on your end?”

He didn’t meet her gaze, but she could tell by the far-off look in his eyes he wasn’t having much luck either. After running some analysis on their fluid samples from the day before, they found the protein-encased mystery particles from before seemed to be reacting in time with their quirk activation. They surmised it had to be connected to overhaul, but to what end they still weren’t sure. It also wasn’t helpful that whenever they attempted to isolate the particles from the sample fluids, they immediately disintegrated. Nanami felt they were hitting a wall and decided to try something risky. The suggestion had popped into her head an hour or so ago upon reviewing the final footage with Kurono, but hoped they’d figure out an alternative before resorting to testing it out. Sighing, she began, “…I ha—"

“ve an idea.” They spoke simultaneously, though what was a look of apprehension in Nanami’s eyes was one of mischief in Overhaul’s.

Yup, don’t like that.

“Don’t look so worried, we’ll be careful about this, just like last time. I don’t want a repeat of that morning as much as you do.” He said rubbing the back of his head upon remembering how very unpleasant it was cracking his skull and having to anxiously wait by her bedside for days.

“… Fine. But for the record, I do not endorse this, but desperate times…”

“Your apprehension has been noted.” He sighed annoyed, “After you, doctor.”


They entered the testing arena followed by Kurono, Rappa and Mimic who were hauling in various plastics from the lab. They placed them neatly against the wall as Nanami took stock of the varying kinds and shapes she had to work with. Overhaul stood nearby taking down the room conditions and making markings on the floor while the last of the plastic was brought in. The pile was large, stretching at least six feet tall. Looking back at him, Nanami confirmed, “You sure about this?”

“Are you questioning him?” Mimic screeched as Nanami’s eyes reflexively rolled the second noise came from his mouth.

“Was I talking to yo—"

“Mimic.” Overhaul chided; his expression bored. Mimic scoffed, folding his arms, but remained silent nonetheless as Overhaul continued, “Yes, I am sure. I trust you.” He replied to her question simply.

If a pin had dropped in that moment, the sound would have been deafening as the three Precepts froze, staring in shock at what they’d heard. Nanami shared in their surprise before promptly looking away, feeling his gaze to be a bit too intense at the declaration. It was common knowledge that the only person he truly trusted was himself, and to state otherwise, in front of an audience no less, was no small matter. There wasn’t a hint of the sarcasm in his voice or features at his reply to her, no air of manipulation. It felt sincere and she was confronted with the possibility that the games had ended, and they’d truly stepped into new territory that sent her heart racing.  A simple ‘yes’ would have sufficed. Nanami thought, annoyed at how easily he got a rise out of her, heat rising to her cheeks.

Satisfied with her reaction, he resumed, his gaze still fixed on her, “Now, if you all value your eyes, you’ll leave us to our work. Or did any of you have something to say?”

“Nope, I’m good.” Rappa replied, turning on his heel and out of the room as the rest of them followed suit, Kurono’s face a bit too smug for Nanami’s liking.

Now alone in the room, Nanami spoke, still refusing to make eye contact, “L-let’s just get started.” She knelt down to the pile, examining it for a beat before transforming it into a large span of padding that covered a quarter of the room, the density thickest towards the center. The plastics made great raw materials for make-shift poly-fil, the padding essentially being a giant pillow to soften the impact she anticipated.

He strode over to her, disposing of his gloves, “We’ve tried a myriad of different ways to recreate the blast from the experiment on our lonesome with… depressing results. By the footage we can confirm that the air is what reacted to our quirk. I say we try again, together this time.”

“It’s gonna be pretty hard since I know we’re supposed to get riled up. It’d be kind of contrived to do it the same way as last time, don’t you think?”

“Agreed, but I don’t think that will be necessary. I’d like to try it as though we’re using overhaul normally, without any significant stressors.” He reasoned before motioning to the lines drawn on the floor as guides, “If we adhere to the diagram, we should be able to perform this with minimal risk.”

She chewed the inside of her mouth before acquiescing, “Alright, let’s line up and on the count of three, we’ll give it a shot.”

Nodding the went to their designated markers, both focusing intently on the target placed on the other side of the room. Standing side-by-side, each extended an arm outward, aiming towards the marker a few yards away. Taking a centering breath, Overhaul began, “One… two… three…”



“… Okay, now we just look constipated.” Nanami exasperated, frustrated by their lack of progress.

“Be serious.”

“I am. I just don’t know how this is supposed to work. Obviously, air is matter, but it’s… different. I can’t see it…”

“…But we can feel it.” They looked to each other, sharing a eureka moment. Early on in their research, they discovered what seemed to be a heightened sensitivity in their hands which was unsurprising as they were their primary quirk factors ( Nanami also discovered their feet could serve as secondary factors, but the idea of feet in general grossed Overhaul out so the discovery was promptly archived).

