


as a southerner i just have to say that we as a society can’t allow people to keep spelling y’all as ya’ll like. y’all means “you all” the apostrophe can’t go in the middle of the word all. it’s not you a’ll. ya’ll isn’t anything. it isn’t real.

ya’ll looks like it means “ya will” and it is entirely wrong.

(as a general rule, an apostrophe in a contraction indicates where there are letters that have been left out. in theory, if you know what the fully written out words should look like, you can tell where the apostrophe goes.)










For like 18 or 19 years I didn’t actually know what holy water was or that catholic priests were apparently granted the powers of biblical prophets and so I assumed that holy water must be water from the river Jordan and that for thousands of years catholics had been going over to Israel and harvesting their river for ritual purposes


I was under the impression it had to be from *the river*???

Like my dad went to Israel and purchased holy water while he was there???

Bought multiple bottles?? So the church could have them for baptisms and we could have some at home

Someone help

Well somewhere along the way someone convinced me that holy water was just regular tap water blessed by a priest but thank you for letting me know that I was right about at least some Christians mining the river in a mass theft/conspiracy operation

I still don’t know what holy water is

Theories from the notes:

  • It’s just any water that’s been blessed by the Pope
  • It’s spring water with small amounts of silver mixed in that has been blessed
  • It’s water that has been exorcised by a priest and then had exorcised salt added during a specific ritual prayer
  • It is water from the River Jordan
  • It is water blessed by a priest
  • It is water that has been blessed with a certain prayer and salt
  • It is water someone did the sign of the cross over and then spoke a certain incantation

Glad we all had this discussion on Easter Sunday when anyone who would know for sure is not on tumblr

I went to a friend’s baptism in either early highschool or late middle school and I watched them wheel out a bathtub looking box thing and they filled that shit with a HOSE

Additional theory:

  • Hose water

Islamic holy water comes from a specific spring in mecca. don’t think it’s as significant as Christian holy water though.

I’ve just checked the Catechism of the Catholic Church and it says:

1668 Sacramentals are instituted for the sanctification of certain ministries of the Church, certain states of life, a great variety of circumstances in Christian life, and the use of many things helpful to man. In accordance with bishops’ pastoral decisions, they can also respond to the needs, culture, and special history of the Christian people of a particular region or time. They always include a prayer, often accompanied by a specific sign, such as the laying on of hands, the sign of the cross, or the sprinkling of holy water (which recalls Baptism).

(Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 4, Article 1)

Presumably, then, the holy water used in most circumstances in the same kind used in baptism, so let’s check requirements for that:

1238 The baptismal water is consecrated by a prayer of epiclesis (either at this moment or at the Easter Vigil). the Church asks God that through his Son the power of the Holy Spirit may be sent upon the water, so that those who will be baptized in it may be “born of water and the Spirit.”

(Part 2, Section 2, Chapter 1, Article 1.III)

Note that this says nothing about the source of the water, just that it has to be consecrated. If you go back to article 1.II, you find:

1220 If water springing up from the earth symbolizes life, the water of the sea is a symbol of death and so can represent the mystery of the cross. By this symbolism Baptism signifies communion with Christ’s death.
1221 But above all, the crossing of the Red Sea, literally the liberation of Israel from the slavery of Egypt, announces the liberation wrought by Baptism […]
1228 Hence Baptism is a bath of water in which the "imperishable seed” of the Word of God produces its life-giving effect.

I had always assumed that blessed water must be fresh, but this suggests that seawater might be suitable as well. Without further specifications, I must assume any kind of reasonably clean water will do for consecration. Wikipedia says just: “ In the West the blessing of the water is traditionally accompanied by exorcism and by the addition of exorcized and blessed salt”.






the world’s smallest carnivore is called the “least weasel” i’m dying but like if it’s the smallest carnivore then it sure is the least amount of weasel you can have

Look at him: this is absolutely the least amount of weasel you can have

We evolved from something like this btw (before monkeys)

Counterpoint:no we didn’t

(lemurs and tree shrews, going backward, would be a better analogue, nothing similar to the stages before that survives but shrews and then some kind of possums would be the least worst, but still bad, analogies for what comes earlier)


sorry what lmao




Humans, monkeys, and tree shrews are both in Euarchonta, weasels are all the way down there in Carnivora.

