#pen paper peace



[ID. An edited graphic featuring the actor Luca Marinelli wearing a shirt that reads: “Pen Paper Peace,” within a circular frame. Above the frame are the words “basics - timeline - goals” in gradient font, and to the right a gradient font that reads “Introduction.” The background is blue hues of watercolor splashes, and a vector of blue torn paper. END ID.]


Welcome to the LM Zine - a fandom event dedicated to various Luca Marinelli characters, featuring exclusive content, with all proceeds going to the charity Pen Paper Peace on Luca’s birthday, October 22nd.

The theme of the (hopefully first annual) zine is “favorite thing about a character.” With over two dozen characters to pick from, content creators are encouraged to make something with the theme in mind (a favorite scene, a part of the character’s back story, a physical trait, or something about their personality, etc) - for specifics on content requirements, please click here for our FAQ.

Below the cut is an elaboration on the goals, the general timeline, and a disclaimer.

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Confirmation emails have been sent!

[ ID. A gif on a loop of Luca Marinelli from the film, Martin Eden. He is sitting at a pier and looking at a magazine, while wearing a brown hat, long sleeved shirt and beige slacks. END ID. ]

The emails have gone out! Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you don’t see it in your spam folder, but the header is “LM Zine 2022” if you’d like to do a search in your inbox.

It’s got contact information across multiple platforms, the link for the discord server so we can encourage each other along the way, the schedule of checkins and overall timeline for the zine, as well as which content creator is doing what.

At this time we are blessed with ten participants offering a lovely variety of everything from fic to art to meta analysis and even poetry and merch! But here’s the best news:because we have a mod team in the making who is helping me with the production and editing portions of the zine we will be able to accept other applications through the summer!

So if you would still like to join, but are waiting for other events to wrap up, or for just a bit more time in the summer - reach out to us via our DMs and we’ll coordinate what we can to ensure a zine filled with all the Luca roles ;)

As for what’s next? In the next few weeks we’ll be:

  • Making a mod announcement post.
  • Processing any new applications coming our way on a weekly basis through August.
  • Encouraging our content creators in the discord server.
  • And hopefully sharing a few teasers over the summer to get everyone excited for the amazing pieces coming your way in the fall.

As always, please feel free to browse our pinned post for more information and see you all soon

[ID. An edited graphic featuring the actor Luca Marinelli holding a microphone and wearing a shirt that reads: “Pen Paper Peace.“ Above the frame are the words “lmzine 2022 - charity zine” in gradient font, and to the right a gradient font that reads “update.” The background is composed of blue hues of watercolor splashes, and a vector of blue torn paper. END ID.]

And the applications for the zine are officially closed!

I’m doing a soft check in with the potential mod team but am excited to hint that if do have the numbers that it seems we do - keep an eye out for a more detailed announcement coming later this week. Especially if you’re interested in potentially contributing before our content creations deadlines in September ;)

For the accepted applicants, please keep an eye out for a confirmation email coming your way tomorrow with a discord server link for both encouragement along the way, as well as quicker replies between the mod team and content creators. I’ll make sure to update the blog once they’ve gone out :)

Thank you everyone who applied, liked, and reblogged - can’t wait to see all the wonderful, exclusive content that’s created for a fantastic cause.


[ ID. an image of the actor Luca Marinelli within a circle shaped frame from Pen Paper Peace’s Ten Year Anniversary celebration event. Behind him is a teal colored splatch of torn paper, and overimposed are the words “24 Hours!” in a white font. The words to his right read: “ … before applications close for the LM Zine - a fandom zine for charity. END ID. ]

A gentle reminder that the applications for both mods and content contributors officially closes in 24 hours. Dependant on the size of the mod team, we might have to cap submissions but right now it looks like we’ll have ten lovely content creators for a broad variety of both Luca characters as well as type of content - anything and everything from fic, to meta analysis, to art, to merch and even poetry.

So if you’d love to contribute to a fandom zine, and for a good cause to boot (since all proceeds after processing and production will go to the charity Pen Paper Peace on Luca’s birthday on Oct 22nd), check out our pinned post for more information.

