#penis birth



Lance Buchanan loved his job. Hearing women suffer and screech as they pushed out overgrown babies was a delight to him. He didn’t have a fetish for birth or pregnancy, mind you. No, he just liked seeing them in pain and his Job and privileges facilitated that. He couldn’t hear pain like this in any other place in the hospital, patients were too reduced by painkillers or anesthesia to give him those cries. But here, as the head doctor of the maternity ward, he could just tell birthing mothers that they had progressed too far for epidurals or any pain relief. The Nurses would protest his decisions if his father didn’t own the hospital or if his Mother didn’t have a whole firm of lawyers and personal investigators to ruin their lives should they blow the whistle. 

Lance sighed, as he walked away from one of the rooms, loud cries of grief emanating from within. This happened from time to time. Breech births and large babies were the most enjoyable to him. Too enjoyable. Once in a while, like today, he would get someone with both and typically…the mother wouldn’t exactly be a mother anymore once he got his fill. This produced issues for him occasionally but nothing a check wouldn’t solve. Nothing wiped up tears like money, and he had a lot of it. 

“Wish I enjoyed that one a bit longer, these normal ones don’t cut much anymore,” he mused as he walked out into the waiting room on his way out of the hospital. As he walked through he felt a piercing gaze burn through the side of his head. He turned to see a young woman glaring at him, her visitors pass indicating she was with the woman he just left. 

“How unfortunate…,” he thought. Not about the loss, but about the money he was about to lose. He recognized that look. 

He ignored her and kept his stride and continued to the private parking garage, it was getting late and he needed some rest before any more expectant mothers came up. 

On his trip to the garage he felt like someone was following him. Probably just a nosy investigative reporter he would have to shoo off later. He put his key into the door and suddenly his vision started to fade. 

“What the…,” lance staggered and collapsed onto the cold ground. 

Lance’s eyes fluttered open and groaned. His vision was blurred for a but he could tell he was in one of the basement level wards that were under renovation. Cold air glossed over his body, he must have been fully nude. “This some kind of prank or scheme?” Lance thought. 

Aside from his surroundings, Lance noticed something else, a heavy weight sitting on top of his abdomen. He moved his head, stiff neck and all, to get a view of what was on him. What he saw had to be fantasy. 

A gargantuan sphere of his skin was pulled taut and distended from his body. A dark line cut through his now poking out belly button. even his muscular chest grew in size, but not in muscle, they felt strained and achy, like they were holding fluid inside of them. He could feel a large amount of wiggling from within the taut surface of his skin. Lance’s breathing started to meet a rapid pace. 

“What the fuck is going on,” he gingerly placed a hand on the drum tight skin of his belly. It was real, it was warm, and there was SOMETHING in it. Lance did his best to calm himself as reality started to set in with each squirm and kick inside. 

“Finally…you’re awake…" 

A thin, sultry voice echoed in the unfinished room. Lance looked up from his pulsating dome to see the woman from the waiting room leaning on the shoddy door frame. 

"You! What-what did you do to me?!” Lance yelled aggressively. He started to move off the shoddy hospital bed, gravid form and all. 

“Ah ah ah, you’re not going anywhere,” the young woman snapped her fingers. Wires wrapped around Lance’s legs and across his chest right under his milk filled tits. The wires pulled him back onto the bed and held tightly snug into the beds surface. 

“W-who are you, what’d you want? I have money, I can pay you right now, I can give you blank checks!” Lance tried to barter his way out of…whatever this was. 

“I have no need for money, I just want to see you suffer. Not such a different motive than the one you had when you refused to help my sister and her child, yes?” The woman’s cold gaze drilled into him. 

“She waited so long for that child…tried so hard for it, she wouldn’t even let me intervene…,” her solemn tone started to give way to rage. “But you took that away…you caused her so much pain for nothing, so I’m going to do the same to you.” The woman snapped her fingers. 

