#left hand path


     Hello! Today, I’ve decided to make a post for my newbie LHP practitioners. First of all, if you decided to walk with demons and dark gods, congratulations, I’m happy for you! This path is beautiful and mysterious, but it does get overwhelming. There’s a lot to learn, plus, you can’t turn back. Not for the faint-hearted, proceeding to be calm as you communicate with ‘evil’ forces are not the easiest thing. You can be easily manipulated, they won’t give a shit.

     Most of the time, if one of them thinks you’re ready, they’ll reach out.  But of course, you have to know some stuff. 

1. Protection magick. Can’t stress this enough. You have to have strong wards, what if something you don’t want comes in? Lock your mirrors, do protection spells, wear talismans, ask for protection from your deities, etc. etc.

2. Many of us don’t worship any demons, dragons, or really any ‘infernal’ spirit, but some of us do. You can start by researching Satanism, Luciferianism, etc. 

3. Black magick types.

4. The hierarchy of demons. Sorry, you might suffer a bit here, wishing you luck. 

5. Rituals, casting a demonic circle.

6. Offerings for them.

7.. My absolute favourite, traditional demonolatry, demonology.

8.. This one is optional to be honest, but vampirism. No you don’t suck out someone’s blood, no you don’t burn when it’s sunny, you feed off of spiritual energy. 

9. The Qliphoth. Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. So important. You won’t be able to understand most stuff. 

10. Ars Goetia, The Lesser Key of King Solomon. As important. Some don’t like King Solomon, but that doesn’t mean you have to avoid it, limiting yourself to only one group of demons is not going to help you.

     Yeah, so, these are the ones I would suggest you to do research on. I know it’s overwhelming but you can do this, I promise! You can always message me if you have any questions, I’d respond. Have fun researching.

     Hey! I wanted to make this post since I’m doing more research about this incredible King, so if you’re planning to work with him, or just curious, keep scrolling. 

     Mammon is a dark lord, a king, the noble demon of abundance, wealth, greed, money, capitalism, commerce, luck, ambition, aggression, sex. He has 30 legions, 26 wives, the 9th of the Nine Orders (tempters, ensnarers); Teacher of the art of evocation, he rules the earth and fire, controls the rain, is autumn. He rules Gamaliel (Black moon / Lilith) in a rare demonic hierarchy of Qliphoth. He is an incredibly powerful lord. He is also seen as a deity of thieves and merchants. I personally don’t think He’s a deity, but you do you. 

     He is one of the 7 Lords of Hell, if you believe in it. He is Mammon, Maymon; representing the deadly sin: greed. Some say ‘princes of Hell’ however, I don’t agree. Just because a few is told to be ‘princes’ doesn’t make others the same. He even told me to call Him King Mammon. 

     King Mammon shows Himself as an old man to me. He wears posh clothes, has a deep - raspy voice. I’ve seen Him twice with Lady Lilith. She just does Her job as a guide. I love Her.

     I don’t suggest working with the Dark Lord if you think you’re a lazy person. You have to be serious about it. You can’t just go and assume He’d forgive you. He wants His student to put effort in their work. He can be exhausting, but He has a plan for you, so things will go well. He is the one who destroys every bad habit you have, He takes each one you can’t let go of, pushes you into finding the healing ones. He’s obviously not a Lord to joke about. He is serious, and He wants you to be serious with your work. Work with Him if you want to build an empire, because King Mammon is the best at it. 

     He shows great resources, makes great recommendations, He helps you become wiser, better. I think His work and words are sacred, so if you ever get an advice, I’d suggest you to carve it in your mind. 

     I’m not going to talk about my personal relationship with Him since it’s a bit new, and obviously private. But most people say that he makes big changes in their lives. So, if this sounds appealing to you, go ahead.  

     He likes expensive things. Expensive tea, gold, diamond, citrine, anything rare or precious. Dragon’s blood, bloodroot, devil’s claw, patchouli, ruby, myrrh, emerald. I offered him my citrine pendulum in a ritual. 

     This is His enn: Tasa Mammon On Ca Lirach.      

     Thank you for reading my post, I hope it was helpful! Please don’t steal anything, I put my time into it. Hail Mammon. May He walk with you. 




vcreatures: Agares is the First Duke of the East and appears as a fair old man riding a crocodile wh


Agares is the First Duke of the East and appears as a fair old man riding a crocodile while carrying a hawk. He is a teacher of languages, fetches back those who run away, and makes those who run stand still. He can overthrow supernatural and temporal dignities and can cause earthquakes. He is of the order of Virtues and oversees thirty-one legions.

