#patch notes


You may have noticed that I now have a Patreon for my streams on Twitch that can be found here.  Well, I’m trying out a new patron tier that lets my patrons pick a game for me to stream once per month!

Note that this is an experiment, and the price may change later if I think it needs to.

There are four slots available, and I’ll be streaming each of the choices on one Sunday each month.  (Everyone gets one Sunday to themselves.)  The price starts at a $45 patronage tier, and gets you approximately three hours of stream (though I may go longer if I need to reach a stopping point or if I’m really enjoying myself.)  You can also pledge higher for more time–every $15 above that gets you another hour, up to the maximum of an eight hour stream for $120.

You can click here for a (mostly) exhaustive list of games that I own and think are streamable.  “Played” is games I’ve already beaten.  “Playing” is games I’ve played some of.  “Backlog” is games I haven’t played or haven’t played a substantial amount of.  “Wishlist” is games that I don’t own but are on the streaming short list.  You can pick a game from the list, or, if you really want to, purchase a game for me to play.

I reserve the right to refuse a game if I don’t think it’s appropriate to stream; no matter how much you may want me to, I will not be playing Huniepop or Akiba Strip.  I also reserve the right to continue streaming the game on a non-Sunday outside of what you’ve purchased if I really like it and want to continue.

To sum up:

–Four people at a time can purchase three to eight hours of streams of a game of (mostly) your choosing.

–I will stream your game on one Sunday each month.

–Streams will happen the month after you are charged for them, to ensure the charge goes through.

I think that’s it.  Please give me feedback on this if you could!

I love some bots



Humans show up in the Silmarillon like a game patch. Halflings too. Hmm.



  • Music of the Ainur content is now available for testing!
  • New player race: Ainu. Ainu are celestial beings of immense power and immaterial nature created from the thought of Eru Iluvatar himself. Because the Ainur are immaterial, there are no visual character customization options at this time.
  • You can, however, customize your character’s voice! Available character customization options include: voice like unto harp, voice like unto lute, voice like unto timbrel, voice like unto viol and organ, voice like unto countless choir, voice like unto[…]
  • Fixed bug that caused players to occasionally get stuck in the void places seeking the Imperishable Flame. Contrary to rumor on the forums, the Imperishable Flame is not located in the void places. Players caught seeking the Imperishable Flame will be cast out into the outermost dark banned from World of Ardacraft.
  • We’re currently investigating an issue where certain players, by weaving thoughts of their own unlike their brethren into his music and straightaway makingdiscord about them, causing two competing themes to emerge, one deep and wide and of immeasurable sorrow from which its beauty chiefly comes and one loud and brash and endlessly repeated like a clamorous unison of trumpets may case Eru, his face terrible to behold, to rise and in one cord higher than the firmament and deeper than the abyss may cause a server desync and crash. Players caught attempting to exploit this bug will be cast out into the outermost dark banned from World of Ardacraft.


  • Player “Melkor” has been cast out into the outermost dark banned. We recognize that Melkor and his guild, “M3lkorzW33dboyz” were popular among a certain segment of the player, but their repeated violations of the TOS left us no other choice. Stop asking for them to be reinstated.
  • We realize that the vision ye beheld, giving to you sight where before was only hearing, with a new World made visible before you, globed amid the Void, and showing much of what ye made in music, but not all, each player having knowledge only of their own special part, is incomplete, and that there are some things ye cannot see, either alone or in taking counsel together. This is currently working as intended.
  • The Children of Iluvatar player races will be released Soon™. Stop asking us when.
  • Player can now go down into Ea, and begin exploring. Please be advised that once you enter the Ea region, you cannot leave again. This feature is working as intended.
  • Ea is currently formless and void. This is also working as intended. The Ea content is part of our new endeavor to incorporate survival, crafting, and exploration features into World of Ardacraft. Players who complain that “the devs are just lazy” or that “they’re making us create content for them” will be cast into the outermost darkbanned.

