#pagan craft

pagan craft

No hate to the light workers I’m sorry this is just too hilarious


Yram Liah.

The reversed Our Father is a common devotional for the traditional witch. For those of us that honor the Dame, I recommend the same treatment of the Hail Mary.


Htaed ruo fo ruoh eht ta dna

Won srennis su rof yarp

Dog fo rehtom, Yram Yloh.

Susej bmow yht fo tiurf eht si desselb dna

Nemow gnoma uoht tra desselb

Eeht htiw si drol eht ecarg fo lluf

Yram Liah.

In traditional witch Gemma Gary’s book ‘The Devil’s Dozen’ she also discusses speaking psalms and prayers to the Christian god backwards as a devotional to the Witch’s Father (the Horned One, the Old One, etc) or as a way to invoke him

Celebrate the light in the darkest time of the year