Lance’s giant orb seized in on him, a large amount of pressure increased at the base of his belly. A large dome like object pressed firmly on his pelvis. 

Lance’s hands gripped the contracting orb. “You can’t seriously expect me to give birth! I don’t even have a birth canal or a vagina!” Lance shrieked as the contraction tightened. 

“Don’t worry I’ve made the necessary…modifications." 

Lance suddenly felt a gush of fluid spew from his penis. The next contraction rolled in even harder, the head grinding on his pelvis without the cushion of water. 

"I’ve created a path from your womb to your little penis there. Don’t worry, I’ve given it the capacity to stretch. Not enough to make this easy though.” The woman sneered as Lance’s belly convulsed with a contraction. 

Lance howled in pain. “P-please stop thissaaaaaaaaaughh, I’ll pay you anything you want! Thousands? Millio- AUUUUUGGGGGRRRRR!!!!!" 

The woman clapped her hands in the middle of his bartering. The vice on his stomach seized even harder on him, his teeth grinded as the head seemed to move through his new canal. 

"Try to tempt me again and I’ll make your labor even harder. Do. Not. Tempt. Me.” she looked upon him in disgust. 

What felt like hours had passed. Lance was drenched in sweat, his fertile swell beat red and quivering with constant contractions. Ever since that woman clapped the contractions felt like he was getting slowly rolled over by a semi-truck. Lance could feel the head of the child at the base of his member. A deep throb started coursing through it as the large head started to stretch it beyond what was normal. Lance’s voice was hoarse from pushing and screaming out the child, for he had long given in to the manufactured desire to push. He had no idea that this was what it felt like. The pain, feeling that he could just collapse in on himself at any point. 

His stomach seized in on him again, his tented out belly button piercing the air as his womb became visible. He could feel the huge body enter the long canal of his penis, the sheer weight of the child pressing on his balls causing him to buck his hips upward. 

“GAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGHHH!” he shrieked hoarsely as he tried to push the child out. The entire body was now snuggly fit in his genitals, the head opening up the thick tip of it. The burning ring started encompass the entire surface of the tip.


The woman gave him a faux look of pity. “Begging for it to end huh? Hmmmm, I think I’ll take a play out of your book instead." 

She pointed at his spread open crotch. The baby started sliding back through him, half of it reaching back into his womb. 

"NOOOOOOO, YOU BITCH, I SWEAR I’LL END YOU!” Lance snarled as he dug his fingers into his taut, steel hard sphere, the progress he made all for naught. 

The deconstructed hospital room echoed once more with pained shrieks as he pushed the child back to the tip of his throbbing member. The burn came yet again as the humongous head spread the tip wide. 

“Would you look at that, you’re spreading beautifully now. Looks like I made the right choice, hm?” The woman sneered

Lance was too delirious from exhaustion to retort, but he knew he hadn’t spread any more or less than before.  

Lance gave another howling pushing, his sweat drenched belly constricting to the max. The head bursted out of the tight hole with a gush of fluid. Lance gasped at the sudden release. The shoulders quickly spread him back open. Through clenched teeth, squenched eyes, and a contraction that felt like his organs and bones were gonna snap in half, lance pushed the rest of the baby out his genitals. He fell back heaving and exhausted, his stomach nothing but a mound of pudge slightly contracted to get rid of the after birth. Lance expected to hear more of the woman’s spiteful jeers but a cursory glance around the room told him she was no longer there. Where had she gone? 

Suddenly the room shimmered with bright sparkles, the entire space transforming into one of the ground maternity wards, the doors wide open and a mass of reporters standing in front of them. The baby shrieked to life and the reporters turned to notice Lance. Completely nude, disheveled, and a baby between his legs. 

Amongst the sudden flash of pictures and the uprise of questions, Lance caught a glimpse of the witch who did this to him. Half cocked smile and all. 

For request 367.6 Part 2 (Part 1)

A/N: Uh. I kinda went a little feral with this one. That’s it.