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And Middle Hand Path.

For witches, a question that can get often asked is what path you’re on,  usually the answers being a Left Hand Path (LHP), Right Hand Path (RHP), Middle Hand Path (MHP) or you simply just say “I don’t know.” If you don’t know what these terms mean, I listed them below and will further explain them. These terms are not void of controversy and bias, however.

The Left Hand Path

The left-hand path is considered to be about the elevation and centrality of the self as well as the rejection of religious authority and societal taboos.

The left-hand path focuses on the strength and will of the practitioner. It downplays the need for intercession by any high power although some may believe that a higher power exists.

Satanism (both LaVeyan and Theistic) and Luciferianism are considered left-hand paths. Followers of Thelema disagree whether it is a left- or right-hand path.

The Right Hand Path

The right-hand path, in the words of left-hand path follower Vexen Crabtree, “concentrate[s] on the symbols of goodness, of the sun, of herd mentality and submission to god(s) and religious authority."​

To put it a little more diplomatic, the right-hand path can be thought of as one of dogma, ritual, and a belief in the community and formal structure as well as a higher power. Though each of those can also be found in left-hand path religions, there is less focus on indulging the self in the right-hand path.

The vast majority of religions are considered part of the right-hand path, from Christianity to Wicca.

In my own words…

Usually the left hand path is viewed as “bad” and right viewed as “good.” 

With your LHP being demons, Lucifer, Hades, Anubis, satanism, and black magick

And your RHP being angels, Apollo, Archangels, Ra, and white magick

Yin and Yang type situation.

Limitations and Biases

One very large limitation of this terminology is that it is primarily used by followers of the left-hand path. Satanists commonly describe their path as that of the left-hand. However, Christians, Jews, Wiccans, Druids, and the like do not identify themselves as being of the right-hand path. As such, definitions of the right-hand path tend to be phrased in fairly derogatory terms as Crabtree demonstrated. 

The Origin

The terms left-hand and right-hand paths in Western occultism is commonly attributed to Theosophy founder Helena Blavatsky, who borrowed the terms from Eastern practices.

The West has a history of associating the ‘right’ with goodness and correctness and the 'left’ with inferiority. 

The left side of a shield is known as the sinister side, which is based on the Latin word for "left.” This later became associated with evil and maliciousness. 

Middle Hand Path 

Both the left hand path and the right hand path can often have extremists and see things in linear shades of black and white if they aren’t looking deeper.

Middle path is about moderation and about having empathy to understand who is next to you. Anything in excess will have a negative effect. While spirituality and occult can be helpful, we need money to buy the clothes we wear, pay the internet we view this on etc.

It’s all about moderation and also seeing things objectively. To view the world in black and white can be rather limiting. Every story changes depending on who tells it.



Johannes Nefastos. Fosforos: Study on the Being & Essence of Satan and on the Occult Philosophy in Six Parts. Ixaxaar Occult Literature, 2013. Silk bound limited edition in custom slipcase. 225 pages. Limited to 145 copies (#17/145).

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arcusxx:photography by Johan Harald Sundqvist (my edits )


photography by Johan Harald Sundqvist (my edits )

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Spiritual Paths and The Ego

Since the ego is a constant force of opposition in regards to a spiritual path and self-transformation, one often seeks ways to overcome it when beginning their Path. One of the common things that may come up is the “ego death”, but it is often misunderstood that complete ego-destruction is necessary. So I will explain a bit about what the ego is, some of its dangers to be aware of, and how each spiritual path approaches this issue. As a note, none of these Paths are superior to the others, as they are equal. All that matters is what your goal is for yourself, and how you wish to be when you die. 

The Ego: This is the Self, our own identity. Without the ego, we wouldn’t have any sense of who we are or what we want, so it’s generally important to have. However, the issue comes when the ego is inflated, which often begins developing depending on how a person is raised and their mindset. Some signs of having too much ego include: paying attention mostly to one’s own self interests, disregarding the advice of those who have better knowledge or wisdom on a topic, refusing to acknowledge responsibility for mistakes, expecting to have things handed to oneself, seeing oneself as more important than everyone else, unable to handle constructive criticism, and so on. 

We all have to deal with bad parts of the ego, but what matters is how we deal with these things and if we actually try to change. If your ego is too large, you won’t be able to go very far on any path of spirituality, especially since the deities and other spirits will end up leaving. So self-work is extremely important; make sure you Know Yourself.