BETA 0.1

  • Welcome to the Version 1 Beta of World of Ardacraft! Due to the popularity of the Ea content, it’s been decided to cut the Ainur content and focus instead on Ea going forward.
  • Although you’ll be able to keep your current Ainu characters, for now, character creation has been temporarily disabled. At a future date, we’ll re-enable character creation for our new Children of Iluvatar races.
  • No projected release date for the Children of Iluvatar is currently available. Stop asking.
  • We apologize for the griefing incidents where player “Melkor” has, under the guise of numerous alts like “M3lkor,” “Melk0r” “M3lk0rr” “_m31kor_”, and “xXx_[]\/[]3|_|<0|2_xXx” has been able to gain access to the server and ruin other players’ hard work. Please report any such alts you see, and we’ll do our best to quickly cast them into the outermost dark ban them.
  • Unfortunately, we will not be able to roll back the sever to repair these griefing incidents at this time.

BETA 0.2

  • We are continuing to attempt to ban player “Melkor”‘s alts as they are reported. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
  • New players looking to explore the World of Ardacraft should check out our player-created areas! See such sights as the gardens of Y4vanna_Kementari_, the player-made towers of Iluin and Ormal, and the meeting zone at Almaren!


  • We regret that a recent griefing incident has destroyed the towers of Iluin and Ormal, and the meezing zone at Almaren, along with many other player creations. Unfortunately, a server rollback to repair the damage will not be possible at this time.
  • Player “__m3lk0r|I|IIl|ll” has been cast into the outermost darkbanned.
  • Check out the new meeting zone at Valinor!


  • Players complaining in global chat that “the new meeting zone sucks donkey balls” and “wtf where are those towers I saw bomb-ass screenshots of on reddit” and “who cars about stupid trees” will be cast into the outermost darkbanned.
  • Player Y4vanna_Kementari_ worked very hard on those trees, and we think they’re lovely!
  • Players complaining “the devs obviously play favorites magic trees are totally overdone what is this some kind of dumb ass ripoff of norse myth” will be cast into the outermost darkbanned.

BETA 0.3

  • We’re continuing to work on new content for the zones of Araman and Middle-Earth. These things take time! Please be patient.
  • There is still no release date scheduled for the Children of Iluvatar content. Stop asking.
  • While past griefing incidents caused numerous problems, rumors that player “Melkor” is still somehow active in World of Ardacraft are definitely false. We banned him, folks. It’s over. You don’t believe in Herobrine either, do you?


  • Based on a suggestion from player Y4vanna_Kementari_, trees now have a small chance to turn into fearsome giants that rip the player limb from limb when attacked.
  • Stop saying the devs play favorites. It was a good suggestion.
  • No, the Children of Iluvatar content is not going to be released soon. Certainly not in the next update. No, we haven’t added new kinds of Children at the suggestion of any players. Player “Aule_420″ has no connection with the devs, and rumors to the contrary should be ignored.

BETA 0.4

  • The Children of Iluvatar are here! Due to time constraints, only one race of the Children is currently available, the Quendi. You can choose from three classes, the Minyar, Tatyar, and Ninyar. These classes are currently only cosmetic.
  • We regret that we missed an alt of player “Melkor,” and that he was somehow able to amass an army of followers and build a fortress in the north of the world at Utumno. Player “Melkor” has been cast into the outermost darkbanned.
  • Now that the Children of Iluvatar are available, new characters can be created again. Players with Valar and Maiar characters (formerly known as “Ainur”) will be permitted to keep their characters, but we reserve the right to nerf them for balance reasons.
  • Players complaining that the Children of Iluvatar “suck” and are “stupid weak compared to ainus” will be cast into the outermost dark banned. The plural is “Ainur.” Ai-nur. Not “Ainus.”