Applications are closing in nine hours ~ and we’ll be sending out confirmation emails out tomorrow. Looking forward to sharing an update by Tuesday (3. May)

[ ID. an image of the actor Luca Marinelli within a circle shaped frame from Pen Paper Peace’s Ten Year Anniversary celebration event. Behind him is a teal colored splatch of torn paper, and overimposed are the words “24 Hours!” in a white font. The words to his right read: “ … before applications close for the LM Zine - a fandom zine for charity. END ID. ]

A gentle reminder that the applications for both mods and content contributors officially closes in 24 hours. Dependant on the size of the mod team, we might have to cap submissions but right now it looks like we’ll have ten lovely content creators for a broad variety of both Luca characters as well as type of content - anything and everything from fic, to meta analysis, to art, to merch and even poetry.

So if you’d love to contribute to a fandom zine, and for a good cause to boot (since all proceeds after processing and production will go to the charity Pen Paper Peace on Luca’s birthday on Oct 22nd), check out our pinned post for more information.

[ID. An edited graphic featuring the actor Luca Marinelli holding a microphone and wearing a shirt that reads: “Pen Paper Peace.“ Above the frame are the words “lmzine 2022 - charity zine” in gradient font, and to the right a gradient font that reads “update.” The background is composed of blue hues of watercolor splashes, and a vector of blue torn paper. END ID.]

Gentle reminder for any and all interested content creators - our applications for the LM Zine, will be closing on May 1st, in one week.

For those who haven’t seen our previous posts, here are the highlights:

  • We are a fandom zine featuring a variety of fictional characters that have been portrayed by the actor, Luca Marinelli.
  • We are also a charity zine, in that all proceeds after production and processing fees will be donated to the charity Pen Paper Peace - a non profit started by Luca’s wife, Dr. Alissa Jung a decade ago.
  • We hope to launch a kickstarter later in the year to raise funds for a physical copy of the zine that will feature merch, and you can read more about that here.

Feel free to browse our IntroductionandF.A.Q posts for more information :)

[ID. An edited graphic featuring the actor Luca Marinelli holding a microphone and wearing a shirt that reads: “Pen Paper Peace.“ Above the frame are the words “lmzine 2022 - charity zine” in gradient font, and to the right a gradient font that reads “update.” The background is blue hues of watercolor splashes, and a vector of blue torn paper. END ID.]

We just wanted to share a quick update: since we’ve gone live four days ago, we’ve already had several sign ups - including merch artists - as well as soft commitments from a few more.

In the application form, our content creators are asked which top three Luca characters they would like to work on and here are some of the replies - some characters definitly had more than one request ;)

  • Nicky from The Old Guard
  • Primo from Trust FX
  • Cesare from Don’t Be Bad
  • Guido from Every Blessed Day
  • Walter Dorian from Diabolik
  • Martin Eden from Martin Eden
  • Fabrizio de Andre from Fabrizio de Andre
  • Pietro from The Eight Mountains
  • Lui from Ricordi?
  • Gabriele from Waves

So there will definitely be some variety for the digital zine in October On Monday I’ll be sharing a digital mock up of a potential merch bundle we will launch with the kickstarter campaign in the fall - and until then, if you’re interested please feel free to browse through the following links at any time.


[ID. An edited graphic featuring the actor Luca Marinelli smiling and wearing a shirt that reads: “Pen Paper Peace,” though the words are cut off within the circular frame. Above the frame are the words “mods - content creators” in gradient font, and to the right a gradient font that reads “Applications.” The background is blue hues of watercolor splashes, and a vector of blue torn paper. END ID.]

Update 2. May. 2022:even though our Google forms are closed for applications we are excited to share that with mutliple mods helping, we are open to applications throughout the summer - so if potentially still interested in contributing, please don’t hesitate to DM us and we will be checking this blog on a weekly basis through August before final checkins in September.


We understand that it is more than likely that mods will be doubling up on some of these, but many hands make light work :)

Social Media Mod

  • Helps with social media, posts and Q&A
  • Point of contact person between platforms
  • Handles any follow-up emails to artist submissions/questions
  • Updates and keep tracks of content creators’ applications/contacts/assignments

Graphic Design Mod

  • General graphics for the social media platforms
  • Content creator promo graphics
  • Product mock-ups for the kickstarter
  • Zine cover and interior format
  • File check for print

Finance Mod

  • Helps coordinate the web hosting site for the digital platform
  • Sets up the paypal account for funds
  • Processes orders on things made
  • Provides quotes on printing/merch costs for potential bundles
  • Provides receipts for the final donation

