#voltron whump


My preview for the @vldwhumpzine!! I had a bunch of fun working on this zine! And luckly pre-orders are open RIGHT NOW <3


Uh, I wrote my first VLD fic. It’s a one-shot.

Title: As Spoken By The Embers

Rating: T

Word Count:7282

Summary:Keith and Lance gear up for a change in plans, as their Lions are mysteriously drawn to a planet still unexplored by the Paladins.

Beta’d by @anchoredtether (Thanks so much!)

Read on Ao3

A cute and angsty oneshot of Keith being adorable with kids while reliving his own pain!


Chapter 16 from @actress4him’s fic “Black, Yellow, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink…Red” (Tumblr link|Ao3 link). The oww continues. A lot of oww.

The details in this are what make it so great. The tears…aaaahhh!! And the little bits of Lance’s broken things on the floor…

Phenomenal, as always. You spoil me!! Thank you so much for all of these, I love each and every one!

binart:klance comic SRPA page 131 & 132! (First) (Previous) (Next) these pages were fun to drabinart:klance comic SRPA page 131 & 132! (First) (Previous) (Next) these pages were fun to dra


klance comic SRPA page 131 & 132! (First) (Previous) (Next)

these pages were fun to draw :D

BTW, has anyone else ever tried screaming in a dream but only a whisper comes out?! i find it very scary omg

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More figure studies with Keith.I’m chillin’ in Hong Kong right now, so it’s hard to find time to do

More figure studies with Keith.

I’m chillin’ in Hong Kong right now, so it’s hard to find time to do some solid work. For now, have some more fighting Keith.

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Morning figure study turned into a Keith study.Here have some fighting, cowering Keith.

Morning figure study turned into a Keith study.

Here have some fighting, cowering Keith.

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no.1 - Bound

no.2 - Gagged

no.3 - “Who did this to you ?”

no.4 - Pushed

no.5 - Betrayal

no.6- Hunger

no.7 - Blindness

no.8 - Exotic illness

no.9 - Tears

no.10 - Hospital

no.11 - Drowning

no.12 - Made to watch

no.13 - Burns

no.14 - Crush injuries

no.15 - Self sacrifice

no.16 - Recovery

no.17 - “Please don’t move.”

no.18 - “Now smile for the camera.”

no.19 - Stabbing

no.20 - Loosing control

no.21 - Blood-matted hair

no.22 - Cursed

no.23 - Auction

no.24 - Flashback

no.25 - Escape

no.26 - You will go down with this ship

no.27 - Passing out

no.28 - Nightmares

no.29 - Too weak to move

no.30 - Major character death / Ghosts

no.31 - Hurt & comfort/ Disaster zone

Whumptober 2021



major character death |left for dead |ghosts



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Kolivan was the last person the paladins excepted to see walking through the door to the control room. They all noted the sad, glum expression that was plastered on his face. It was no secret that the paladins thought he was cold and emotionless but it was clear to them now he was just very good at hiding his feelings.

He looked up at the paladins showing a solitary tear rolling down his purple fur cheek. Kolivan explained that the mission Keith was on with two other blades had gone horribly wrong, that’s when four galra walked in with Keith’s body laid on a stretcher. Keith was pale, paler than normal and his chest was still. All of a sudden it hit the paladins that Keith was dead.

Shiro was the first to react, he fell to his knees and sobbed loudly. It didn’t take long for the rest of the team to join him as he sobbed. Kolivan and the other blades gave their condolences and left quietly.

A flare of purple light collected in the room around Keith’s body. The paladins all looked up to see Keith’s ghost standing looking at them. Keith saw the pain in his friends eyes and told them that he was alright and he would always be with them. That wasn’t why he returned as a ghost however, Keith explained that Olnik was a traitor that he had set them up. Princess allura was the first to speak up after Keith had finished, she asked how Keith had died.

Keith- Close your eyes, I’ll show you.

—————- Flashback ———————

Keith, Regris and Olnik where searching a galra base when a large group of galran soldiers emerged.

Olnik- I’m sorry it has to end like this.

The galra shot at both Keith and Regris. It was no secret that Keith and Regris were in a relationship, they both loved the other more than life itself. It took more shots to seriously injure Regris but he managed to crawl over to where Keith was laid Dying. Regris pulled the smaller male into his arms and spoke sweetly to him.

Regris- I love you Keith…

Keith- I … I .. lo.. love you t..too

Regris kissed Keith on the forehead just as Keith’s chest stilled and his eyes dropped closed. The memory fades into complete darkness.

—————- End of flashback ———————

The paladins slowly opened their eyes one by one, each with floods of tears dripping off their faces.

Keith’s ghost smiled and walked over to lance slowly.

