

     Hello! Today, I’ve decided to make a post for my newbie LHP practitioners. First of all, if you decided to walk with demons and dark gods, congratulations, I’m happy for you! This path is beautiful and mysterious, but it does get overwhelming. There’s a lot to learn, plus, you can’t turn back. Not for the faint-hearted, proceeding to be calm as you communicate with ‘evil’ forces are not the easiest thing. You can be easily manipulated, they won’t give a shit.

     Most of the time, if one of them thinks you’re ready, they’ll reach out.  But of course, you have to know some stuff. 

1. Protection magick. Can’t stress this enough. You have to have strong wards, what if something you don’t want comes in? Lock your mirrors, do protection spells, wear talismans, ask for protection from your deities, etc. etc.

2. Many of us don’t worship any demons, dragons, or really any ‘infernal’ spirit, but some of us do. You can start by researching Satanism, Luciferianism, etc. 

3. Black magick types.

4. The hierarchy of demons. Sorry, you might suffer a bit here, wishing you luck. 

5. Rituals, casting a demonic circle.

6. Offerings for them.

7.. My absolute favourite, traditional demonolatry, demonology.

8.. This one is optional to be honest, but vampirism. No you don’t suck out someone’s blood, no you don’t burn when it’s sunny, you feed off of spiritual energy. 

9. The Qliphoth. Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. So important. You won’t be able to understand most stuff. 

10. Ars Goetia, The Lesser Key of King Solomon. As important. Some don’t like King Solomon, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid it, limiting yourself to only one group of demons is not going to help you.

     Yeah, so, these are the ones I would suggest you to do research on. I know it’s overwhelming but you can do this, I promise! You can always message me if you have any questions, I’d respond. Have fun researching.