BETA 0.5

  • Rumors that we failed to Google the name of our fantasy race and only later realized there is a real-world ethnic group called “Ainu,” and that’s why they’re called something different now, are patently false.
  • The name of the “Quendi” has been changed to “Kwendi” for clarity.
  • The rumor that “all the ainus are are making the quendi go to Valinor” is false. First of all, there are no “Ainus” in this game. Our linguist worked very hard, and we think it’s incredibly disrespectful for you to ignore his hard work like this. Second of all, players remain free to travel and explore as they wish.
  • Kwendi players willrespawn in the Halls of Mandos in Valinor. This is working as intended. This is currently a placeholder system, which will be replaced soon! We have exciting things planned for the death experience in future updates! Thanks to player “MetalMandos” for letting us use his personal creation for a bit of in-game lore!
  • Please note, however, that players unwilling to hearken to the summons of player Orome will face untold peril in Middle-Earth, and may not flourish as their kindred, due to never beholding the Light of the Trees.


  • We’re currently investigating an issue where Kwendi players attempting to meet party members in the Nan Elmoth zone may fall under an enchantment, hearing from afar the voice of Melian the Maia, filling their hearts with wonder and desire, and coming at last to a glade open to the stars behold her, transfixed by the light of Aman in her face, while long years are measured out by the stars wheeling overhead, and the trees of Nan Elmoth grow tall and dark around them. This issue is currently affecting only two players, however, so simply avoiding the Nan Elmoth zone should be sufficient to prevent it.
  • To reduce confusion, “Kwendi” are now called “Kinn-Lai.”


  • The Nan Elmoth bug has been resolved, but be aware we’ve had to change about a third of all Kinn-Lai player names to fix the bug.
  • There is a rumor this change was simply to to punish player “Telep0rno.” This is false. He changed his name to “Celeborn” of his own free will.
  • We realize continually renaming the primary player race has been causing issues. We apologize for the inconvenience. To resolve this issue, the Kinn-Lai are now known as “Cuind.” This will be the final nam change.


  • The Cuind are now known as the Eldalie.


  • Due to the request of numerous players since the start of the game, we have unbanned player “Melkor.” We realize this is a controversial move, but after a long talk with Melkor, we are confident he has seen the error of his ways, and that he wants to be a constructive part of the community of World of Ardacraft moving forward. We hope you will welcome him back into the community.
  • We have revised the available Cuind classes to reflect the distribution of players more accurately. They are now “Vanyar,” “Noldor,” “Amani Teleri,” and “Sindari Teleri.” All other Cuind classes have been merged into the “Moriquendi/Avari” class.


  • Look.
  • We get it.
  • You can stop sending us emails.
  • And insulting us on the forums.
  • We look pretty silly right now.
  • Weapologize for unbanning player “Melkor.” Player “Melkor” has been cast into the outermost dark banned. Player Ungoliant has been cast into the outermost dark banned. We’re not even sure what player Ungoliant is. We sure didn’t create that class. We think player Ungoliant may have exploited a character creation bug to create a new Ainu character. We’re not sure. But they’ve been cast into the outermost dark banned regardless. They will not be coming back. In any form. Ever.
  • We apologize to player Y4vanna_Kementari_ in particular. We do not think the flame war at Ezellohar was a productive use of anybody’s time, however.
  • Due to technical issues, we will not be able to roll back the servers to fix this griefing incident. The light of the Trees lives only now in the jewels of xxFeanorxx, and while we feel his threat to quit the game if they are unlocked is counterproductive, we will not and cannot force him to do so.
  • Due to complaints about balance and the griefing incident in Valinor, from now on all legacy Vala characters will be restricted to Valinor, while Maia characters will have their fast travel and shape-changing abilities nerfed. We apologize for the inconvenience.
  • The Eldalie are now known as the Eldar.