The following briefly describes how each Spiritual Path handles the ego. Be certain to choose whichever you can handle, as each one will be challenging to some degree. The Middle Path is very challenging, but not as challenging as the Right Hand or Left Hand. And the Left Hand Path is the most challenging of the three due to its severity and strong value of transformation through Adversity. If any Path ever becomes too difficult for you, you are free to either change Paths or leave the Spiritual Paths behind all together if you cannot handle their challenges. However, if you make a wrong decision by thinking you can handle more than you thought, it won’t be the spirits’ fault for this.

Right Hand Path

This is the Path overseen by the Angels, not the way Christianity or other religions are, as it is most similar to Buddhism instead. This Path focuses on oneness with the supreme deity- The Source, and also strongly honours other gods as well, such as the Queen of Heaven. Due to the goal of oneness, this Path teaches an individual to undergo the Ego Death, which is the full shedding of the ego (self identity), so that the person can act as an extension of the divine plan, with no ambitions of their own. These people are extremely humble and serve others above themselves, and also praise the angels for their ability to purify and show mercy. When an Illuminated individual of the Right Hand Path dies, they either become absorbed into the vastness of The Source (like an atom), or they become a Bodhisattva, where they remain around Earth in order to help other humans leave reincarnation. 

Middle Path

This is the Path overseen by the majority of Dragons, who act as balanced sages. This Path is most similar to Taoism, and also connects very well with Hermeticism (although these teachings can be used for any Path). The Middle Path’s goal is to remain in harmony with the Earth and to keep social unity. It also allows someone to be spiritual and live a life with some human comforts at the same time; though because of this, one who follows this Path cannot transcend at death like the other two. Since the Middle Path focuses on Balance, the dragons and deities will teach the person to remove the toxic parts of the ego so that the person becomes humble, and will continue training this person to remain serene and disciplined. They will not be overly humble, like the Right Hand Path, nor will they be driven towards self-empowerment. There are challenges in this Path still, as the Dragons utilize Arenas in their training, but the challenges are not as severe as the Left Hand Path, nor is the ego completely destroyed (like in Right Hand Path). 

Left Hand Path

This is the Path overseen by the demons, who are the pedagogues of transformation, self-mastery, and dark wisdom. These beings are the most severe and will target the toxic parts of the ego in a variety of ways. Often, the demons will be blunt towards the individual, pointing out their weaknesses and arrogant behaviours in order to challenge the person to rise against these things. This is difficult though, since the ego will try to prevent the person from listening, as the individual will become insulted. This, however, is not a wise response and must be fought against. Truth must be valued above the ego’s wishes, and this will bring painful realizations. But by doing this, the demons will begin to respect you and will teach you further, testing your limitations until you break past them. 

As the toxic parts of the ego die, the demons will empower the healthy ego since the goal of this Path is to preserve the individual, allowing  them to become a strong entity when life ends. This requires many challenges over the years, with much discipline and struggle in order to change for the better. This does not mean they will make you like a god, but you will be empowered as a more evolved being. The demons’ wisdom must be listened to, as they can see your faults and how you need to change. If they are disrespected, the training will be jeopardized. So anyone who believes they are strong and disciplined enough to go through this Path is welcome to try, as they must enter the Arena of Black Flame and lose everything that holds them back, so that they can rise. 

If you would like further information on the three Spiritual Paths, please consider reading my post here.


Introduction to the Spiritual Paths

This is a basic introduction to the three paths of spirituality: Right Hand Path, Middle Path, and Left Hand Path. After a study into each branch, and speaking with the spirits who oversee each of them, the following documentations have been made. This can be used to help an individual discover their own path in life, to see which one would be best for themselves. As a note, all of these Paths will challenge you to various degrees, and each one has its own methods of teaching based on the ultimate goal of the Path.

Brief Guide:

Right Hand Path - Overseen by Angels. Values include mercy, compassion, selflessness, temperance, non-attachment, union with divine plan, order, honesty, good-will, and inner-serenity. Ultimate goal of this path is to lose identity of self in order to unite with The Source.

Middle Path - Overseen by Dragons. Values balance, harmony with nature and community, sage wisdom, honour, justice, knowledge, and being spiritual while remaining a normal human at the same time. Ultimate goal of this path is to embrace the cycle of reincarnation, not to transform. 

