#panna a netvor



Beauty and The Beast (1978)

leztat: PANNA A NETVOR (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) 1978, dir. Juraj Herzleztat: PANNA A NETVOR (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) 1978, dir. Juraj Herzleztat: PANNA A NETVOR (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) 1978, dir. Juraj Herzleztat: PANNA A NETVOR (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) 1978, dir. Juraj Herzleztat: PANNA A NETVOR (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) 1978, dir. Juraj Herzleztat: PANNA A NETVOR (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) 1978, dir. Juraj Herzleztat: PANNA A NETVOR (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) 1978, dir. Juraj Herz


1978, dir. Juraj Herz

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anitapallenberg: Panna a netvor/Beauty and the Beast (Juraj Herz, 1978)anitapallenberg: Panna a netvor/Beauty and the Beast (Juraj Herz, 1978)


Panna a netvor/Beauty and the Beast (Juraj Herz, 1978)

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The thing about it too is that Panna a Netvor utilizes the conflict between beauty vs. ugliness in so many more ways than the very obvious one. And then it blurs them so that it’s not so simple anymore to use such merely reactive words as beauty and ugliness to describe what we see. There is a brilliant quality to the decay and rot and dilapitation going on in the castle and beyond, and a sharp edge to the lush, rich beauty of jewels, dresses and snow purely white.

R.I.P. Juraj Herz (1934-2018)Oh no. One of my favourite Czech directors (although he was born in Slo

R.I.P.Juraj Herz(1934-2018)

Oh no. One of my favourite Czech directors (although he was born in Slovakia) has passed away. As much as I love his three internationally most famous films The Cremator(1969),Morgiana (1972) and Beauty and the Beast(1978), I must say that pretty much everything he has ever made is worth watching, including seemingly marginal work for television.

Despite being often mistakenly labeled as a “Czech New Wave” director, he actually never filmed anything in this typical “cinema verité” style. Similarly to Václav Vorlíček, Karel Zeman, Jindřich Polák or Oldřich Lipský, he belonged to the parallel line of Czech genre filmmakers, inventing their own imaginary worlds as a way to escape reality. 

He is now mostly famous for his frequent flirting with horror (besides the above mentioned, in A Touch of a Butterfly(1973),The Ninth Heart (1979) or  Ferat Vampire (1982)), but he also made a whodunit Sign of the Cancer (1965), fantasy musical Limping Devil (1968), melodrama A Day for My Love (1976), gangster movie parody Bulldogs and Cherries (1981), post-apocalyptic fantasy The Magpie in the Whisp (1983) or absolutely brilliant 6-part tribute to silent era slapstick comedies Gagman (1987). And much,much more than that. He is already missed.

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