Keith- Take care of Shiro for me will ya ?

Lance-Always Keith, always.

With that Keith said his final good bye and I love you all before heading towards a larger male figure that was soon to be shown, Keith’s father.

Keith’s father- Are you ready son ?

Keith- Yeah dad.

With the blink of an eye Keith’s ghost had disappeared into the purple light that rippled behind where his dad was stood. Keith was gone and none of the paladins quite new how to deal with the loss…

[ Word count - 505]

Whumptober 2021



“You’re still not dead?” | too weak to move | overworked



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Keith’s not sure how long he’d been here but one thing he knows for sure is that this species does not have good intentions. The alien race was one he’d never seen before, their skin was green and they were very intelligent almost like the olkari.

At first Keith thought that maybe they where trying to watch his behaviour but that idea was soon shut down when a rather tall alien walked into the white padded room where Keith was and grabbed him taking him somewhere. The room they ended up in was similar to the other in being all white except it was completely tiled instead of padded.

The tall green alien strapped Keith to an operating table as two other green aliens walked into the room both wearing white lab coats. Keith struggled against the restraints at first slowly loosing the will when he was getting nowhere. Once they had him succoured to the operating table they began to stitch his mouth shut. At first he felt every time the needle pricked his skin but after a while his whole mouth was numb.

It had been a few days since the tall green aliens stitched Keith’s mouth shut and he could barely keep himself sat upright. He figured it must have gotten infected. He was far to weak to move by the time the paladins arrived to break him free. He could barely keep his eyes open let alone move.

Guilt was the only thing covering the paladins faces when they realised just how late they were and if they had found him sooner maybe he wouldn’t be in this situation. They quickly made there way back to the castle, Keith would be in the healing pod for a long time.

Coran picked the stitches as carefully as he could but Keith was too weak to even flinch or fight against the pain it caused him.

[ Word count - 318]

Whumptober 2021


No. 27 - I’M FINE. I PROM…
passing out | vertigo | collapse



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


The paladins had just gotten back from a mission and where in the dining room. Ever since getting back from the mission Keith’s been feeling light headed, he checked himself over for injuries but found nothing.

After a while keith got up to leave the table, he stops for a moment his head is spinning. He collects himself and takes a few steps before passing out, head hitting the floor with a loud thud alerting the other paladins. They all rush to where Keith is now laying. Coran ushers to Shiro to bring Keith to the med bay. Coran does the exact same thing by checking Keith for injuries but finds nothing. He quickly realises what’s wrong when blood starts dripping from the corners of Keith’s mouth. Coran starts yelling and running frantically to a healing pod, the paladins are starting to get more and more worried.

Coran rushes to get Keith into the healing pod quickly typing on the key pad on the front. He turns to face the paladins, his face was serious and concerned.

Coran-He’s bleeding internally, there’s nothing else I can do for him but wait to see if the healing pod can fix it…

The paladins stand frozen in shock, none of them saying a word all just staring blankly at the healing pod. Keith looked so much more peaceful when he was in a healing pod, his face more relaxed and comfortable. The paladins could only wait and hope now that everything would work out, but who knew ….

[ Word count - 255]

Whumptober 2021



fallen | waterfall | trap door



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


The paladins where on a mission in a galra ship from the main fleet. The mission was almost successful, if they had been quicker or quieter maybe it wouldn’t have. Pidge noticed something as she was scanning the ships data. She scrambled to her feet and alerted the other paladins that the ship was set to explode any minute.

The commander of the ship caught up with the paladins. Keith told the others to go on with out him, that he would hold off the commander. Shiro was reluctant to leave his brother but if anyone could get out in time it was Keith. He fought with the commander for a few minutes giving the paladins enough time to get out. He waited until Shiro gave confirmation that all the paladins were back in their lions.

The commander looked at Keith for a moment before stating “You will go down with this ship.”. Keith had almost forgot the ship was set to explode, he quickly turned and stabbed his blade into the commander and began running to find an exit to his lion. As Keith was running he could hear Shiro, pidge and the others all yelling through the helmets at him to hurry up.

The explosions started going off behind him as he picked up the pace. He could hear the paladins scrambling for answers. Keith just kept running, there was no way he was going down with this ship not a chance. He kept running until he was out of breath. He could see the red lion now, he was so close. He took a leap of faith and jumped for the red lion.

Keith managed to fly the red lion just outside the explosion range before collapsing from exhaustion…

[ Word count - 292]

Whumptober 2021


No. 25 - HIDE & SEEK

escape | flight | hiding



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Keith was sent on a lone mission to an abandoned galra ship. The mission had been doomed from the very beginning, there had been drones waiting at the base for him. Keith quickly realised that something was wrong, the ship harboured only drones. That’s when he smelt it … fire. Before he could even register what was happening the fire was surrounding him, he quickly Egan running trying to find an exit.

