#passing out tw


Whumptober 2021


No. 27 - I’M FINE. I PROM…
passing out | vertigo | collapse



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


The paladins had just gotten back from a mission and where in the dining room. Ever since getting back from the mission Keith’s been feeling light headed, he checked himself over for injuries but found nothing.

After a while keith got up to leave the table, he stops for a moment his head is spinning. He collects himself and takes a few steps before passing out, head hitting the floor with a loud thud alerting the other paladins. They all rush to where Keith is now laying. Coran ushers to Shiro to bring Keith to the med bay. Coran does the exact same thing by checking Keith for injuries but finds nothing. He quickly realises what’s wrong when blood starts dripping from the corners of Keith’s mouth. Coran starts yelling and running frantically to a healing pod, the paladins are starting to get more and more worried.

Coran rushes to get Keith into the healing pod quickly typing on the key pad on the front. He turns to face the paladins, his face was serious and concerned.

Coran-He’s bleeding internally, there’s nothing else I can do for him but wait to see if the healing pod can fix it…

The paladins stand frozen in shock, none of them saying a word all just staring blankly at the healing pod. Keith looked so much more peaceful when he was in a healing pod, his face more relaxed and comfortable. The paladins could only wait and hope now that everything would work out, but who knew ….

[ Word count - 255]
