#oyinkan braithwaite


THE REVIEW: My Sister The Serial Killer

First of all I have never read a book that has a character with my name so for that reason this is a winner and I really need to read more Yoruba fiction.
There are many more reasons why My Sister The Serial Killer is an excellent book but being able to A. Relate and even further B. IDENTIFY with characters in a novel is a pretty new experience for me.
This isn’t me saying that every book up until…

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Audiobook Review: My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite || this short thriller got me worked up and made me wanna punch a character

  • Title: My Sister, The Serial Killer
  • Author: Oyinkan Braithwaite
  • Publisher: Random House Audio/Anchor Books
  • Genre: Thriller, Contemporary, Fiction, Crime Mystery, Cultural (Africa)
  • Pages/Length: 3 hours (Audiobook)
  • Where to buy: Amazon, Book Depository
  • Content Warning: Descriptions/mentions of murder and physical abuse

Quickie Plot: Younger sis goes around killing her boyfriends. *shrugs*No big deal…

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my sister, the serial killermy sister, the serial killer

my sister, the serial killer

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