#patrick watson


Bonne soirée ️

Patrick Watson Better in the Shade

A sound like a trigger word, throwing you off the cliff into a trance, tumbling through memories. Once Upon a Time in the West seeping out of the television, alone with a just a pizza for company at fourteen. Desaturated desert and Ennio Morricone blasting out at you like a gunshot. Nothing ever so eerie, not then, not now. 

My life has always been soundtracked, but never has a soundtrack ever grabbed me in such a way. The trumpets, frivolous and mournful, the guitar like a ghost, the echo of a melody. I fall into melodrama, but then Morricone was always about melodrama. 

And then there’s this. 

 playlist  #4                                                    spotify link

playlist  #4
                                                   spotify link

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