He felt like he was running in circles. He turned corner after corner but still no exit. Finally the fire caught up with him. He was surrounded by fire with no chance of escape. Keith’s situation became a lot worse when a pice of metal fell from the ceiling trapping Keith between it and the floor.

The fire grew closer and Keith could feel the heat on his skin. His mind running wild. This was how it ended for him, trapped with no escape and all alone. His skin started bubbling as the fire crept up his skin. The pain was almost unbearable.

The paladins arrived at the burning galra ship and began using the blue lion to put out the blazing fire. They where hoping to recover any information the ship may have held on it. The last thing they expected to hear when they entered was loud pain filled screams. They scrambled to find the source.

Keith believed no one could hear his cry’s of pain. He just kept screaming, the pain was almost too much even for him. He was trapped and his skin blistering from the burns on his right side. Lance was the one who found him, his heart sinking at the site of Keith laying there screaming in pain. Lance quickly alerted the others that he found the source of the screams. None of them where prepared for the scene they walked into. Lance was at Keith’s side doing his best to comfort the whimpering boy.

The first issue they had to deal with was removing the large piece of metal off of Keith. Then they had to get Keith out of the burnt galra ship. Their hearts broke each time Keith let out a gut wrenching scream filled with pain…

[ Word count - 368]

Whumptober 2021



self-induced injuries to escape | flashback | revenge



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Keith’s had his fair share of bad foster homes. There was one in particular that Keith’s desperate to forget, It was his sixth foster home, he was 13.

The paladins we’re play fighting with each other when the memory hit him.

13 year old Keith was sat in a living room, there was beer bottles scattered around the floor and football playing on the tv. There was a large man sat in the living room chair, Keith recognised him immediately his name was Dan. Dan was drunk like usual when he stood up and started yelling at Keith out of nowhere.

His yelling only got worse, the words cut deeper and had gotten louder. Keith remembers that feeling bubbling up inside of him, fear. He knew what came next ! Dan continued to yell at Keith until suddenly the yelling stoped, Dan picked Keith up by the collar of his shirt and started to punch his stomach. It didn’t take long for him to have Keith up against a wall punching him anywhere he could reach.

Keith’s nose and lip were bleeding and his body ached from the bruises that where forming. Tears spilled from his eyes as Dan let go of keith and he sunk to the floor clutching his knees to his chest.

The paladins where unsure what to do, Keith was crying and shaking uncontrollably now. At first they had tried calling his name but that wasn’t working. Lance had left some time after attempting to call for Keith to get Shiro who was meeting with the blades.

It didn’t take long for Shiro to be at Keith’s side. Shiro gently reached his hand out towards Keith running his fingers through Keith’s hair. He quietly called out Keith’s name. Keith’s eyes flew open and his breathing quickened. Shiro quickly began calming Keith down and reminding him where he was and that he was ok.

It didn’t take long before Keith was sitting in Shiro’s lap while Shiro ran fingers gently over his back. Keith’s breathing had slowed slightly but he still shook in Shiro’s arms. The paladins watched silently and in shock, what just happened?

[ Word count - 357]

Whumptober 2021



auction | ransom | pursuit



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


The mission had failed. Keith was on his way back to the blade of marmora but he couldn’t leave Regris behind. He was about 15 minutes out from the base when an alert came through the ships communication system, Regris was being auctioned off. Keith came up with a plan, the only problem is he didn’t have the money for said plan.

He was running out of time and the only thing he could think of was to steal money from allura, he would pay her back of course but right now he didn’t have the time to spend arguing over it. Keith flew to the castle of lions and entered without being noticed. He entered the code to the vault, he took just enough that hopefully would go unmatched.

Keith wasted no time heading to the auction. Once he arrived he saw Regris chained to the floor along with a few other prisoners. Regris looked beaten, he was bleeding, his legs shook violently beneath him and his eyes where glossy like he’d been crying.

The first auction was for an Olkari, the second auction was a breed of alien Keith was unfamiliar with. Next up was Regris, the first bid came in and to Keith’s surprise it was a lot higher than he thought it would be for a galra. Keith managed to win the auction for Regris and went to pay the aliens that where running it when the other paladins swooped in with there bayards.

After they where safely back on the castle of lions allura let rip at Keith for being reckless and for stealing. She of course understood why he took it but she couldn’t understand why he didn’t just ask for help.

What a way to spend his birthday, trying to buy back his friend. This was to say the least a very unusual birthday.

