

The basic about natal chart

By the first look at your natal chart you can make some conclusions: 1. Natal chart made of two lines asc-dsc, ic-mc:

Above the acs-dsc line is the day part and below is the night part. If most planets situated in the day part the person rules its life and if they situated in the night part the life rules the person (he/she rely on destiny and don’t do anything to change it)

2. If most planets situated in the right part of ic-mc line that means he/she will grow up (find him/herself) in second half of life and if they are in the left part - in first half. At this picture we can see that the person makes its own destiny and will grow up mentally in the first part of life.

Compatibility post

There’re some rules for sign compatibilities:

1. The most compatible signs are signs of the same element

2. Then there’s a good compatibility between sister elements

3. Same and sister signs are whether extremely good or neutral

4. Other are not!!! No, Virgo and Libra are never compatible. Those are basic rules.

5. Signs are just tools for charts’ interpretation. When you want to see whether some individual charts are compatible or not you MUST analyze every detail. Person A who has Sun, Moon and asc in water signs can be compatible with Person B who has all those placements in fire signs. Always remember to analyze all personal planets, their houses, signs and aspects.


fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

air element: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

earth element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Sister elements:

— (fire —air)

— (water —earth)

Sister signs:

♈Aries — ♎Libra

♉Taurus — ♏Scorpio

♊Gemini — ♐Sagittarius

♋Cancer — ♑Capricorn

♌Leo — ♒Aquarius

♍Virgo - ♓Pisces

Levels of learning astrology

A1: you already know there’re much more than your star sign. And you even drew your chart. But still it seems like a witch language that can only be interpreted by professional psychics in the third generation.

A2: you know that there’re 12 signs and 10 planets, know the basic characteristics of your sun, moon and asc signs. Try to prove everybody that Moon/Asc sign is MUCH more important than your Sun. Associate yourself with the sign of the planet you like the most.

B1: OK, you find out there’re also houses and aspects you might still get confused with but you know the difference and characteristics of all signs and planets. “We (your own sign) are the most misunderstood of all”. Make your opinion about signs based on people around you. “People overrate (sign of your ex)”.

B2: you know all the differences between every placement (signs, planets, houses, aspects). You know that each house has a ruler. Lilith, NN&SN are all make sense to you now. You know that you should interpret chart by combining sign and house and aspects but still bad in it. You start to understand that astrology is not connected with magic and it’s combination of mathematical calculations and psychology. The only thing that astrological and astronomical signs have in common are names and that’s it.

C1: you’re pretty fluent and know how to interpret charts correctly but still make mistakes duo to lack of practice. You know how to use prognostic charts. Easily triggered when people say astrology is fake or by people of first two levels that pretend to be “professional” astrologers and give their “professional” advice. Give readings as presents. Remember dates of birth but forget names. Do not go to the hairdresser without finding the best date for it. Literally, don’t do anything important without checking out transits. If you made through all these levels you definitely consider astrology as one of your main hobbies.

C2: astrology is more than hobby to you, it’s your life. You’ve been working in this field for many years and you’re pretty experienced. And when I say many years I actually mean it so at least 10 without counting the years of studying. You’re also extremely good at psychology. To get this level you should have a diploma in astrology and it would be better if you have a degree in psychology. You can write your own book and/or teach others professionally for money.

Tag your level

Bad aspects

Do you have a lot of negative aspects?? Some of their influence are hardly noticeable while other might be dangerous for life, especially, Pluto or Saturn opposite your Moon or Sun. Remember, that you need to analyze a natal chart in complex to make any conclusions.

So after recent events in my life when I ignored my transits I think I need to write a post to prevent some of you from putting your life in danger.

negative aspects are bad so don’t ignore them. Depending on aspect you need to choose the right method how to redirect its energy for use. For example, Moon square Neptune gives depression because of different expectation from reality. You can develop this aspect by drawing, writing or signing about how you feel.

the moment when your aspects work the most is when they make transits as same as your natal chart placements. For example, if you have Sun opp Saturn (12) and your natal Sun will be transiting by Saturn (27-28 years) be prepared for big life changes. In this case you need to develop this aspect or you might put your life in danger.

trace your transits. If you have difficult aspects you need to be prepered that one day they will work and it might cause you hard times so you have to plan how to redirect bad energy.

your planets in 8 or 12 might cause problems too even if there’re only positive aspects.

and don’t forget that danger is also might be caused by transit planets even if there’s no placements alike in your chart

Stay healthy and take care of yourself :)

Natal chart guide

Have you ever asked somebody to send his/her natal chart or birth date but didn’t know what to do next after you saw Sun, Moon and asc? These placements can tell a lot but what to look at next?

Here’s a guide what to look at when you analyze someone’s chart

1. Of course, first step is Sun and Moon signs

2 Asc sign and its ruler

3. Elements. What’s the dominant element and which one is lacking. Plus analyze influence of each sign separately

4 Planet houses. What’s the dominant house and which one is lacking. Sun and Moon’s houses play a big role in chart too

5. Which planets are located in their rulers (both sign and house) and which one are in fall, exaltation and detriment.

6. Potential of each planet by aspects (it’s a long story how to find it but remember too much positive aspects doesn’t make a planet more potential rather than the one with too much negative ones)

7. After this basis you just look at placements you might be curious about. You got new friend? Look at Mercury to see what kind of humor he/she has. Or if you felt in love use Venus or Mars plus Sun or Moon.