Like, of course our proto-primate ancestor was “something like” a weasel in that both are mammals, but only in the same sense that it was “something like” a whale or a bat – everything is like everything else at some level of analysis. Weasels are specialized hunters of large (for them) preys, proto-primates were frugivore-insectivores and specialized tree-climbers; all they have in common are a generic “small mammal” look whi

… OK, OK, I’ll concede, I am being unreasonably pedantic. It’s pretty obvious you were talking about overall appearance. Well, I don’t tag these posts “pedantry” for nothing. If I’m being too annoying, I’ll bow out.




the world’s smallest carnivore is called the “least weasel” i’m dying but like if it’s the smallest carnivore then it sure is the least amount of weasel you can have

Look at him: this is absolutely the least amount of weasel you can have

We evolved from something like this btw (before monkeys)

Counterpoint:no we didn’t

(lemurs and tree shrews, going backward, would be a better analogue, nothing similar to the stages before that survives but shrews and then some kind of possums would be the least worst, but still bad, analogies for what comes earlier)









just learned that magnolias are so old that they’re pollinated by beetles because they existed before bees

They existed *before beetles*

Why is this sad? Why am I sad?


This is how I feel about Joshua Trees. They and avocado trees produce fruit meant to be eaten and dispersed by giant ground sloths. Without them, the Joshua Trees’ range has shrunk by 90%.

(my own photos)

Not only they, but the entire Mojave ecosystem is still struggling to adapt since the loss of ground sloth dung. their chief fertilizer.

Many, many trees and plants in the Americas have widely-spaced, extremely long thorns that do nothing to discourage deer eating their leaves, but would’ve penetrated the fur of ground sloths and mammoths. Likewise, if you’ve observed a tree that drops baseball or softball-sized fruit which lies on the ground and rots, like Osage Oranges, which were great for playing catch at my school, chances are they were ground sloth or mammoth chow.

You can read about various orphaned plants and trees missing their megafauna in this poignant post:

Gingkos as they look today have spent more time coexisting with dinosaurs than they have without! Their fruit doesn’t do well because they evolved before chewing, masticstion, evolved!

wait dinosaurs didn’t chew?

Like modern reptiles, they could move their jaws up and down, but most of the effectiveness of chewing comes from moving your lower jaw sideways and back-and-forth to grind food between the surfaces of your teeth. Doing that requires a special jaw joint that exists in mammals, but not in other vertebrates (see stages 19 to 23 here). Hadrosaurs (”duck-billed dinosaurs”) might have had special hinged tooth batteries that ground against each other in a similar way – which could have accounted for their success, they appeared in the Cretaceous and basically replaced most other large herbivorous dinosaurs – but this in fact happened after ginkgoes appeared.

(The first reblogger in the chain is mistaken – beetles first appeared in the Permian, over a hundred million years before magnolias.)






There should be a website where you input a list of species and it gives you the smallest clade that contains all of them

Like if you put in Homo sapiens and Bos taurus it says Mammalia, but if you put in Homo sapiens and Pica pica it says Vertebrates, and if you enter Felis catus and Cannabis sativa it says Eukaryota

You might be interested in the minutelabs Tree of Life explorer, which has just told me you are wrong and that Boroeutheria is smaller clade than Mammalia that includes both humans and cows, and Amniota is a smaller clade than Vertebrata that includes both humans and Eurasian magpies

Wonder what the most distant cousin of Homo sapiens that is still in Mammalia is

unsurprisingly, the platypus. monotremes are basal

Ok yeah I should have figured that

Huh, somehow I’d never seen that site before. Neat.

“lol” is not a punctuation mark.  If I say “Hello” in response to your “Hi,” responding “Sup? lol” DOESN’T MAKE ANY SENSE.  
Why are you laughing?  Was my “Hello” response amusing to you?  Did you really laugh out loud?  Did you actually find something in my response that would ever make anyone laugh ever? No.  You didn’t.  So now you'e begun our exchange by lying to meeeeee.  Don’t do that.

That is all.

Spare Me Your Insufferable Pedantry, 2013

Spare Me Your Insufferable Pedantry, 2013

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