Closing her eyes, Nanami focused on her hands, feeling for every whisp of air that caressed her fingertips as she slowly moved them through the air. She was sure it looked like she was having a very boring acid trip, but ultimately the movements worked to help visualize the air particles to the best of her ability. With renewed vigor, she opened her eyes to see her lab partner doing a similar exercise, though his movements were more akin to lazier version of jazz hands. Stifling a giggle at the sight, she cleared her throat to gain his attention, “Ready to try again?”

“On three.” He confirmed, with a nod, his eyes focused on the target in the distance once more. “One… two… thre—"

The second the last syllable ended, a chain of explosions cascaded across the room, obliterating the target in an instant. The blast sent them careening backwards towards the padding on the wall and across the room and Nanami found herself eternally grateful they’d taken the time to reinforce it. Dizzied by the recoil, she hazily peered in the direction of the target, brushing a stray hair from her face. Blinking her vision into focus, it was clear that the target was gone… As well as the wall behind it… And the wall behind that one as well. Rebar and blocks of concrete fell pathetically from the rim of the gaping hole left behind, though the sound was muffled by the ringing in her right ear.

It worked. Nanami thought awestruck at her quirk. She could acknowledge its usefulness in a general sense, but for whatever reason, this moment reminded her of the sublime, and she felt Herculean for the first time in her life. It became easier for her to imagine how this feeling would leave others drunk with power, the possibility for creation and destruction growing more vast by the day, but her resolve remained unwavering. In the same moment that she was in awe of the destruction, there was a marked guilt at the thought of someone being in the way of a blast like that. Her quirk felt like a cruel metaphor for her life; constantly building to mitigate the equally constant destruction, both of which she was responsible for. I…have really got to stop depressing myself like this. She thought, shaking herself out of the mini-existential crisis.

Readjusting herself on the padding where she landed, there was a warmth on her back, then small, rhythmic breathes. She looked to either side of her to see familiar slack-clad legs caging her in. Connecting the dots, her eyes shot wide, realizing she was sitting in her partner’s lap. Trying to ignore a slew of unprofessional thoughts, she turned carefully, a small part of her hoping he’d been knocked out, simply to avoid any embarrassment. Still a bit sore, she steadied herself, absentmindedly putting a hand on his chest, the other pressing against the padding before looking to his face. Much to her chagrin, he was fully conscious. He gazed down at her with an expression she couldn’t read, though it certainly wasn’t blank. Hyperaware of their positioning she attempted to steady her breath before speaking, feeling the familiar tension between them growing more potent. Move! Say something, do something! Literally anything! Instead her breath hitched as he unsubtly glanced down at her lips before returning to her eyes, the fact that he’d made no efforts to change their position now weighing heavily on her. It was becoming too much for Nanami as it became clearer by the moment what the tension would amount to if left unchecked. The scariest part of it all being that she wouldn’t stop him if he decided to act on whatever ideas were dancing behind those eyes. Panicked by her own willingness, she blurted out the first thing that came to mind, an awestruck look still in her eyes as she appreciated seeing him this close.

“That… was a bigass explosion.”

Truly insightful observation, Dr.Watanabe. Just put that as the title of the research paper: The Methodology and Phenomena of Bigass Explosions. She thought, inwardly rolling her eyes at herself.

She could feel his chest jerk at her comment in a stifled chuckle, his face that of disbelief and amusement, “You’re not wrong… Would you care to join me in getting up and surveying the results? This position isn’t ideal, for labwork that is.” He spoke the last part a bit too suggestively and Nanami was convinced her face would be stuck in a permanent state of blush.

“O-oh yeah, of course! Sorry about that,” She stammered, hopping to her feet before instinctively extending her hand to help him up. She almost immediately remembered how silly the gesture was, but before she could withdraw the palm, he grasped it firmly, accepted the lift. She pulled him up, struggling for a beat as he was heavier than he looked, trying her best to hide a look of shock as he held her hand longer than necessary.

As they surveyed the damage from a distance, there was a glint in his eye, that left her equally excited and concerned. They hadn’t realized it yet, but what appeared to be a breakthrough dragged behind it a deluge of questions they might soon regret asking.

Same Difference Ch.18

A/N: Shoutout to Kurono, The Lawful Evil Wingman™.


Making the long trek down the hallways, Nanami began mulling over her hypotheses about what transpired. She opened the door to find Chisa—I mean Overhaul—looking pensively and found herself glad they were on the same, confusing page.