Formatting Mod

  • Works with the graphic, finance and shipping mod for zine specs
  • Determines readable fonts and text formatting
  • Formats art and writing submissions into booklet
  • Coordinates with the graphic mod to maintain overall aesthetic

Shipping Mod

  • Coordinates with finance and formatting mod to create the zine specs
  • Handles the physical copies and merch bundles, and labels and ships the packages
  • Manages and observes any tracking for shipments

Beta Mod

  • Goes through submissions to ensure basic spelling/grammar and give constructive feedback if needed
  • Manages all submission links to hand over to the other mods for the zine production
  • Handles the check-ins with all content creators

If interested, please fill out this Google form.

Content creators

All requirements can be found here in our FAQ post.

But the highlights include, though are not limited to:

  • Asking for basic information
  • How you would like to contribute to the zine
  • If you would like to work independently, or collaborate
  • Additional optional questions
  • Top three Luca characters

In order to provide a variety, we will be going through applications and potentially asking content creators to make something for their second or third option of characters listed. Though every effort will be made to allow first choice - if there is a large number of first choices for one character we will go by first come, first serve and cap it at a specific number dependent on the amount of applications.

If interested, please fill out this Google form.

[ID. An edited graphic featuring the actor Luca Marinelli in a seated position wearing a shirt that reads: “Pen Paper Peace,” within a circular frame. Above the frame are the words “applications - rules - links” in gradient font, and to the right a gradient font that reads “Frequently Asked Questions.” The background is blue hues of watercolor splashes, and a vector of blue torn paper. END ID.]

Are there any general rules I should be aware of?

Yes -

  • All tumblr and discord terms of service will be applied throughout the event
  • All mods and content creators need to fill out an application in order to participate
  • For the mod applications, previous modding experience preferred but not a necessity
  • All participants must be 18+
  • All content creators must agree to not publicly share the content they create for the zine until the 22nd of December
  • All content creators must agree to make every effort to communicate their needs in regards to extra time, and their participation status - so mods might be able to find pinch hitters in time if needed

Are there any parameters around the content submissions?

Yes -

  • All content ratings will be accepted, including but not limited to explicit; however we will ask content creators to submit applicable tags as well. The mod team will be checking each submission, and we reserve the right to add the submitted tags for both rating and content so each donor can make an informed decision about reading/viewing it
  • At this time, any content that would require an AO3 archive warning will be discussed via the mod team as to whether it will be included or not (we will update this just as soon as a decision is made)
  • Each fic will need to be a minimum of 5k, and thoroughly edited for grammar and spelling. If the fic is over 20k we may ask you to “split” the fic up for the physical prints by sharing the first few chapters for the zine, and posting it in full to AO3 (this is contingent on how many writers we have involved in the project, as well as production costs and funds raised)
  • Each piece of art will need a minimum of clean lined art (in any medium), and basic shading. If a physical piece of art, the artist will be required to upload a digital copy, not a photo, for the final product
  • We reserve the right to deny the submission if it violates terms of service for any of our involved platforms

What are the differences between artists and merchandise artists?

Merchandise artists are anyone who creates physical content to be included with bundles. This can include, but is not limited to: art prints, stickers, pins, key chains, and the like. If you end up creating a piece of art, and we do not raise the funds for art prints, it will still be included in the digital zine option.

Can I sign up as a beta?

Please do! We are hoping to have a beta mod who will check for any obvious spelling errors as we collect them for submissions, but the content creators are responsible for providing an edited final version of their story. A beta is a wonderful resource in fandom spaces and we appreciate anyone willing to help with it.

What is a pinch hitter?

A pinch hitter is a fantastic addition to fandom spaces - they are people who are willing to step in for a content creator who had to drop out during the process.

What does the application process look like?

Applications for both mods and content creators can be found here. The post includes more information about requirements and a google form to apply. We will ask for social media handles, whether you’d like to work in a collab or independently, to pick your top three Luca characters to help ensure a variety of content, links to art/writing/merch for references, and additional extra options.

We hope to be able to secure at least a dozen applicants, and we will send a discord link for each accepted applicant via email on May 1st. If we do not have enough contributors or a full mod team at that time, we may extend the deadline for another round.

What does the timeline look like?

Please refer to our introductions post here for a full timeline.