At least an hour later, after her latest belly growth, Taylor had found the scrap of paper that the farmers number was scribbled on, Natasha had woken up and was quickly filled in on the fact that they were apparently growing fucking watermelons inside their wombs.

A good deal of frantic questions had been flung back and forth until Taylor came slowly but surely marching out, one hand on her lower back and the other holding her phone, and ordered everyone to sit down and shut up.

Four pairs of disbelieving eyes now currently stare down at the phone sat in the middle of the table.

“Are you still there?” the mans voice asks, sounding appropriately weary over speaker phone.

“Who the hell does that?!” Natasha shrieks, downright appalled.

“How does someone do that?” Casey tacks on, bent over the table, forearms bearing her weight, with her legs spread apart to make room for the protruding vine between her legs.

“W-well it’s not exactly scientific, it’s more. ..magic? Lots of herbal stuff mostly, but it’s not supposed to happen like this unless we do it on the farm or the seeds are brought into direct contact with a reproductive system”

“We were drunk and it was a stupid dare, now we’re pregnant with your magical ass fruit because- because why?!” Taylor fumes, holding her belly and pacing back and forth behind Valerie “what does growing stuff inside people even accomplish?”

“He said it yields better tasting produce and because some people find it pleasurable to carry and-” Valerie monotones until she’s interrupted by Taylor

“That was rhetorical, Val ” Taylor sighs.

“And we are not kink shaming anyone, we just…didn’t sign up for this” Casey adds and Natasha nods along with her, leaning back in her chair to rub her belly as she winces through a small growth spurt.

They have been happening to all the girls, with the exception of Valerie, frequently and in short bursts that only seem to last a few seconds.

“Can we stay on track here? How do we know how many we each have?” Taylor asks seriously, glaring just a bit at the phone.

“Well that usually depends on how many seeds are used, how many did you each, uh, put in?”

Valerie holds up one finger, which explains her lack of growth since waking up. Natasha heaves a sigh and leans forward to say

“Two or three, can’t really remember,”

“Two,” Casey drops her forehead onto the table with a dull thunk, moaning in aggravation.

“Taylor?” the man on the phone asks after a few beats of uneasy silence.

“Uhmm, just, four,”

“Oh,” the man breathes.

“Yup,” Taylor stoutly ignores Natasha’s raised eyebrow and mischievous grin as she mouths the word ‘kinky.’

“Okay, so, you all should definitely come to the farm, we have the room and equipment to take care of you until you deliver-”

Valerie whimpers at the word, sinking down in to her chair, with some difficulty. Taylor puts a reassuring hand on her friends shoulder.

“-and you can rest after, do you need someone to come pick you up?” he asks.

“Well Val is full on zombie mode, Casey has a stem sticking out of her cooch chute, Taylor wouldn’t even be able to fit behind the fucking steering wheel and I-I can. Shit, I’ll drive,” Natasha says reluctantly.

“Okay, just text us the address, and uh, I never got your name?”

“It’s Alex,”

“Cool, Alex, just do that and we’ll see you very soon,” Taylor leans over to hang up, with some degree of difficulty due to her belly digging into the edge of the table, but Casey waves her hands.

“Wait! Wait, why do I have a stem coming out of me? No one else does,” she inquires eagerly.

“That’s just a sign that it’s facing the way the stem grew and you have a few hours until labor starts,” Alex informs them

“So, can I like, pull it out? It’s not gonna fuck anything up or hurt me?”

“Yeah, that’s fine, you can gently tug it, rock it back and forth, just not too hard. Umm, most people even find it pleasurable, since it’s kind of shaped like a-”

“Got it! Thank you! Bye,” Natasha reaches out to hang up with a sharp tap to the screen and the room goes quiet except for the sounds of Casey grunting with a hand buried between her legs.

One hand is bracing her against the table while she awkwardly bends her knees, frustratingly puffing her hair out of her face, trying to get a good grip on her protruding vine.

