#thriller book


Audiobook Review: My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite || this short thriller got me worked up and made me wanna punch a character

  • Title: My Sister, The Serial Killer
  • Author: Oyinkan Braithwaite
  • Publisher: Random House Audio/Anchor Books
  • Genre: Thriller, Contemporary, Fiction, Crime Mystery, Cultural (Africa)
  • Pages/Length: 3 hours (Audiobook)
  • Where to buy: Amazon, Book Depository
  • Content Warning: Descriptions/mentions of murder and physical abuse

Quickie Plot: Younger sis goes around killing her boyfriends. *shrugs*No big deal…

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Thriller Audiobooks I’ve Read Lately || Pam is a Scribd hoe

There’s really just something about thrillers that makes me want to consume them by listening to their audiobook versions. Maybe the creepy and chilling atmosphere? The transition from normal to crazed voice by the narrator? The game of figuring out who the killer is or what crazy thing could happen next or how it would end?

If you all don’t know yet, I LOVE SCRIBD. I wrote a post back in…

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