#park jimin stole my soul


Yep, I’m still alive!  It’s been a minute (or, like, thousands of minutes) since I’ve been here, so hello all.  I want to get back on here and be more active again, but first a few things:

Yes, I’m still writing.  Yes, I’m going to finish WEMtbB.  I PROMISE.  It’s almost done, I just have a few more scenes to write.

Yes, I FINALLY graduated.  I’m finally done with school, y’all. 


I have fallen face first into the BTS rabbit hole.  I’m not sorry.  Someone (you know who you are) showed me this picture of this extraordinarily pretty man, this one right here

and before I know it *BAM* (ahaha see what I did there) I’m completely infatuated and sucked into a new fandom.  So.  Not that this blog was ever even remotely consistent in content anyway, but I feel like I owe it to everyone to be upfront that this will now likely be at least 50% BTS.  If you want to come along for the ride, great!  There’s room!  If not, well, you’ve been warned.