“So, I think we should go over the chain of events.”

“Agreed.” He concurred as he pulled up the notes he made earlier and she went to the whiteboard to write.

“Ok, so at 5:30 AM we woke up like usual,” how easily the ‘like usual’ part came out after only a week together made her stomach flip, but she did her best to ignore it, clearing her throat before continuing,” we ate the same thing for dinner, and neither of us had eaten breakfast or ingested anything besides water.”

Having no idea what caused their shared quirk, they thought it best to keep track of their eating habits and refrain from taking any medication unless absolutely necessary. It resulted in a couple days of cranky Nanami as she rode out the odd headache every now and again, but it was just another rule to help ensure their results were as accurate as possible.

“At 6 AM, we began running. And I remember my phone reading 6:15 AM when I changed the song, so the reaction had to have happened around 6:20 AM.” She said, finishing the timeline on the white board. “At 15 minutes in you wouldn’t have been using the latent abilities of overhaul yet, so we were both neutral at this point.”

Considering the facts for a moment, he interjected,” I think this would work best if we tried to replicate this scene exactly to our best ability in the testing area. Kurono will spectate so we can avoid injury like last time.”

“I figured,” her voice gave away a hint of apprehension as her back was turned to him, still facing the board but writing nothing. She knew whatever it was was an accident, but the possibility of sustaining injuries like she had before was still very unappealing. She heard a chair move and then footsteps.

“As I said, it won’t happen again. This is just a reenactment, you’ll be safe.”

She turned to see him a safe distance away but could tell the look in his eyes was sincere. After a beat, she simply nodded, “Ok, let’s do this.”


The next day, they woke up at the same time and went out doing the same routine, except they would jog in the testing area so Kurono could take notes and supervise. When the reaction happened, he’d at least be able to slow them down and mitigate the intense injuries from before. Nanami put in her earphones, listening to the same music and making the same movements as the timer they’d made to signal events buzzed, letting them know when to begin each interaction. They jogged around the room at the same pace and the timer sounded again, signaling them to begin talking, or rather arguing.

“It wouldn’t make sense to ignore that we were pretty riled up at the time, even though neither of us activated our quirk. So, do what you do best and get on my nerves.”

“I was going to say the exact same thing.”

“You’ll have to escalate this further, your heart rates have risen, but they’re still not high enough.” Kurono remarked, checking the charts. Thankfully Nanami had been wearing a BitFit when running so they knew the goal was at least 189 BPM. As it stood, they were only at 150 with only another 4 minutes to get it up.

Thinking quickly, Kurono decided it wouldn’t be very plausible for them to work themselves up if they were aware of it. He thought it best to help, “By the way, Dr. Watanabe, did you still need me to text that guy friend of yours for you to reschedule your date? I’ll need to drive a bit so the signal hits the right cell tower, but Tanaka just sounded so excited to see you again.”

At this Nanami was a bit confused. She was supposed to reschedule her dinner date with Tanaka, but Kurono had already done that last week and both of them knew it. What’s he talking about…

“…Date?” Overhaul’s voice was low and accusatory.

“Yeah, we go on them all the time, but I’ve had to put them on hold since this whole obligatory quarantine with you.” She replied plainly.

“’All the time’.” He intoned, sounding almost disgusted at her response.

“That’s what I said… Is there a proble– ”

“Exactly how long has this been happening?”

“A while.” She wasn’t sure why the air had shifted between them, but his temper was starting to grate her nerves, “I followed procedure and haven’t left this entire time. Why do you even care?” she asked half-jokingly.

“I do not care. It is physically impossible for me to care any less about you and who you associate with.”

“What the – why are you being such an ass?”  She said getting closer, similar to before.

They continued to argue as Kurono calmy monitored their vitals, satisfied they were now at the appropriate BPM. Making his notes, he looked up to see them dangerously close and noticed something they hadn’t considered before. There was usually a noticeable tension between them, but today it seemed more like the air was almost electric or filled with a static of some sort. Soon, due to their proximity and Nanami’s tendency to gesture with her hands when she spoke, Kurono took a gamble. Hoping they were too entranced in their own spat to notice he quietly and quickly walked up to them stopping short to cut them both with his hair. Both of them now slowed, he moved them into the safety of the observation deck, hoping his gamble would pay off as Overhaul and Nanami looked royally pissed. He explained before unfreezing them, “You know I wouldn’t do it unless I absolutely had to. Just look closely at the spot I moved you two from.”  Unfreezing them, they tabled the argument to observe. Then an explosion happened, just like before.

