

I’ll be making Fandom-Finder posts. Any specific Fandoms you’d like included?

I must apologize.

Someone approached me to RP through this blog, and they ended up being a major creep. It was highly disturbing, and it became so much worse when I released they came from MY blogs audience.

If you’ve met someone through me and my reach who hurt you in some way, I’m sorry. I know a lot of people have triggers, and I feel so awful knowing I may have built a ladder leading some creepo to an unsuspecting RPers inbox. I’m sorry, guys. I don’t know how to crack down on this, all I do is make memes, I didn’t even think about something like this happening.

The person in question won’t be named under the suspicion of their age. They insisted they were an adult, but, c’mon, no well-meaning adult would do that. Again, I’m sorry if this blog made it easy for toxic people to attach onto vulnerable ones, and I just want to remind you guys to BE CAREFUL WITH NSFW STORIES. If someone seems VERY latched onto NSFW, it’s best to drop contact and ask them to go find someone better suited for their rp-desires.

I hope everyone is doing well, and if one of the blog promos made on here led an undesirable person to you, I’m sorry. Look out for creeps and weirdos, guys. Stay safe.