Left Hand Path - Overseen by Demons. Values self-empowerment, Illumination, questioning tradition, dark wisdom, all knowledge (including forbidden), rebellion, self-mastery, retribution, and challenging oneself through adversity. Ultimate goal is to overcome all human limitations in order to transform into an empowered spirit upon death.

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One of the two queens of Hell and is the wife to one of the three High Kings, Satan. This information was documented by me through speaking to and working with this ancient goddess.

Rulerships: politics, women’s rights, legislation, acquisitions, protection, guardianship of children/adolescents, love potions, contracts, and Law

History: In the beginning of her existence, Ashtoreth came into being as one of the Angels (agents of the Source), but during the War against the tyrant god, Jehovah, she and many others were thrown into Hell. Upon crashing into this bleak wasteland, the most powerful of the Angels rose up and created their own kingdoms. These three Angels were Lucifer, Satan, and Leviathan. Seeking to have a place of power, Ashtoreth left to be with Satan and became his wife; thus becoming the queen of his domain.

During the time of Carthage, Ashtoreth describes how she was known to them as Ashur-Tanit and was their goddess of war and sex. She also created an aspect (personality shard) of herself that represents a more gentle persona of hers; this was the goddess Anat (also known as Tanit). Ashtoreth has also had several children who were goddesses of the ancient Middle East, one is the goddess Astarte (who humans have confused as being Ashtoreth), and shares in her mother’s courage, fierceness, and beauty. Another is goddess Atargatis, and with Semyaza (Azazel before he Fell), she bore the Arabian goddesses Al-Uzza, Al-lat, and Manat. Although after the War against Jehovah and his destructions against her people, Ashtoreth became very distant and angry towards humanity since they sided with him.

Element: Fire, Earth

Colours: Shades of red (especially crimson)

Appearance: a woman with a regal face, tanned skin, long black hair, and fiery red eyes. She typically wears an orange and crimson dress of medieval aristocracy (long, elegant gown with thin sleeves and no frills). She has tall, straight horns but no longer has any wings. Sometimes, Ashtoreth wears long black gloves with sharp talons at the ends to slash people with.

Personality: In general, Ashtoreth is serious, detached, regal, materialistic, courageous, vindictive, is cruel at times, and has a deep-seated hatred against Christians, especially since it is a religion which causes weakness and they continuously use her name in exorcisms. She has also been irritated over the fact that old “demonologists” wrote her in grimoires as being a male and even spelt her name in a plural form for whatever reason (Astaroth). 

During battles, Ashtoreth is fierce and fights with dual long-swords, cutting through enemies like a storm. She tends to like things such as rock music, rock concerts, motorcycles, cheering crowds, gladiatorial games, destructive fires, formality, luxury, and gaining new material possessions. She also enjoys a particular blood-sport in Hell where hellhounds race against one another and each loser is devoured by the one that wins. With regards to politics, Ashtoreth holds a rather Authoritarian stance and can also be militant at times. Like queen Lilith, Ashtoreth hates being lusted over and may often aim to kill the person responsible. She has even at times eaten some humans raw, so she is really not a demoness to be angered.

Overall, Ashtoreth is not one of the demons people should work with if they are new to demonolatry. She has a very particular way she wishes to be treated and seeks vengeance whenever scorned or treated offensively (if you lust over her, call her by a nickname, make jokes about her, etc). If someone also offends her daughter, Astarte, she will become deeply angered over this as well. However, if someone manages to earn being on her good side, she will often become a bit more approachable to them, being kind yet stern at the same time.

While Ashtoreth rules over love potions, she is not connected to love but rather to possessiveness. She shows that you can ask for her assistance in forcing someone to fall in love with you, but also that these spells will always bring karmic debt to you in return since you’re going against free-will. Nevertheless, she will help in such matters, as long as sufficient offerings are provided.

How to call her: Speak to Ashtoreth as you would with any other entity, though be very polite and considerate. Contact her through telepathically speaking in your mind, directing the words to her (you can do this verbally, but if malicious spirits hear, they may pretend to be her). Try to dress in your best clothes when inviting her to you (don’t wear sleepwear or anything) since you are hosting divine royalty and she especially expects this treatment. Be courteous and respectfully let her know when you are done meeting with her.

