#hello everyone


A million fanfics made flesh…

INTP Big Brain

16 Personalities: “[INTPs] are considered the most logically precise of all the personality types.”

INTP: *takes their sleeping pill with mountain dew* Yes. This makes sense.


A tall brunette confidently walking downtown. Her long legs disappearing into a leather mini skirt that tightly hugs her body.

You walk by and can’t help but to look back as she passes. The skirt defines her ass, leaving nothing to the imagination… including the plug filling her hole. It’s subtlety, yet noticeably, creasing her otherwise smooth skirt, swaying a little as she walks.

She turns to you, smiles at you knowingly, and keeps walking, her head held high. She knows no shame and wears her plug with pride.

Keep staring. I know you wish I was your woman.

Leather things that hold bottles are just so indescribably pleasing. Snug little bottles you can strap to your body. Superb.

I have five of Geralt’s S2 potion pack kicking around my house and I want to make more.

I want to make the potions bandolier from the Manticore armor set even though the odds of someone ever buying it from me are slim.

Tiny wizard bottles you can strap to your wrist, yes, good, I am here for them.

In conclusion, please consider me for all your leather-goods-that-hold-bottles needs, they bring me great joy.


mutuals to sit on the balcony on a summer night with

Back from the void

Hello everyone! Me is back from the dead.

I kinda decided to come back to tumblr 15 minutes ago. But hey, I’m here! And I’m ready to stay - that’s the plan at least.

What happened to me during this time off? Well, I don’t exactly remember when I logged out, but I know a lot of stuff went down in my life so I’m here to sum everything up:

New pronouns! I’m she/they, and I would appreciate if you called me Paoli. I am in a journey of self-acceptance and self-discovery, so that might change, but for now I feel comfortable and me this way so yeah, that’s it.

Art school is almost over! In October I’m starting my last year. I’m working on my essay thesis and my project thesis (the first one is about male gaze and the depiction of people in art/ videogames/ literature; the project one is a graphic novel about mental health issues and found family).

I just cut my hair! And I really like it this way.

What else… I’m 23 and still riding my rollercoaster of a life that hasn’t won on me yet - this pal is a strong one - and I’m still in love with the colour yellow. I am currently working on a webcomic (still in the concept phase), reading a lot of comics and graphic novels, listening to the new Halsey album non-stop and idk, I’m back :D

How have you all been doing? Please tell me! I’d love to reconncet with you awesome people

Matsumoto Jun in Life is hard  だけど happy photobookMatsumoto Jun in Life is hard  だけど happy photobookMatsumoto Jun in Life is hard  だけど happy photobookMatsumoto Jun in Life is hard  だけど happy photobookMatsumoto Jun in Life is hard  だけど happy photobookMatsumoto Jun in Life is hard  だけど happy photobook

Matsumoto Jun in Life is hard  だけど happy photobook

Post link

misha collins is just an introvert who’s an extrovert. also bisexual

laughing that the plot to dr strange was really “wanda goes on a rampage over imaginary children she created by asexual reproduction during a bender”

☆゚.*・。゚COMMISSIONS. * ・ 。゚☆ ARE OPEN (LIMITED)! I can finish before Christmas but please be prompt i☆゚.*・。゚COMMISSIONS. * ・ 。゚☆ ARE OPEN (LIMITED)! I can finish before Christmas but please be prompt i

☆゚.*・。゚COMMISSIONS. * ・ 。゚☆


I can finish before Christmas but please be prompt in getting in touch (and let me know)!

Please read the info before contacting me if you are interested. I am ONLY doing what is offered in the image, please do not ask me for anything else. ALSO, I forgot to add but maximum of 2 characters (if you really, reaaaally want more, we can discuss it).

If you have any other questions please feel free to message me, or send me an email at : [email protected]

PAYMENTS : 100% upfront and is through paypal only, sorry for any inconvenience.

Reblogs are much appreciated too! Thanks! :3

Post link

Yep, I’m still alive!  It’s been a minute (or, like, thousands of minutes) since I’ve been here, so hello all.  I want to get back on here and be more active again, but first a few things:

Yes, I’m still writing.  Yes, I’m going to finish WEMtbB.  I PROMISE.  It’s almost done, I just have a few more scenes to write.

Yes, I FINALLY graduated.  I’m finally done with school, y’all. 


I have fallen face first into the BTS rabbit hole.  I’m not sorry.  Someone (you know who you are) showed me this picture of this extraordinarily pretty man, this one right here

and before I know it *BAM* (ahaha see what I did there) I’m completely infatuated and sucked into a new fandom.  So.  Not that this blog was ever even remotely consistent in content anyway, but I feel like I owe it to everyone to be upfront that this will now likely be at least 50% BTS.  If you want to come along for the ride, great!  There’s room!  If not, well, you’ve been warned.