  • World of Ardacraft has officially been released!
  • The Moon and Sun have been released!
  • Humans and Dwarves, the two new Children of Iluvatar, have been released!
  • Rumors that the Dwarves were added to the game by special request of player “Aule_420″ are patently false.
  • We realize the PK Incident At Alqualonde has proven controversial among the community. However, it occurred according to the rules of the game as laid out, and the TOS was not violated; therefore, we will not be taking action to restore lost items, XP, or the delicate ships of pale timber that generations of Teleri labored on. We regret the inconvenience.
  • While we have received complaints, players should be aware that the Doom uttered by player “MetalMand0s” or one of his lesser heralds upon the rock at the northern confines of the Guarded Realm, which echoed from one end of the Noldorin host to the other, which lay a curse on all who would not stay or seek pardon from the Valar, promised that “tears unnumbered shall ye shed,” that “ye shall be slain by weapons and torment and grief” and that “ye shall become as shadows of regret before the younger players that join the game after” has no gameplay effect. Probably. We think.
  • Honestly, we’re a little bit scared of the guy ourselves. We think he’s Finnish or something?
  • You log on and he’s just always online. Not botting either. We checked!
  • How does he even pay for his subscription?
  • Anyway, players xxFeanorxx, F1ngerGons, FinnGolfin69 have been banned from the forums for 72 hours due to the ongoing flamewar there. Please try to be respectful of fellow players, and remember, it’s just a game!
  • We’ve investigated allegations that players FinnGolfin69, Galadri3l, and F1nr0d used exploits to cross the grinding ice of the Helcaraxe and reach Middle Earth. These allegations are unspported. The fire in their hearts is simply young, and they achieved a deed of surpassing hardihood and woe. In short: git gud.
  • FinnGolfin69 did indeed, however, blow his trumpet with his host behind him as he marched into Middle Earth at the first rising of the Moon, and it was sick as hell.
  • Player “Melkor” is somehow still in the game. The forges of Angband a former outpost of Utumno, burn again, and the slag belching forth from their furnaces has piled high above like the slopes of mountains, and about half the player base has flocked to his banner.
  • We have no idea how any of this happened.
  • Honestly, he’s your problem now.
Revisions: Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume; Paras and Parasect#043-045 Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume#046Revisions: Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume; Paras and Parasect#043-045 Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume#046Revisions: Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume; Paras and Parasect#043-045 Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume#046

Revisions: Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume; Paras and Parasect

#043-045 Oddish, Gloom, and Vileplume
#046-47 Paras and Parasect

Hello all—your author here. I was thinking about this project again today, and figured that I had a few hours set aside to do at least a few more revisions. The lucky candidates today were the Oddish and Paras families. Parasect, as it happens, is my second-favorite Pokemon (behind Wigglytuff), while Oddish is my partner’s favorite, so these were actually some of the first I ever wrote before I decided to do them in order.

The challenge with these Pokemon is their extensive utilization of status, especially Paras and Parasect. I’ve written before about the difficulty of balancing the their signature move, Spore, before. Specifically, putting someone to sleep in Dungeons & Dragons carries a lot more weight than it does in Pokemon. While your allies can rush to your aid to wake you, if they can’t get to you before another enemy does, you could suffer a tremendous amount of damage and perhaps even die just because you missed one saving throw. The mitigations that I devised and described in that linked post to make Spore a more balanced move still apply, but even after all of that, I have increased Parasect’s challenge rating from 2 to 3 because of how unpredictably devastating its spores can be to a party, just from the luck of the roll.

I also significantly revised the description of “Effect Spore.” The idea is that on a roll of 18-20 (triggered by the Parasect being hit with a weapon attack), the mushroom cloud ruptures, and depending on whether the roll is an 18, 19, or 20, the spores cause onestatus condition to those exposed to them. The original description read:

Each creature within 5 feet of the [Paras or Parasect] must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned, paralyzed, or unconscious until the end of its next turn on a roll of 18, 19, or 20, respectively.

Sounds fine, right? Well, I thought so—but in attempting to be concise, it meant that creatures with a resistance or immunity to the poisoned condition would still be completely vulnerable to the paralysis or unconsciousness of ostensibly poisonous spores. The revised description isn’t as concise, but by clarifying that each of the effects are concomitant with poisoning instead of completely separate effects, it rewards player characters who are (or who have invested in preventative measures to become) resistant to poison instead of inexplicably circumventing their abilities. Consistency is key when designing a series of monsters, and one rule for being consistent is that spores, saps, and venoms are always poisons first.

Anyway, you can click the Read More for the specific changes made to the Pokemon above. Until next time.