Things she can help with: gaining favour with others, help in court matters, becoming a better politician, revenge, protection of minors, assistance in love potions, and the strengthening of women’s rights

Her Enn (for meditation or devotion): Tasa alora foren Astaroth

Offerings: vodka, champagne, red wine, pheasant, roast pig, veal, ostrich meat, sheep brains, sheep or ram tongue, spicy food, apricots, pears, blood oranges, precious metals, bronze, copper, gemstones, pearls, gold bangles, gold bracelets, heavy perfumes, black thorn branches, long swords, daggers, Mesopotamian demoness statuettes, red candles, lit braziers, pentacles, crucifixes without Jesus (she turns these into blades and stabs them into Christians), skull goblets, whips, leopard claws, leopard skin (especially if sprinkled with its blood), knee-high heeled boots, long black gloves, relics of Catholic saints (she makes some unknown “special” use of these), glass eyeballs, clawed rings, opium incense, and any other incenses that are heavy and intoxicating.

*she hates being offered desserts or being pampered with special foods since Ashtoreth prefers Authoritarian pampering where she coldly seizes things. If people try to spoil her, she becomes agitated

Satan |Lilith

METAPHYSICAL BASIS OF SEXUAL MAGIC:There exists a talisman of universal application.In the Elemental


There exists a talisman of universal application.
In the Elemental Kingdom it is represented represented by pyramis, fire; in geometric terms by the pyramid or triangle and in biological terms by the phallus. As the sun radiates life and light throughout the solar system, so the phallus radiates life and light upon earth, and, similarly, subserves a power greater than itself. For as the sun is a reflection of Sirius, so is the phallus the vehicle of the Will of the Magus.
In the non-initiate the phallic power operates independently of and often at variance with, its possessor; it functions capriciously, regardless of the individual. The phallic power possesses the individual, not vice versa. In the case of the initiate, however, the position is reversed.
The O.T.O. possesses the secret knowledge of rectification and the means of release from the thraldom of unregenerate instinct. It instructs the operator in the proper use of the Elemental Fire, the right building of the Pyramid, the successful wielding of the Magick Wand.
The control of the Elemental Fire involves the inhibition of the usual physical results of sexual congress. The libido is not “earthed”, but directed by the Will to incarnate in a form specially prepared for its reception.
Liber Agape, the enchiridion of the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis of the O.T.O., shows how sexual magick is based on the assumption that no cause can be baulked of an effect. If the natural effect is annulled, the discharge of energy is not lost, it forms a subtle or astral image of the idea dominant in the mind at the climax of coitus. Ordinarily this idea is one of lust, and because of this a tendency or habit is set up in the mind, which consequently becomes increasingly difficult to control. This tendency must therefore be destroyed.
The mental exaltation generated by a magically controlled orgasm forms a lucent lenselike window past which stream the vivid astral imagery of the subconscious mind.
Specific images are evoked and “fixed”; they become instantly and vitally alive.
As their luminous presence is obsessive, magical safeguards are essential to offset actual obsession. These images are dynamic links with the deeper centres of consciousness and act as keys to the experience or revelations which form the object of the Operation. To incarnate such experiences is the object of sexual magick. It is necessary, therefore, to formulate the will with great care and with strict economy of means. There must be nothing in the mind at the moment of orgasm except the image of the “child” which it is
intended to bring to birth. Objurgations against masturbation, onanism, coitus interruptus, karezza and other apparently sterile methods of using sexual energy, follow logically upon awareness (however consciously unacknowledged this awareness may be) of the sacramental nature of the generative act. Erroneous conclusions drawn from incomplete apprehension of the factors involved led in the past to the “fire and brimstone” admonitions directed against “abuses”, which at one time were thought to lead to degeneration of the nervous system, blindness, paralysis and insanity. In actual fact, none of the energy is lost, though it fails to find a field of operation in the matrix which nature has provided for it. It breeds, instead of physical offspring, phantoms composed of tenuous matter. Through the deliberate and persistent practice of such “abuses”, qliphotic entities are engendered;
they prey upon the mind and feed upon the nervous fluid. As Crowley notes:
“The ancient Jewish Rabbins knew this, and taught that before Eve was given to Adam the demon Lilith was conceived by the spilth of his dreams, so that the hybrid races of satyrs, elves, and the like began to populate those secret places of the earth which are not sensible by the organs of the normal man”.1