I’ve heard of Luca Marinelli, but can you tell me more about Pen Paper Peace?

Of course :) You can read more about the non profit here on their website, but essentially, it was founded a decade ago by Luca’s wife, Dr. Alissa Jung, and here’s a snippet of what they do:

PEN PAPER PEACE is dedicated to education. Through pen and paper we work to improve the living conditions of youth who live in poverty. We believe education creates opportunities, fosters empowerment, and is required to take control of building a future for oneself.

By building and maintaining schools in one of the poorest regions of the world, we provide children who otherwise would not have access to education with regular schooling and a place they can always come to and count on.

What sort of bundle options are you hoping to raise funds for?

We will update this section once all applications are processed, but at this time we have soft commitments for an art print, a pin, and sticker sheet.

I have a question that I couldn’t find the answer for here.

You are welcome to message us here or use our ask box, and once we announce the mod team, you can ask us individually as well. We certainly wouldn’t want anyone to dive in without feeling like they knew what they are getting into - and on the flipside, we also wouldn’t want anyone not joining because they had lingering questions. Don’t hesitate to reach out and we’ll try to answer all questions in a timely manner :)

[ID. An edited graphic featuring the actor Luca Marinelli wearing a shirt that reads: “Pen Paper Peace,” within a circular frame. Above the frame are the words “basics - timeline - goals” in gradient font, and to the right a gradient font that reads “Introduction.” The background is blue hues of watercolor splashes, and a vector of blue torn paper. END ID.]


Welcome to the LM Zine - a fandom event dedicated to various Luca Marinelli characters, featuring exclusive content, with all proceeds going to the charity Pen Paper Peace on Luca’s birthday, October 22nd.

The theme of the (hopefully first annual) zine is “favorite thing about a character.” With over two dozen characters to pick from, content creators are encouraged to make something with the theme in mind (a favorite scene, a part of the character’s back story, a physical trait, or something about their personality, etc) - for specifics on content requirements, please click here for our FAQ.

Below the cut is an elaboration on the goals, the general timeline, and a disclaimer.


The goal of this collaborative effort is to gather content creators - writers and artists, including merchandise creators - through an application process by the end of April. With feedback and encouragement between fellow creators and the mod team via a private discord server, we hope to create a digital fandom zine of original content that will go live October 15th - a week before Luca’s birthday.

Potential bundle options will be going live in a week, with a kickstarter launched in the fall. If enough funds are raised, pre orders for the bundle options will become available on October 15th as well.

All sales will be finalized on October 22nd, and all proceeds - minus processing fees from the hosting website, kickstarter fees, production and shipping costs - will be donated in Luca’s name to Pen Paper Peace, a non profit founded by his wife, Dr. Alissa Jung. You can find out more about the charity via our FAQ post here.


  • 11th of April - launch of the tumblr platform, and applications for a mod team and content creators.
  • 18th of April - bundle options launched for potential physical and/or bundles with merch options … The first step to our kickstarter.
  • Second half of April - all applications processed and confirmation emails sent out with discord link invites to the private server on May 2nd.
  • May - September 15th - all content creators will have the option in the application to request a collab or work independently, and will be encouraged throughout the process by a mod team. There will be two check ins, and hopefully pinch hitters on standby because we all understand life happens! Our ultimate goal is to simply create exclusive content, in order to raise money for a great cause as fans of Luca.
  • The mod team will diligently work on compiling the digital zine as content is created, as well as securing quotes for prints and merch bundles before launching a kickstarter.
  • September 15th - 30th - the mod team will run a kickstarter campaign and secure funds and place orders based on backers and demands.
  • October 1st - 14th - teasers and snippets will be released as part of a countdown for the sales.
  • October 15th - October 22nd - sales will go live for one week only. Then proceeds will be collected and donated. If applicable, shipments will be sent out for all physical/bundle orders at that time as well. A receipt of donation will be uploaded as soon as it becomes available.

To encourage donations, we’re keeping the content exclusively created for the zine out of the public eye for several months - if you’re excited to see this fan content, contribute towards our donation and you’ll get to see it right away! :)


This is a fandom zine, and neither the mod team nor the content creators have any affiliation with Luca Marinelli or the charity Pen Paper Peace. This is simply meant to be a creative, collaborative effort across various fandoms to raise money for a good cause.