Individual Changes

  • Vileplume. Increased the area of effect for the Stench ability to 10 feet from 5 feet. Increased the area of effect for the Sweet Scent ability to 40 feet from 20 feet. Corrected an erroneous reference to Gloom in the description for Sweet Scent.
  • Paras and Parasect. Revised Effect Spore so that paralysis and unconsciousness were results of being poisoned so that creatures resistant or immune to the poisoned condition are less affected.
  • Parasect. Changed Spore so that an affected creature is poisoned for 10 minutes, increased from 1 minute

Attribute Changes


  • HP 10 (3d4 + 3) 7 (2d4 + 2)


  • CR 2 (450 XP) 3 (700 XP

Post link
Revisions: Sandshrew, Sandslash, and the Nido Family#027-028 Sandshrew and Sandslash#029-031 NidoranRevisions: Sandshrew, Sandslash, and the Nido Family#027-028 Sandshrew and Sandslash#029-031 NidoranRevisions: Sandshrew, Sandslash, and the Nido Family#027-028 Sandshrew and Sandslash#029-031 NidoranRevisions: Sandshrew, Sandslash, and the Nido Family#027-028 Sandshrew and Sandslash#029-031 NidoranRevisions: Sandshrew, Sandslash, and the Nido Family#027-028 Sandshrew and Sandslash#029-031 Nidoran

Revisions: Sandshrew, Sandslash, and the Nido Family

#027-028 Sandshrew and Sandslash
#029-031 Nidoran♀ , Nidorina, and Nidoqueen
#032-034Nidoran♂, Nidorino, and Nidoking

I’m finally working on this project again! Progress will continue to be sporadic due to a high volume of real-life responsibilities, but I hope that this progress report will be a better sign that I still care than occasionally answered asks. Revision consists not just of proofreading, but also a lotof running numbers. The most important part of the revision process is masking sure that every modifier, damage amount, armor class, hit point total, saving throw, and challenge rating is properly calculated. Unfortunately, it’s very repetitive, very time-intensive, and not very exciting, but occasionally it gives me the opportunity to see the system in action in its purest form.

For this progress report, I have the avatar of this blog—Nidoking—as well as its juvenile forms and its female counterpart. Sandshrew and Sandslash are also here because otherwise it’d be weird to have their art on these pages but no their stat blocks. There wasn’t so intensive of a revision process for these Pokemon as there was for the starter Pokemon; all of these stat blocks were primarily about readability and Challenge Rating correction. We also have art of Nidoking and Nidoqueen, courtesy of and with permission from tumblr user Diogonen!

Sometimes when I think of a novel mechanic for the D&D system, such as Sandshrew and Sandslash’s Rollout dealing more damage over successive hits, I try to write it as clearly as I can. That’s the hardest part about writing rules: you need to be even more clear than you think you are, because only you truly know what you mean. In this case, I veered too far into being so clear that I became excessively verbose instead. Why was Rollout a special Slash attack instead of its own attack? The best lesson I have learned over the course of writing this blog is when to stop trying to reference other mechanics and moves and just condense things into themselves sometimes. However, just like with the Squirtle family, the Tortle Package came out between the publication of the original stat block and now, so I could revise Defense Curl to act like the official action, Shell Defense.

As for the Nidoran family, the job was about Challenge Rating correction. I liked the idea of having Nidoking and Nidoqueen as solid mid-level monsters; they each have a Challenge Rating of 10 and it’s desirable that they be fought together. However, after crunching the numbers, Nidoqueen was far more powerful than I had originally thought. Despite being the more “defensive” monster, she was on par with Nidoking’s damage output with none of the drawbacks. There’s no exciting process here, but after pushing and pulling to find a new balance, I was able to bring her and Nidoking down to a more appropriate level of power by tweaking their defensive stats. I find myself lowering hit points more often than anything else in my revision process. Have you ever heard the expression “the brightest candle burns the shortest?” My design philosophy gradually gravitated towards that axiom. I prefer monsters whose encounters will be intense and short over monsters whose encounters will be drawn-out and long…but of course, each has its place.