Many long and tedious dissertations on the possibility of a “witch” giving birth to offspring after union with the devil in the form of an incubus should be understood in the sense that children are born of such unions, though not physical children. Any discharge of energy, of any kind, has an effect on all planes. If results on one plane are baulked-as would happen in the case of the incubus-then they appear on another. According to ancient authorities on Witchcraft, incubi and succubi were personifications of the devil himself. The devil is synonymous with the creative spirit in man. Crowley goes so far as
to declare that “the satyr is the True Nature of every man and every woman”.
The incubus or succubus is the exteriorization, or extrusion, of the satyr in each individual. It represents the subliminal Will; in effect, the Dwarf Self or Holy Guardian Angel. It is this principle in man that is immortal, and it is inextricably bound up with the sexuality, which, in turn, is the key to its nature and the means of its incarnation. (…)
Dr. Kellner, who reformed the O.T.O. In modern times was initiated in the use of the sexual current by an Arab named Soliman Ben Aifa, and two indianTantrics Bhima Sen Pratap and Shri Mahatma Agamia Paramahansa.
It is not certain, but it is very likely that they were initiates of the Vama Marg, or left-hand path. The cleary tantric element in some of the instructions of the ‘OTO Involving the use of sex becomes so clear.
The term Vama Marg, despite the details of Sir John Wodroffe, is still under a cloud of errete interpretations generated by emotional reactions to ideas alien to Western thought.
I do not expect to succeed where such authorities have failed, but I reaffirm once again that the expression “left-hand path” is a technical term indicating the magical use of sexual energy, sometimes with the help of female helpers (Shakti), as in the case of tantric, and female companions (Manjaris) as in the case of Sahajiya.
The tantric especially those of the sect Kaula, follow practices similar to those of certain African cults or neo-African such as voodoo and the Obeah. But the assistance of women is not always necessary and not always used.
In the system of spiritual culture that includes the sexual use of women and establishing a high ideal of reverence for the feminine principle as the Shakti, or power-aspect of the universe, not the product of psychopaths, unless we postulate the existence of an unbroken line of culprits that extends for countless centuries.
Neither the original African concept of sex is in no way inferior to the highly developed and complex formulas used by alchemists or Rosicrucians in their Great Work of transformation of the vulgar metal of the worldly passion into the pure gold of spiritual light.
Is the bigotry of the Orthodox religionist and the blind stagger in the dark of psychologists materialists which sees these systems as a morbid expression of the primordial creative impulse.
Crowley’s life was a struggle against a mindset that led to suppress in the name of a servile creed - whether it was religious, liberal arts or sciences - the secret and sacred source of life in favor of a reflection deformed psychological impotence typical of those who prescribe the suppression and restriction of a way of life. The only pity that AL recognizes is the restriction, cause of all the “sins”.
When Crowley took over the leadership of 'O.T.O. , It did so with the intent to promote individual liberty under the law of Thelema. He incorporated the fundamental principles of this law in Liber Oz, that published in 1942. In the space of a few hundred words, he declared what he described as the political program of the 'OTO In the outside world.
The old Aeon, like any other event was inevitable and it aroused exactly that current that his ministers were trying to suppress, if not destroy.
The sexual energy inhibited from 2000 years, as a result, it now consumes a tremendous orgasm, the impetus which in physical terms will projects the human consciousness with ultraphysical signs.ì. The projection is the formula of Ra-Hoor-Kuith; Horus is its active phase.
There will explosion, disintegration and reintegration of elements again downloaded in vehicles whose substance will have a subtle nature and relatively immaterial, approssimatosi to the scientific concept of entities seen in AL.
During dictation of AL, Crowley asked for a “sign” and Nuit exclaimed: “The sign shall be my ecstasy, the consciousness of the continuity of existence, the omnipresence of my body” (…).
Since an Aeon follows another, it will appears changes in the sexual nature of the organisms that will develop the thelemic concept. The pro-parent (Female) dominated the Aeon of Isis, parthenogenesis was the formula of that era. In 'Aeon of Osiris, the progenitor (Male) prevailed. The Aeon of Horus, is the Aeon of the “ Son Crowned and Conqueror ”- it will see the merging of the two sexes in one. The bisexual Baphomet of the Templars symbolizes this concept.
In the language of Thelemic magick, Heru-Ra-Ha - solar consciousness - phallic - it manifests itself as active current as represented by Horus Ra-Hoor-Kuith (IX) and as the passive current represented by Set, or Shaitan, or Hoor Paar-Kraat (XI). These are dual ways of the Baphomet operation.

adapted from:
The Magical Revival (1972), Kennet Grant
Aleister Crowley and the Hidden God (1973), Kennet Grant

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