#para bronanigans



he was never a slow eater, so he was able to swallow down his food fast before he hears the compliment given from jaemin. otherwise, jaemin wouldn’t be the only one dying from a bowl of noodles. “you are too kind,” he says, stuffing his mouth with more noodles. as he gets it all in his mouth, he tries to talk without showing his mouth of noodles so that jaemin doesn’t get to see seefood(that’s a good one). “you’re good-lookin’ too, bro! don’t be sho hard on yourshelf.”he manages to swallow down the food and he speaks clearly now. “i don’t think i have much idol potential anyway.” thanks to mom and dad, anyway. he’s stillin his music writing block. “we can be nobodies in peace.”

While Jaemin and Yeonjun are bros, Jaemin always is eager to try his best at keeping things interesting. Lately he hasn’t had much to talk about with classes and all. To be honest, things are usually slow in his life so he appreciates that Yeonjun’s eyes seem to get a twinkle in them, even if it’s just about Convex. He eagerly nods along as he listens to his friend muse about their stylist. Suddenly Jaemin remembers a phrase his sister Hayun would say: “You can’t style a good looking face without a good base!” He blurts it out without thinking. “I mean, those guys are naturally handsome. You and them both have that good base. Their music is good but they could probably win just on looks alone. It’s somewhat unfair,” he thinks out loud. Flipping his hair, he frames his face, “Some of us have to work for these beautiful looks.”

He raises an eyebrow at his friend’s lack of claim to fame. “You sure you don’t have that potential? I think you do!” He puts his head in his hands as he thinks. “I wouldn’t mind being a nobody with you bro but…” Jaemin trails off his sentence. “What are we missing to get us that potential?” Yeonjun’s has the looks and Jaemin doesn’t think he’s half-bad looking himself. Is it just natural talent? As Jaemin thinks, he plays with a noodle in his bowl using his chopstick. “Is it something that people are born with?” He pouts to himself. If that’s the case, then he’s screwed! Frustrated with that idea, Jaemin puts his head in his hands. “Come on, man! We gotta do something!” He grumbles both to Yeonjun and somewhat to himself.

As dejected as he looks, Jaemin’s brain is really running a marathon. As ideas zoom through his head, he tries to come up with the best solution. Jaemin may seem illogical but he is a computer scientist. Logic is a key component to being successful in the field and luckily Jaemin’s brain always tries to find a logical solution. When he finally manages to grasp at a logical but somewhat ridiculous idea, he shoots up in his chair. “I got it!” There’s a saying to match his thought but he just can’t seem to put his finger on it. If you can’t beat them… If you can’t beat them, try frying them? “We gotta go turn ourselves into idols, Yeonjun. First things first, we gotta dress the part.” He shoots him a playful smile and extends his hand. “You down, bro?”

starter for @rkyjun

Slurping down a mouthful of noodles, Jaemin nearly chokes as he listens to his friend, Yeonjun, tell a funny story about his antics on Mario Kart. After a couple of painful coughs, Jaemin pounds on his chest as he coughs out, “Bro, I would’ve saved you from defeat had you hit me up!” He shakes his head in disbelief with a small smile on his face. Yeonjun and Jaemin’s friendship is more like a bromance at this point. The two have many similarities: gamers, university students, and fanboys for idols. Even though they are similar, Jaemin thinks Yeonjun is a bit cooler than him. Not only is Yeonjun older but he’s taller and can actually pull off unusual yet signature blue hair.

Had it not been for Jaemin attending SKKU, he would bug his friend every day. Luckily, they seem to make time together. No matter the place or time, it’s always the same back and forth of them trying to out compliment each other or make the other laugh so hard they choke. “Random question, broski, but did you see the teasers for CONVEX? They look so… cool. Wish I could be like those guys.” Jaemin says tactfully. Talking about their favorite boy bands leads to him walking on eggshells as he doesn’t want his friend to suspect anything, even though he’s sure Yeonjun would be understanding of his situation.

“I did a cover of a song I kept hearing on TikTok but it was… rough.” He scrunches his nose as he points aggressively with his chopsticks at his friend. “You could be an idol, so easily!” While taking in another mouthful of noodles, Jaemin continues his rambling. “You already got the looks and the style. I’m surprised you haven’t been approached by one of those scouts or whatever you call ‘em.” With a snarky look, he reaches across the table to try to pinch at Yeonjun’s cheeks. “Actually, never become an idol! I need you to be a nobody so I’m not alone!”