They gathered around the monitor in the room and played back the recording, zooming in on the spot and fast forwarding to the exact moment the explosion happened. Seeing it in slow motion, a spiderweb of blue light fractured outwardly before the explosion happened. It looked like lightning and was just as fast, so missing it in the midst of the blast was easy. Watching it back again, they all shared a look of realization.

“It’s the air.” They said in unison.

“I’ll compile the footage. Dr. Watanabe, could you retrieve the supplies for collecting blood and sweat samples as well as the barometer? Fluid samples and air conditions need to be collected and noted as soon as possible,” Kurono reasoned.

“Agreed, be right back!” Nanami nodded, jogging out of the room.

Kurono turned to Overhaul, the terminal he was using to monitor their vitals still in hand, “Kai, you can relax a bit, I only needed it to be 189 not 21—”

“Do not speak to me.”

Kurono sighed, realizing it would be best to put his friend out of his misery before he said anything else stupid today to potentially ruin his chances with the good doctor, “I won’t say another word, but… it’s probably important to note Dr. Tanaka has a cute wife—not as attractive as our dear doctor, but a looker nonetheless. She and Nanami seem to be great friends…” glancing out the corner of his eye he could see Overhaul’s brow furrow as he reluctantly listened,” All three of them hang out pretty regularly, you know. They go on these things called ‘dinner dates’. They poke fun at Dr. Watanabe for being single, but she seems to enjoy her time with them nonetheless. Just a bit of information I thought I’d share.”

At this Overhaul’s head slowly turned to his direction, an incredulous look on his face as Kurono finished speaking, “You motherfu—”

“Dr. Watanabe! You’re back.” Kurono interjected with a level of enthusiasm that felt foreign as he wisely walked over to her, creating distance between himself and his friend.

“Um… yes. Here I am.” She said, a bit confused as to why the usually even-keeled Kurono was so animated while Overhaul now looked like he was having an existential crisis. “You guys good…or?”

“We’re fine.”

“We’re great!”

Not wanting to be in the middle of whatever had happened in the 2 minutes she’d been gone, she thought it best to gloss over it. “Oki doki then… let’s collect these samples.”

Kurono withdrew blood from Nanami then placed gauze on her to absorb the sweat before walking over to Overhaul to do the same. His glare told him it was best not to be within striking distance and promptly handed the supplies to Nanami. “I’ll just be back in the lab computer lab while you guys get some air readings and finish collecting the sweat samples. Be back in 30.”  Kurono said while hurriedly collecting his laptop and the camera’s SD card before leaving. He spared his friend a sympathetic look that was spitefully ignored before closing the door to the observation room behind him.

They sat in silence for the first 5 minutes as Nanami tried to think of a way to break the ice. Having been in the situation so often, she felt like an expert and decided to just go for it, “So, what was that all about?”

“What was what all about?”

“Oh, you know, the plotline of the soap opera that was on last night,” she mocked in an airhead voice before continuing seriously, “—you know exactly what I mean. Don’t play dumb, you were so mean back there!”

“Of course, I was.”

“I can’t believe yo—wait what?”

“I said of course, I had to be rude. We needed to recreate the scene and you were too calm in comparison to that morning for it to be accurate.”

She raised her hand to point at him, her mouth opening to speak, before stopping short and putting her index to her lips, a pensive look on her face. “So, that was just you… acting?”

“Exactly. Your acting skills being so subpar, I’m not surprised you didn’t recognize it.”

Brushing off his comment, she continued thinking, “But how did you get your heart rate up so high?”

“Practice. Plenty of people can control their heart rate and work themselves up with enough discipline.”

She didn’t have anything to say to that, feeling a bit foolish for letting her feelings cloud her judgement, “Well, wow,” she chuckled derisively to herself,” now I feel silly for getting genuinely worked up at you. Sorry abou—”

“Don’t be. It was for the experiment; your reaction was as it should have been.”

“… Ah. Alright then. Well, how do you want to spend the next… 23 minutes? Besides just working up a sweat, of course.” He gave her a look and she realized it could have been worded better as she rubbed her temples hoping to hide her now very warm cheeks, “… I’m just going to stop talking for the foreseeable future.”

“That’s acceptable, however,” he looked over to her his hand extended as his eyes glanced from her to her bag in the corner.

“… I hate you.” She grabbed her planner and a pen, flipping it to the bookmarked page. Begrudgingly, she handed it over, refusing to give him the satisfaction of eye contact. He’d been merciful letting a multitude of opportunities slide since that night in the bar, so this time she knew it had to be done.

He placed the tally mark next to her doodle portrait as he first had months ago, satisfied the score was close to being even. “Now, let’s talk theories.”