I also removed Nidoking and Nidoqueen’s vulnerability to cold damage and immunity to lightning damage. My adherence to the type chart is something that may seem arbitrary at first glance, but ultimately it comes down to the immediate visual nature of the Pokemon. Just looking at a Nidoking or Nidoqueen, would you be able to tell that it would be vulnerable to cold or immune to lightning? Unlike creatures whose life is represented by a flame on its tail or monsters literally made of non-conductive earth, Nidoking and Nidoqueen possess no cues. I don’t design these creatures with the assumption that they will be treated as Pokemon in-game, or that all players will recognize them as such and use Pokemon logic against them, so I removed those non-obvious type effectivenesses. Poison is a little different, as many creatures are non-obviously poisonous, but the fact that it has poison attacks means that being susceptible to poison itself would be weird.

Click Read More below for a detailed list of changes made to these Pokemon, relative to how they appeared in Preview: The Kanto Compilation.

Individual Changes

  • Sandshrew and Sandslash.Revised Sand Rush to protect against more conditions. Corrected the attack bonus of Sandshrew’s Scratch and Sandslash’s Slash to +3 from +6 and +5 from +6, respectively. Revised Defense Curl to more closely resemble Shell Defense. Changed Rollout into a distinct attack.
  • Nidoran♀, Nidorina,and Nidoqueen. Revised lore text. 
  • Nidoran♀. Reduced the damage of Poison Sting to 1 piercing damage and 5 (2d4) poison damage from 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage and 2 (1d4) poison damage.
  • Nidoqueen. Reduced the damage of Earth Power to 36 (8d8) from 45 (10d8). Removed vulnerability to cold and immunity to lightning damage.
  • Nidoking.Removed vulnerability to cold and immunity to lightning damage.

Attribute Changes


  • HP 58 (13d6 + 13) 55 (10d6 + 20)
  • Str 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
  • Con 13 (+1) 14 (+2)


  • HP 117 (18d6 + 63) 104 (16d6 + 48)
  • AC 14 (natural armor) 13  (natural armor)


  • HP 228 (24d8 + 120) 199 (21d8 + 105)
  • AC 17 16


  • AC 12 corrected to11
  • CR ½ (100 XP) corrected to ¼ (50 XP)


  • HP 195 (23d8 + 92) 187 (22d8 + 88)

Post link
Revisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, andRevisions: Starter Trio#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, and

Revisions: Starter Trio

#001-003 Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur
#004-006 Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard
#007-009 Squirtle, Wartortle, and Blastoise

Hello all! Revisions on the “final” copy of the 5e Pokedex are still ongoing. I’m going through and revising every single evolutionary family, one by one, with as fine-toothed of a comb as I can. It’s a slow process, and I imagine that once I get more than halfway through the Pokedex, it’ll pick up. What is making the process so intensive at the moment is the fact that I’m revisiting the very first stat blocks that I made, before I had nearly a year of experience or a particularly solid design philosophy. Additionally, other responsibilities are still occupying my time during these dog days of summer. In retrospect, my estimate of getting this done “before the end of July” was absurdly, hilariously optimistic.

So to keep this blog at least partially active during revisions, I’ll try to share stat blocks with you all that have undergone especially intense revision, such as the starter Pokemon and their evolved forms. You can find the original (and I mean original) stat blocks for Bulbasaur,Charmander, and Squirtle and their evolved forms by clicking their names in this sentence.

The primary problems plaguing these old stat blocks are a lack of clarity, and an abundance of redundancy. Venusaur’s old Frenzy Plant is the worst offender. The language is almost as knotted and meandering as the vines that the action summons, and the fact that the vines grapple a creature as well as restrain them just adds unneeded complexity. And if the Venusaur’s vines move along with it, what happens to creatures restrained by the vines when they move? The revised form of Frenzy Plant made sure to keep the language as concise as possible, keep the moments per round that Frenzy Plant could activate consistent, and simplify the effects of Frenzy Plant as much as possible.

