#paul ryan

Letme show ya my guns, girl.

Letme show ya my guns, girl.

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So, y'all just met me… and this is crazy … but look into these guns and vote for me, b

So, y'all just met me… and this is crazy … but look into these guns and vote for me, baby.

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Come see me after school baby, I’ll show you why I pump iron.

Come see me after school baby, I’ll show you why I pump iron.

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You know how it is… yer Dad says it… sounds true so you say it.  Then the GOP VP candi

You know how it is… yer Dad says it… sounds true so you say it.  Then the GOP VP candidate endorses you!

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Social Security and Medicare is for wimps -XO Paul Ryan

Social Security and Medicare is for wimps -XO Paul Ryan

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True Story, I told Mitt airplane windows can open!  HA! -XO Paul Ryan

True Story, I told Mitt airplane windows can open!  HA! -XO Paul Ryan

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Hey girl, you pretty little thing - when are you gonna learn?? XO - Paul Ryan

Hey girl, you pretty little thing - when are you gonna learn?? XO - Paul Ryan

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Paul Ryan *claims* to have climbed 40 of Colorado’s 53 14,000+ foot peaks. After his big marat

Paul Ryan *claims* to have climbed 40 of Colorado’s 53 14,000+ foot peaks. After his big marathon lie, seems the people of Colorado aren’t buying it.

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A true story.  (From our friends over on the Facebook)

A true story.  (From our friends over on the Facebook)

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Sorry, Girl, almost fell asleep there…. 

Sorry, Girl, almost fell asleep there…. 

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We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!

We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!

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Hey girl - come join us on Facebook! XO - PaulRyan

Hey girl - come join us on Facebook! XO - PaulRyan

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Trust me, baby… I'ma family man.  XO-PaulRyan

Trust me, baby… I'ma family man.  XO-PaulRyan

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We’re gonna create 12 million jobs - and these kids will get to work one too! XO-PaulRyan

We’re gonna create 12 million jobs - and these kids will get to work one too! XO-PaulRyan

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The silence about the #MuslimBan from Republican leaders - many of whom condemned such an idea durin

The silence about the #MuslimBan from Republican leaders - many of whom condemned such an idea during the GOP primary - is deafening.

House Speaker Paul Ryan’s Tweets are blathering on about the Obamacare replacement plan that they STILL haven’t devised, despite 7 years of promising it.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s Tweets are about abortion and the Supreme Court - but since Donald J. Trump is in the midst of undermining a federal judge checking and balancing the executive branch, I feel like this is a moot point.

Fortunately, John McCain is decent enough to speak out.
But then I remembered, he’s the one who unleashed Sarah Palin on us - and consequently, sent the GOP on this disaster course of lunacy

Remember, folks, the primaries for the midterm elections are only a year away! ✋

Get involved - Vote these pussies out!

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Trump says he’ll keep Obamacare if the awful GOP bill isn’t passed. It’s a disgusting slap in the face to his conservative supporters.

Written by Kyle Chaney, et. al, for Politico:

President Donald Trump’s ultimatum to Republicans to overturn the Democratic health care law they’ve been campaigning against for years heads to the House floor Friday for a momentous showdown that will test the GOP’s ability to govern.

And no one, not even the people in charge of counting the votes, can say what will happen.

Top House leaders, squeezed by hardline conservatives and skittish moderates, privately worry that too many Republican lawmakers have publicly panned the health care proposal they crafted, making them less susceptible to last-minute arm-twisting and a pressure campaign from the White House. But they also saw signs that the resistance has begun to weaken in the face of Trump’s Thursday night ultimatum: pass my bill or leave Obamacare in place. …

Asked Friday morning on ABC’s “Good Morning America” if the White House and GOP leadership-backed bill has enough votes to pass, Mulvaney, himself a former Freedom Caucus member, said “don’t know.”

Read the entire article here.

Rand Paul knows of at least 35 Republicans who plan on voting against the Obamacare Lite bill. Just 21 “No” votes kill the bill.

Written by Matthew Boyle for Breitbart:

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) told Breitbart News exclusively on Tuesday afternoon that he expects House Speaker Paul Ryan will be forced to pull the American Health Care Act (AHCA) before a scheduled Thursday vote because Ryan will not get the votes to pass the legislation.

The AHCA has been dubbed “Obamacare Lite” by Paul — a leading conservative critic of the plan — and by other conservatives as “RyanCare,” “RINO-Care,” and “Obamacare 2.0,” since the bill does not actually fully repeal Obamacare and keeps many of the main structures that the now-former President Barack Obama installed in the healthcare system. It has come under intense scrutiny from both sides of the Republican Party — moderates and conservatives are lining up against the bill — and Ryan, despite publicly projecting confidence, cannot find the necessary 216 votes to pass the legislation. …

If you keep all the insurance mandates, and you keep subsidizing insurance, basically it’s Obamacare Lite. So I think it’s still Obamacare Lite. The modifications, some are going in the right direction, but they actually expanded some of the subsidies. So one of the new things about it is it’s actually $75 billion more in subsidies. So, I think they’re stuck trying to split the baby. They’re trying to give conservatives a few token changes. And they’re trying to give the moderates more subsidies. …

I’m still unclear as to why they completely ignored conservatives early on in the process and then they had the audacity to look at conservatives and say ‘this is what you all campaigned on.’ That just, frankly, was never true. I was elected in 2010 in the big Tea Party wave that was for repealing Obamacare root and branch, rip the whole thing out. We were for repealing it. I still think that our grassroots conservative supporters are for repealing it. But somewhere along the line, Paul Ryan decided that it wasn’t so much about repealing it but about replacing it with Obamacare Lite. And I think that was a tactical error on their part to think ‘oh, we’ll just be for this and everybody will be for this’ when in reality no conservatives are really for the Ryan plan.

Read the entire article here.