[ Word count - 311]

Whumptober 2021


No. 20 - LOST & FOUND

trunk | trapped under water | solitary confinement

{Alt prompt - Loosing control}



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Keith had been feeling strange lately, he couldn’t really explain why. This morning when he woke up to find purple splotches all over him he headed straight to Coran. He was in the med bay as usual working on something Keith knew he wouldn’t understand. Keith told Coran about the purple splotches he found and after Coran had taken a look he concluded that it must have been something Keith ate bringing his galra form. However he said there shouldn’t be anything to worry about.

Keith went on with the rest of his day as normal until around about dinner. The paladins where eating dinner in the dining hall when Keith’s full transformation happened. His skin and hair turned shades of purple, two of his teeth turned into fangs and his skin burned. It felt like his skin was on fire, he screamed out in pain falling to his knees. The other paladins where quick to look over at Keith who was now curled into a tight ball whimpering in pain.

Hunk was the first to try and approach Keith but had little luck as Keith scratched at his arms leaving them bleeding a lot. Lance was the second paladin to try however he yielded the same result. That’s when seemingly Keith lost control, a shift in his demeanour was the tell tell sign. Shiro was the first to notice the change but he didn’t react quickly enough. It took Shiro just under an hour to catch Keith.

Finally though Keith was now contained in a cell on the lower deck of the castle. He was practically running circles in the cell every now and then running into the glass in an attempt to break it. It broke Shiro’s heart because he knew what it was like to have no control over what your doing but still knowing your doing it.

Keith continued running rampant in the cell until eventually he fell asleep leaning against the glass of the cell. The paladins where at a loss on what to do so they had to call in Galran reinforcements. Kolivan, Thace and Regris all showed up following Coran down to the cells.

The paladins only hoped that the three Galran males knew how to change Keith back or at the very least teach him to control it.

[ Word count - 386]

Whumptober 2021



bitten | bleeding | stabbing



⚠️ Read the tags for warnings ⚠️


Allura and lotor where in the quintessence field when Keith returns to the castle of lions. He looks stressed and it doesn’t take the paladins long to notice. Keith explains to them that lotor has been playing them to gain there trust. He catches them up on all the information he has gathered on motors plan.

The paladins and Keith stood around catching up waiting for lotors arrival. Once he enters the room with the princess they are all stood waiting for him. It doesn’t take long for lotor to figure out that they are onto him. At first he’s not sure what to do but then he sees the blade attached to alluras suit. He reaches for it and at first he thinks no one had seen him until the former red paladin was charging at him with his blade. Lotor being much taller than Keith had the advantage and simply knocked the blade from his hand.

Lotor dug the blade straight into Keith’s chest narrowly avoiding his heart. The other paladins don’t register what happened until Keith let’s out a gut wrenching scream. Lotor quickly pulls back the blade letting Keith drop to the floor before running out towards an escape pod. Keith was left laying in a pool of his own blood. Shiro and Coran where the first to react, running to Keith’s side.

Keith couldn’t describe the pain he felt in that moment. His lungs felt like they would explode at any moment. The pool of blood beneath him was only growing bigger. Thick red blood continued to spew out of his open chest. His breathing was quick and uneven which concerned Coran. Soon after reaching Keith’s side Shiro lifted him into his arms and quickly made his way to the healing pods. He suddenly grew concerned when Keith went limp in his arms, when he looked down he realised that his eyes were shut and his chest was barely rising. He yelled in a panicked tone for Coran to hurry up with setting up the pod. Once it was completely set up Shiro quickly and carefully placed Keith inside and allowed the pod to close.

Suddenly all the paladins realised that in there panic about Keith lotor somehow managed to escape. Now not only did they want him dead because he lied to them and used them he also almost killed one of their friends, a part of their family. There was no way any of the paladins where letting him get away with this.

[Word count - 420]

Bad Things Happen Bingo

Feel free to suggest ideas for these prompts. instructions & info for which fandoms i write for below the cut

I will be writing oneshots to go with these prompts but I’m totally open to suggestions.

I only write for Voltron & Vox machina and I’m willing to whump the following characters from Voltron - The list Is in order from my favourite to least favourite

• Keith

• Hunk

• Shiro

• Lance

• Kolivan

• Coran

You can also pick an additional character or two from Voltron - For example, Allura & Kolivan or Regris & Thace Or Pidge & Lance.

⭐️ EDIT ⭐️ Im also whiling to throw in Vax from the legend of Vox machina to be whump with the addition of the other main characters

Instructions for suggestions -

1. Put the square you want in the ask box

2. Write an overview of your idea for the prompt

3. Put who the whumpee will be & who the whumper will be

4. Pick up to 2 additional characters

5. Send your suggestion through the Ask box

Other info -

  • I will write ships if mentioned
  • I will write NSFW / Smut