“Do we need to give you some privacy?” Natasha drawls, chin propped up on her hand, watching her friend struggle.

“Fuck off,” Casey growls, hand finding purchase on the vivid green handle and gently pulling before dropping to her knees with a keening moan.

“That’s a yes,” Taylor cringes at the battling emotions on Casey scrunched up face.

“Why the hell does it feel good? This is so fucked up,” Casey whines and gives another half-hearted tug on the vine.

“Hormones maybe, or magic,” Valerie says, seeming to wake up from her fugue state and asks “hey, what are we gonna wear?”

A chorus of groans arises and Taylor’s phone pings with an incoming message of the farms address.


Taylor sits up right in a soft bed, propped up by pillows, provided by the farm. Beside her are Natasha and Casey, laid back in their own beds. Valerie had began having contraction like pains on the drive over and was already taken back to… deliver, upon arriving.

Casey is laid back with her knees bent up and a sheet draped over them like a tent as Alex carefully, and finally, removes the vine.

Taylor can see the sheen of sweat on her friends forehead, the way her lower lip is bitten red at how hard she’s trying to keep her sounds of ecstasy muted. It’s only when Alex has to spread a large hand over the underside of Casey’s belly for leverage that a sound slips free.

A small whimper, like she’s in pain, only her hands grasp onto her breasts through the soft gown they had all been provided upon arriving.

Casey massages them, plucking at one of her harden nipples before a sharp sound of relief crawls up her throat and Alex lifts up the offending stem to examine it.

Casey just goes slack, hands still on her breasts, eyes squeezed shut while she pants for breath.

“Seems healthy,” Alex mutters, turning the slick covered stem this way and that.

“I really don’t care,” Casey whines, kicking her feet out and rubbing her thighs together once Alex stands up “that just made it worse.”

“What’s worse?” Natasha sits up as quickly as she can, brow furrowed in concern.

“I’m still horny as fuck and I can’t do anything about it because of this stupid thing inside me,” Casey cries, hands dropping down to stroke roughly up and down her bump.

“Oh, we have private rooms for that, if you’d like someone to help,” Alex supplies, sounding as nonchalant as one can in this situation.

“Yes please,” Casey whimpers and begins to sit up “Natasha, can you?”

“Of course baby.”

And before Taylor can even ask, Natasha is heaving herself out of bed and taking measured steps over to Casey’s heaving form.

“When did that happen?!” Taylor grins over at the pair helping each other adjust the flowing gowns, one of Natasha’s hands going to make soothing circles around the point of Casey’s jutting belly button.

“The sex or the relationship?” Natasha asks, head tilted and smiling. Casey’s whimper of need stops any thought of questioning, and Taylor shoots them a bright smile and whispers 'later’ as Alex waves over another worker to show them to a room.

Alex stays behind, disposing of the stem and sitting on Casey’s now empty bed.

“I am sorry about this,” he says, wringing his hands and glancing at Taylor’s very large tummy.

“It’s okay, well, not really, but it’s not your fault,” Taylor exhales slowly, glancing down at her own heaving potbelly carefully draped in the folds of the floral bed sheets she had wrapped herself in before leaving the apartment.

She can see the point of her protuberant belly button, knows that beneath her makeshift dress, she is packed to the brim and still might have more inches to grow if the oblong shape steadily eclipsing her lap is anything to go by.

“Do you need anything?” Alex asks, drawing her attention just in time to see his gaze on her heavily swollen gut.

“Do you need anything?” she aims for vaguely alluring but simply ends up making the man flustered, his eyes shifting away to look at anything but her.

“N-no, it’s just- I’m good,”

“That sounded thoroughly convincing.”

The two sit in a heavy silence, giving Taylor a chance to shift the sheet off of her belly. And eventually Alex catches on to the sound, eyes widening as inch after inch of smooth, taut skin is revealed.

The fabric catches on her bulbous belly button, sparking the first real flame of arousal since Taylor first pressed against her belly in the tub this morning.

