#paragraph writing


How To Write Paragraphs:

To make interesting paragraphs you need an even balance of the following:

▪️Conjunctions:(But, and, etc.)

▪️Short sentences:She went to the store.

▪️Long sentences:She went to the store, hoping she could get the bread she wanted on sale.


What would happen?Lily had never been left alone before, because she had super bad anxiety. But this time, her mother felt it would be good for her.No. It was the worst mistake.


Lily had terrible anxiety and didn’t want to be left alone. But this time her mother felt it would be good for her, so she left to the store. This was a bad idea and a horrible mistake.

Lily had terrible anxiety. She didn’t want to be left alone. Her mother felt it would be good for her. She left to the store. This was a bad idea. This was a horrible mistake.