Another large problem was Blastoise and its pre-evolutions, who appeared egregiously weak despite a CR of 11. The problem was how I accounted for Withdraw in my original calculation of their CR—I counted the Blastoise as dealing maximum damage while having maximum armor, when in reality, it must sacrifice a whole turn’s worth of damage output to gain the defensive benefits of Withdraw. The solution was to increase these Pokemon’s natural armor some and to increase their damage output overall, bringing their power up to CR 11 snuff. Also, while understandable for a weakling Squirtle, Wartortle and Blastoise lacked any reliable melee attack for close-quarters combat. To fix that, I not only changed Skull Bash into a normal attack, but gave these Pokemon an additional Bite attack.

Click Read More below for a detailed list of changes made to these Pokemon, relative to how they appeared in Preview: The Kanto Compilation.

Individual Changes

  • Bulbasaur, Ivysaur, and Venusaur. Revised ore text. Changed Leed Seed to be a distinct action from Vine Whip, target creatures only, deal 1 piercing damage, not require any saving throws, and have more accessible ways of being neutralized (such as applying fire to the seed).
  • Ivysaur and Venusaur. Revised Ivysaur and Venusaur’s Multiattack actions to let them replace one of their Vine Whip attacks with Leech Seed. Changed Poison Powder to Recharge 4-6 and to allow an affected creature to re-peat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns in-stead of the end.
  • Ivysaur. Changed the damage of Vine Whip to 6 (1d8 + 2) from 8 (2d4 + 3). Changed Poison Powder’s radius to 15 feet from 10 feet and the damage to 11 (2d10) from 7 (2d6). Corrected Passive Perception to 11 from 10.
  • Venusaur. Changed the damage of Vine Whip to 13 (2d8 + 4) from 14 (4d4 + 4). Changed Poison Powder’s radius to 10 feet from 5 feet and the damage to 22 (4d10) from 21 (6d6). Significantly revised Frenzy Plant; most notably it no longer affects creatures when it first appears, the sa-ving throw has been changed to Strength from Dexterity,
    a creature must succeed on a DC 17 Strength check to es-cape its restraints, and the roots may drag a restrained creature while moving along with the Venusaur.
  • Charmander, Charmeleon, and Charizard. Revised lore text. If these Pokémon’s burning tail is extinguished, they must use their action to repeat and succeed on the Consti-tution saving throw in order to reignite it.
  • Charizard. Changed Multiattack to allow three attacks with its claws (Slash) and one with its tail. Changed the damage of Slash to 11 (2d6 + 4) from 10 (1d12 + 4). Revised the wording of Blast Burn to be more similar to fireball. Increased the Challenge Rating to 10 (5,900 XP).
  • Squirtle.Expanded the story of the Squirtle Squad.
  • Wartortle and Blastoise. Changed Withdraw to no long-er remove vulnerability to lightning damage. Changed Skull Bash so that it can be used without the user necessarily being withdrawn. Added a Bite attack.
  • Wartortle. Added a Multiattack action.
  • Blastoise. Changed Multiattack to let the Blastoise choose between three Water Gun attacks or two Bite attacks and a Skull Bash attack. Corrected Skull Bash to include a saving throw against being knocked prone if the target is a creature. Corrected Torrent to increase the da-mage of Hydro Cannon. Revised Hydro Cannon; changed the single-stream damage of Hydro Cannon to 58 (9d12) from 44 (8d10) and the separate-stream damage to 26 (4d12) from 22 (4d10).

Attribute Changes


  • Str 12 (+1) 10 (0)
  • Dex 13 (+1) 12 (+1)


  • AC 13 (natural armor) 12 (natural armor)
  • Str 16 (+3) 14 (+2)
  • Dex 14 (+2) 12 (+1)


  • HP 190 (21d8 + 105) corrected to199 (21d8 + 105)
  • Str 20 (+4) corrected to 19 (+4)
  • Dex 14 (+2) 12 (+1)
  • Int 6 (-2) 8 (-1)
  • Wis 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
  • Cha 8 (-1) 10 (0)


  • Con 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
  • Cha 7 (-2) 10 (0)


  • Cha 12 (+1) 14 (+2)


  • Str 12 (+1) 10 (0)


  • AC 13 (natural armor) 14 (natural armor)
  • Str 14 (+2) 12 (+1)


  • AC 15 (natural armor) 17 (natural armor)

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