“I have to go check on your friend, Valerie, she might be done,” Alex says quickly, practically darting up and out of the room on long legs.

Taylor pouts and tosses the sheet back over herself just as the sound of footsteps comes from the other entrance.

“Oh, hey, new face!” the man smiles, points, and begins striding in Taylor’s direction.

Her eyes go round at the man, also in a gown, with an obviously heavy belly.

“Hi,” Taylor croaks and reminds herself that magic had gotten them into this situation and to not think about it too much.

“Whoa! Someone’s ready to pop! What are you growing, if you don’t mind me asking?” the man stretches, pressing his knuckles into his lower back before struggling to sit down smoothly on what had been Natasha’s bed.

His belly hangs heavy between his thighs, dropping and obtrusive, as he puts a hand on each side of it and begins soothing circles onto it.

“Uh, I’m having-carrying…watermelon,”

“Nice, I did that once, just to try it, but I prefer the smaller stuff in big batches,” he says and gives his belly a soft slap.

“You do this often?”

“As often as I can” he nods, looking just a touch sheepish now

“I’ve always had, ya know, fantasies and well, this helps.”

Taylor just nods, trying desperately not the rub her thighs together. She was learning all kinds of new things today.

“So, what do you have?,” she motions to his belly.

“Apricots,” he sighs, leaning back on his hands, belly lifting as he moves and sitting higher on his middle than Taylor’s is on her.

“Can I ask… how do they come out?” she inquires, leaning toward him, her own cargo shifting against her insides with smooth rolls, providing delicious friction.

“Ugh, I don’t wanna freak you out,”

“We both have fruits growing inside of our bodies, I think I’ll be fine,”

“Ha, point taken, well it’s um, they come out through my…” he trails off and nudges his hips forward, and she can make out the tent in the gown under his gut, which bounces just enough to have him hiss through his teeth.

“They’re small enough for that?”

“Yeah, and I get a shot of something that helps ease the process,” another sharp intake of breath punctuates his words and he puts a hand on the bottom of his bulge.

“Are you? Is it?” Taylor can’t bring herself to articulate it. Just the idea is making her wet.

“Yeah, I can go to a private room if you don’t wanna see it, I just-”

“Stand up,” she orders softly, shuffling herself to the edge of the bed, uncaring of the sheet tugging away from her body.

Something in her tone must scratch at some itch the man has because he does so, all while watching her make her way to sit on the edge of the bed with the sheet pooled over her pregnancy.

“Open this” she tugs on the hem of his gown and he plucks open the button on the collar keeping it from falling open.

But when it does, she gets her fill of his gorgeously distended skin, the surface a little lumpy if you look close enough.

“How does it feel? Being so heavy and filled up?” she murmurs, her face heating up.

“G-good, it feels really good,”

She reaches out and puts both hands on him, his skin warm and smooth, not an inch inside of him being wasted. Full and bloated. She begins rubbing, making wide circles over him, purposely avoiding his angry looking belly button.

“Poor thing, all pregnant and aching,” she coos, hands traveling along the underside of his tummy.

Her knuckles brush the heat of his erection and that sends a shudder through him, the round fruit inside him quivering under her ministrations, causing him to hump the air, chasing after another touch.

“Please, please, touch me, I need something,” he whines, peering down over the crest of his prominent mound.

“Okay,” she replies sweetly, unsure of where the courage to chase this particular white rabbit is coming from.

Leaning forward, her lips close around the little round button on the peak of his belly, and she sucks. Laves it with her tongue and when that rewards her with a reedy moan, she nips at it and he lets loose a mewl that echoes around the room.

She has him babbling nonsense, strings of pleas and curses as he thrusts his hips and his belly begins to bob. Pulling back, Taylor watches his face scrunch up at the sudden lack of stimulation.

Then she slaps his gut, hard. And he howls, pre-cum dripping heavily from his cock and onto her lap.

“Are you gonna push these out for me? Like a good little boy?” she asks with another slap.

“Oh fuck! Yes! I’m gonna push for you! I won’t stop unless you let me” he groans around another swat and then yelps when another follows directly after, landing on his belly button.

She gives one slap to the opposite side of his belly, hard enough to make her palm sting and her own gut jiggle. He mumbles something out that vaguely sounds like 'please.’

So she obliges him, one hand reaching down to grasp the base of his hard cock and the other circles his sensitive belly button.

“Unnnhh, ha, ple-please! please let me-” he chokes on his words when she gives a stroke of his length and fingers his button relentlessly.

His whole body goes rigid. Belly hardening like a rock, head thrown back, hands on his lower back pushing his belly as far forward as possible.

Taylor keeps stroking him, smearing his pre-cum up and down him as well as she can. There’s so much of it that she wonders if it has anything to do with the shot he talked about.

“Do you want to cum?” she purrs


“And then you can get on your back for me and push,”

“Oh god, uugghh fuuuuuck, yes I will, I will, I promise, please please pleeeease!”

“Poor baby, has no one touched you this whole time you’ve had this?” she kisses his belly and slows her hand gliding up and down him, adding a twist of her wrist every other pump.

“No, no one, I can’t- no one would want me like this,” he confesses, voice breaking.

She gives him another harsh smack, her fingers digging into his plump flesh this time, jostling it, feeling the tiny round shapes rolling inside of him.

“I want you like this, I want you to cum all over my belly so I can watch it drip down to my cunt, do you want that?”

“Uh-huuuh” he’s panting, looking back down at her, eyes heavy-lidded and gone with lust as she leans back enough to present her pregnancy to him, bouncing her hips to get her load rolling around inside her.

“You’re so fucking big, love it,” he strains, and she gives her own belly a slap, pushing it up towards him and pumping his cock faster until he seizes up.

White streaks pulse out and onto her tummy, hot and thick, marking her skin as he slaps his hands onto either side of his belly, shaking it up and down to prolong his release. And it keeps coming, all over her and on the underside of his own belly as his cock pulses until finally, he begins to come down.

He collapses back onto the bed, his inflated gut still seizing with the twitching of his muscles standing straight up.

“You…are…amazing,” he huffs.

She smiles, looking down at her tummy, dragging a fingertip through the cum and down the curve of herself until she tries to reach her cunt. She can’t. Her belly must have grown some while she was distracted because it reaches her knees.

Sighing, she contents  herself with using the sheet to swipe off the mans cum. Her belly is rock hard, shining, and it aches with every swipe but she can’t get enough. The man across from her is blissed out, rubbing his turgid belly lazily and trying to lay himself the right way on the bed.

She watches him struggle under his weight, even though it’s smaller than the globe hanging off of her. Once he’s settled, she slips forward onto the floor and walks on her knees over to his bedside.

“You ready to push all these out?” she brushes the damp hair back off the mans forehead while her other hand is occupied with caressing his contracting dome.

“Yeah,” he moans out lowly, eyes pinched shut and breath beginning to come in heavy pants.

“How do you want me to help?”

“Just keep touching my tummy, it hurts so much,” he grunts out the last word and Taylor feels the muscles contract beneath her hand, watches his knees drop open as he twists the sheets between his fingers.

Taylor shuffles over so she’s right beside his belly, slipping both hands up and over the sweat slick skin and palpates, eyes fixed on the mans face. It seems caught between pain and pleasure.

“Ha- aaaahhh! I can feel 'em!” he arches his back, moving his hips and struggling to reach around his mountainous gut for his cock.

“Tell me what you need, do you need me to touch you?” she asks, eyes meeting his as she leans her cheek against his belly.

He nods frantically, propping himself up on his elbows, gaping like a fish when she grasps his still hard cock and squeezes the base.

“Unnhh… huh coming… coming ooooouuut!” he groans, tossing his head back and straining.

Taylor can feel a bulge meeting the ring of her fingers, slowly working it’s way up his length. She loosens her grip but follows the bulge until it breaches the tip, stretching open the already slightly dilated hole at the end of his cock.

Staring, utterly fascinated, she feels his abdominal muscles compact around his load and another bugle appears, traveling up just as the first pops out with a small gush of fluid. She pats his belly and tells him to keep pushing.

His answer is a groan and a quiver of his spread legs.

“Help, please help, just help push them u-up, please?” he simpers and she looks back up at him.

“Oh, you’re not tired are you? You only have one out? There must be dozens in here,” she shakes his belly and his eyes roll back in his head.

“Yes, buut I neeed-!” another squelching pop cuts him off and he sighs.

“Okay, I’ll help,” she takes pity on him and drops a hand to his dick, right below the next bulge and begins pumping the space between his base and the lump traveling up and out.

She keeps one palm on his gut, pressing and kneading as her hand works around his engorged shaft, the head ruddy and dripping. There is a small pile of glistening, orange-yellow fruit between his legs and the more he strains and pushes the bigger it gets, emptying his insides.

Then his hips begin to flex, pushing the deflating paunch of his gut perfectly upright and he stutters around his breath before a few strong spurts of cum shoot out onto the sheets followed by an astounding rush of fruit, one right after the other.

He seems utterly spent, eyes closed and hands reaching up to massage his tummy, as he hums in over stimulation.

The man nods off with hands still glued to his middle and that’s when she hears soft footsteps behind her.

Looking over her shoulder, she finds Alex standing stiff as a board a few feet away from her bed.

She thinks he might keel over at first, given the look on his face, until she glances down and notices the bulge in his jeans.

“I really don’t want to make you anymore uncomfortable than you seem but I’d really like to get fucked while I’m this big, and I don’t think Mr. Apricot over here will be up for that anytime soon, so if you wouldn’t mind…?” she leaves the rest to him, pushing and sliding herself back over to her bed, barely crawling back up on to sit on the edge.

She is tired, a bit hungry, but more than anything, she wants release.

She’s spent every second since she opened her eyes this morning trying to push away just how good the fullness felt, how exquisite it made her feel to move with the swaying of her womb and after watching the man writhe through his labor, she’s dripping onto the floor with want.

But most of all, she can’t get over the way carrying something, growing something, within her makes her feel content.

She splays a hand on her belly and caresses it, spreading her thighs and scraping her nails up and down the curve she can’t imagine looking down and not seeing.

Alex moves quick, striding toward her with purpose and coming to stand in front of her before kneeling down between her open thighs.

“You look beautiful, all round like this,” he whispers, reaching out to lay his large hands over hers, smoothing over the fine skin “all big with something I made, that I grew,”

“Well, technically, I’m growing it,” she chuckles, belly jiggling with the sound.

“Still… I see a lot of people come in here like this,” he squeezes her orb, making the contents slosh back and forth, making her gasp and roll her hips “but not all of them take to it like you.”

Alex leans in and presses soft kisses all over her, up and down, nipping at her belly button. Her muscles twitch and a deep gurgle echoes from within her, pulsing outward and sending her insides bubbling in a round of growth that steals her breath.

“I can’t, can’t get any bigger,” Taylor moans, gripping onto Alex’s shoulders, the drum tight skin on her belly turning bright with spikes of pain.

“It’s okay, this should be the last one,” he assures her and continues rubbing, pushing her hands down to her sides and kneading into the ball of her gut with strong fingers.

He keeps going, massaging and pressing as her insides bloat with the growing watermelons, the oblong shapes of them light outlines on her tense stomach. It outright aches now and her core clenches, dripping.

“Please, now, I need you inside me now,” she sobs, and he nods, hands reaching down to undo his pants.

“Try to turn around, this belly is beautiful but I can’t fuck you like you want unless it’s from the back.”

Taylor nods and slips forward until she can drop down, that’s where Alex helps her turn. Tugging the tangle of sheets away and making her moan at the brush of cloth over her sensitive bump.

Once on her knees, overlarge belly hanging down as she braces her hands on the bed, she whines and pushes herself back to grind against Alex’s hard length. It feels long, with nice girth and her mouth waters.

He slides in without missing a beat, and the added fullness makes her walls flutter and she begs him to fuck her, calling out his name when he slams up inside over and over. She’s so wet it squelches obscenely and nothing matters except the bounce of her pregnant belly and his cock inside her.

His hands grip her hips but then they move up to the sides of her belly, pulling on the already tight skin sends her over the edge and she chokes on her scream, grinding back as hard as she can, begging Alex not to stop.

He doesn’t, he slows his hammering pace but works her through her climax with deep thrusts that she can feel in her throat. But most of all she can feel the fruit inside her battering her womb, pushing her to her limits and then Alex grabs onto her pregnant orb and uses it to pull her back onto him while still thrusting as deep as he can.

It’s bliss.

“Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, make me bigger, fill me up,” she whines, burying her face into the bed as her belly begins to contract, a band of steel tightening around it, pushing the giant orbs inside her downwards.

“One more, one more and then you can start pushing,” Alex murmurs into the back of her neck and she nods.

“Yes, yes, f-fuck me into labor, I’m ready, cum inside me and make me bigger before I push it all out, then fuck me again, fuck me full!”

Her belly drags on the floor with each thrust, belly button tugging back and forth in twisting pleasure that topples her off the edge again, a scream rending itself from her open mouth, followed by a guttural groan when she feels warmth pulse up inside her,

Alex’s cum slipping around her insides as she bears down.

Now her groans turn feral, tinged with pain.

“Push, I’ve g-gotta push aaaahhh!” she wails, everything inside her dropping suddenly.

“Okay, I’ve got you, just push,” Alex tells her calmly, slipping out of her and steadying her hips, pushing her legs apart and rubbing the curve of her belly where it hangs.

Taylor bites her lip at the pressure in her pelvis, enough of her brain still buzzing from her orgasm to soften the edges.

“Don’t worry about being loud, just let it out, breathe,” Alex coaches her, rocking with her as she bears the pain until something hard and very heavy drops into her canal.

“NOW! Now! I have to-,” she grunts, pushing with the contraction, opening her legs and letting her belly rest on the ground.

This goes on for a few more contractions, the burning of her hole as it stretches around the object and the frustrating cries when it slips back inside of her, her belly heaving as it hardens and bounces with the rocking of her body as she sways through the pain.

“I can see it, keep going, push!” Alex urges her on the next round, his long fingers meeting around the top of her belly and his front pressing against her back as he helps her bring the first one down.

Taylor screams through the agony of being stretched, one hand reaching down to grip Alex’s, until relief comes in the release of pressure.

“Good girl! It’s out, the first one is out,” Alex presses a kiss to her temple and she hums, fingers tightening around his, trying to match his breathing.

“I have to-ugh, can I lean back, I need to lean back,” she pants and pushes away from the bed.

Alex lets her, sitting back on his feet and bringing her to rest against him as she squats, legs spread wide to accommodate her tensing belly, which he hooks his hands under and lifts up.

“Oooh, that feels good, don’t stop,” Taylor grips his forearms and brings her chin to her chest, preparing for the next watermelon she can feel bulging down through her opening.

She tries not to hold her breath when Alex tells her to breathe and relaxes back into him in-between contractions where he feels her belly for the placement of the melons.

Two and three come out with a struggle that leaves Taylor’s voice raw and hoarse, tears blotting her face, what feels like hours of pain condensing into her hips and belly and back. Until the fourth and final melon shifts into place and she does nothing more than whimper through the ring of fire that delivers the last melon.

She goes limp, Alex’s arms laying her against him and soothing her with praise.

“Next time,” she croaks, then tries again “next time I want pumpkins.”
